Rediscovering Faith , faithing , and the Salvation process .


Fact 11

Here are some examples of Scripture , first using the exact definition of the mistranslated word believe , then using the exact definition of pisteuo .

Mark 16:16 with mistranslated word .
" He that ( believes ) and is baptized shall be saved ."

With exact definition of the mistranslated word believe .
" He that ( holds a good opinion of me without the necessary relationship ) and is baptized shall be saved ."

Mark 16:16 with correct translation of the Greek word pisteuo .
" He that ( faithes ) and is baptized shall be saved ."

With exact definition of the Greek word pisteuo .
" He that ( personally surrenders their lives to Him and lives a life inspired by such surrender ) and is baptized shall be saved ."

John 3:36 with the mistranslated word ( believe ).
" He that ( believes ) on the Son has everlasting life ."

With exact definition of the mistranslated word ( believes ) .
" He that ( holds a good opinion without the necessary relationship ) with the Son has everlasting life ."

With the correct translated word .
"He that ( faithes ) on the Son has everlasting life "

With the exact definition of the Greek word pisteuo .
" He that (personally surrenders their lives to Him and lives a life inspired by such surrender ) on the Son has everlasting life ."

Pisteuo is used 248 times in the NT . I could give the same example to the remaining 246 , but hopefully I have made the point .

Any questions on facts 10 and 11 ?


These first 11 facts I've presented is to try and show what the true meaning of pisteuo is . From here on , I'll be showing how pisteuo must be applied correctly in the Salvation journey or process .

So before I begin that part of this understanding , I want to make sure we are on the same page , at least regarding our state of being at the very beginning of our walk .

Rom. 8:9 tells us if we do not have the Spirit of Christ in us , we are none of His . If the Spirit of Christ is not ours , then Christ is not ours . If Christ is not ours , then His Word is not ours . If His word is not ours , then the promises in God's Word are not ours yet either .

So , this means that when we " first begin " the Salvation journey , the Spirit of Christ , Christ , His Word , and His promises , are not ours to claim yet . The only thing that has happened , is the Father has drawn or called us to Christ . Nobody comes to Christ unless the Father draws them .

This is where I will start tomorrow . We are being drawn or called out by the Father . He is awaiting a response .


I've broken down the Salvation process or journey into 5 phases . I'm not saying there are phases , I'm just using phases to show the states of being that must happen , and happen in the correct order . I also refer to specific parts of this process as " gates " in which I'm also not saying there are gates , but just using the word for indentification of an important state of the process .

Now that the stage has been set with the correct understanding of pisteuo or faithing , the application of Faith , we can now look at the first phase of the process .

Phase 1 of 5

Phase 1 , the world or field .

A) Christ bought the entire field to get the treasure out of it . Jn 3:16
B) at this phase we are being drawn or called out by the Father . Jn -6:44
C) we are being called to be saints here . Rom. 1:7
D) the world is the field , some are called out from this field and some are not .
E) the beginning of the perfecting process starts here .
F) we are not sealed with the Spirit of Christ yet . Rom 8:9 , not His yet .
G) No prayer or worship Is acceptable by God here yet .
H) a turn happens here , a turn from us to Him. Repentance .
I) at this beginning stage , the Spirit of Christ , Christ , His Word , and the promises there in are not ours yet .
J) God is awaiting our first act of pisteuo here , the first time we surrender our lives to Him and begin living a life inspired by such surrender .

Any questions ?
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Phase 2 of 5 . Gate 1 or the first surrender .

Phase 2
A) the first act of pisteuo happens here .
B) a genuine surrendering of our lives and will are offered here , with daily decisions that support the surrendered life .
C) here ,the first act of pisteuo ,( faithing ) is deemed genuine , or not genuine by God .
D) No Spirit of Christ or saving Faith yet at this point .
E) prayer and worship are not able to be accepted by God at this point . Rom 8:9 , not His yet .
F) alternative paths are formed here , to attempt to go over or around this gate , without making the mandatory act of Pisteuo , with no avail . .
G) If , God deems this first act of fulfilling pisteuo as genuine , we are moved forward into phase 3 . If He does not deem the first surrender genuine , we remain at the first stage with the ability to try again as long as the Father continues to draw us to Christ .

Any questions ?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
One last point for fact 10 .

I can't find a word in the Greek for our word " believe " .............

More of his deception is exposed, as there is no such thing as "the Greek." All the poser does is spam jazz he read on other websites, from other frauds like himself.


Phase 3 of 5

Phase 3 or parable of the sower .
A) Christ Himself is the seed .
B) the called out ones are the soil .
C) this phase is a proving or testing ground .
D) what is being tested ? The surrendered life .
E) decisions are made here that prove if we really have turned our life and will over to God or not . Are decisions being made here that show we stand on the fact our lives are God's now , or still our own ?
F) 3 of the 4 soils here will fail .
G ) for one soil , Christ is starting to be formed in its heart by faithing . ( Pisteuo )
H) for that one soil , a grafting process begins to take place .
I) at this point , still no Spirit of Christ yet . So prayer and worship are not acceptable yet either .
J) God's paradoxical truths start to form here .
K) only one of the four soils will move onto phase four .

Any questions ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Phase 2 of 5 . Gate 1 or the first surrender .

Phase 2
A) the first act of pisteuo happens here .
B) a genuine surrendering of our lives and will are offered here , with daily decisions that support the surrendered life .
C) here ,the first act of pisteuo ,( faithing ) is deemed genuine , or not genuine by God .
D) No Spirit of Christ or saving Faith yet at this point .
E) prayer and worship are not able to be accepted by God at this point . Rom 8:9 , not His yet .
F) alternative paths are formed here , to attempt to go over or around this gate , without making the mandatory act of Pisteuo , with no avail . .
G) If , God deems this first act of fulfilling pisteuo as genuine , we are moved forward into phase 3 . If He does not deem the first surrender genuine , we remain at the first stage with the ability to try again as long as the Father continues to draw us to Christ .

Any questions ?

C,D,and E sound like you're trying to take it upon yourself, to KNOW the mind of God? That's pretty presumptuous of you, don't you think?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You make 'FAITH' seem like an obstacle course. It seems to me that you have CREATED some sort of 'Christian board game.' Do you honestly believe that God has an UNBELIEVER go through all of these different loops and hurdles to get to 'REAL' faith?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It appears as if you cannot even answer a few simple questions about your thoughts? Could it be that you're allowing your anger towards 'Old GM' to stymie your answering abilities? Nah, that would be immature and overly emotional of you, right?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you have the Spirit of Christ , you also have the mind of Christ .

I've lived on planet earth for nearly 68 years, have read the entire Bible, (cover to cover, word for word and continue to do so) and have heard copious amounts of Sermons, etc, and have NEVER come across what you have suggested here in this thread. So, did you imagine this stuff or are you merely the messenger chosen to spread these ideas?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I perceive that you are able to post your theories, however when it comes to answering questions about your theories, you kind of go silent?


How did you come up with this 'THEORY?' On your own or did someone else create this scenario?

This is my understanding of Faith , faithing , and the Salvation journey . I put this together primarily because after 25 years of thinking about all these detailed facts and how they have to be in the right order , it was to much to keep in my head . So I put it all on paper , and it gave me more opportunities to add to it .

This understanding comes from doing exactly what I'm presenting for 33 years . And , having a gifted Bible teacher put in my path very early in the journey . I've never known anyone that teaches what I've presented or accepted what I'm presenting .

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This is my understanding of Faith , faithing , and the Salvation journey . I put this together primarily because after 25 years of thinking about all these detailed facts and how they have to be in the right order , it was to much to keep in my head . So I put it all on paper , and it gave me more opportunities to add to it .

This understanding comes from doing exactly what I'm presenting for 33 years. And , having a gifted Bible teacher put in my path very early in the journey . I've never known anyone that teaches what I've presented or accepted what I'm presenting .

Then you admit that you imagined these theories, right? Who is the Bible teacher that helped you out during your 30-year journey?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Would you testify to these theories while trying to spread the Gospel to an unbeliever? Do you have that much 'faith' in your findings?