Reformed Islam

Greg Jennings

New member
So your answer is for America to do nothing in fear of terrorism. Good plan! :doh:

Nope. My suggestion is to let Russia, France, and the Middle Eastern militaries take the lead so that the anti-US sentiment will die off. Russia alone is more than capable of handling this, and it looks like Putin is all for it.

You seem to think we can correct mistakes created by past invasions by invading more. That's like trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it


New member
Nope. My suggestion is to let Russia, France, and the Middle Eastern militaries take the lead so that the anti-US sentiment will die off. Russia alone is more than capable of handling this, and it looks like Putin is all for it.

You seem to think we can correct mistakes created by past invasions by invading more. That's like trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it

There has always been anti-US sentiment in the middle east, and it is not going away, no matter what America does.

Greg Jennings

New member
There has always been anti-US sentiment in the middle east, and it is not going away, no matter what America does.

So you think there was anti-US sentiment in the 50s? How about a citation?

I agree it will be hard to remove this sentiment, but if we try to stay out of their territory for a couple decades then there will be drastic improvement

Greg Jennings

New member
Ever read the bible? You've read Satan's bible called the koran.
Read both. And some other religious texts as well. Studied Christianity, Islam, and Greek religion at university

Where were you on Sept 11? The jihadist didn't represent a country but they represented an entire RELIGION AND REGION!
At a school-sponsored field trip.
How can you say that the terrorists of 9/11 represent all of Islam or all of Middle-easterners? That's ridiculous and you know it

Muslim's can stay where they're the desert. I don't want them here and neither do most people. Why would we want people here who don't agree with anything American?
Many people are fearful of terrorists sneaking in with immigrants, and that's a valid concern. What isn't valid is this idea that the immigrants won't conform to our society's laws. Even if they refused, they wouldn't have a choice. They'd either comply with our laws or get thrown in jail before being deported


New member
So you think there was anti-US sentiment in the 50s? How about a citation?

I agree it will be hard to remove this sentiment, but if we try to stay out of their territory for a couple decades then there will be drastic improvement

Quote: "Nonetheless, during the Cold War it became popular to portray U.S. policy as anti-Arab -- despite the evidence to the contrary. Such rhetoric became a convenient way for radical regimes to establish their own legitimacy and to brand their moderate opponents as Western puppets."

Greg Jennings

New member
Peaceful Muslims ARE NOT true Muslims. The jihadist are true Muslims because Islam started by the sword and has never STOPPED converting by the sword. The jihadist represent the true aspects of Islam.

Ban Islam from the U.S.A!

Is there a point conversing with you? Or do you just hate Muslims so much that you can't think straight? Because I've already corrected you on this stuff

Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Are you a bad Christian for wanting to attack Muslims instead of turning the other cheek?

Greg Jennings

New member


New member
Muslim Terrorist are still sending out terrorist, so it has been a ongoing problem. You talk and reason more like a Muslim than a Christian.

Your rebuttal again made no sense. Assuming I am the only person on the planet who isn't aware they are sending out more terrorists.

I talk and reason like a unbias person. I'm not Muslim or Christian. I am not of any religion. I guess it's unbelievable that a person of the west would say that the US is out for money.

Greg Jennings

New member
I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam.
You do realize that Muslims are Islamic, right?

You need to STOP misquoting me.
I never said I was quoting you. I drew conclusions from your rhetoric. Conclusions that you continue to back up
I never said I hate Muslims. I never said I want to attack Muslims the way they do others. But I have no problem taking the guns out of the closet if I ever lose a son or daughter or grandchild to a Muslim.

Maybe a refresher of the last month would help.

Muslim women are treated as second-class citizens in Islam.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) says hundreds of women were killed in so-called honor killings in the country last year. In its annual report, the HRCP said 913 girls and women, including 99 minors, were killed in 2012.

The report said 604 were killed after being accused of having
illicit relations with men.

Around 191 were reported slain for marrying their own choice of husbands and going against their families' wishes. Honor killings are illegal in Pakistan, but such killings are still carried out in remote tribal areas. The number of honor killings in Pakistan usually ranges between 600 and 900 each year.

In Kolkata India on December 7 another killing in the name of "honor" and there has been a surge in such attacks over the past several months.

Nilofar Bibi, 22, was only 14 years old when she left home in an arranged marriage. Alleging torture carried out by her in-laws, Bibi returned to her parents on November 28, but vanished days later.

Her brother, Mehtab Alam, 29, had discovered his sister was living with an old boyfriend, Firoz, an auto-rickshaw driver. Alam stormed into the home and dragged Bibi onto the street in broad daylight.

Passers-by looked on in horror as he cut off Bibi's head while saying "she had sinned and had to be punished".

Alam left his sister's body in a pool of blood on the road, and calmly walked to the police station, her head in hand, to surrender himself. The siblings' family expressed support for Alam, saying they were proud he upheld their honor.
And I've already stated that Islamic culture treats women horribly and that Islamic terrorists are almost entirely responsible for all terrorism since 2000.

You don't (or perhaps can't?) grasp that maybe a few million out of a religion of over 1 billion acts and believes as you say ALL of Islam does. You can't say I didn't try to show you