Rediscovering Faith , faithing , and the Salvation process .


Phase 4 of 5

Phase 4 , gate 2 or accepted surrendered life .

A) here is the point where our continually surrendered life has been tested and accepted by Christ .
B)the Spirit of Christ has been sealed into us , making us a temple of the Holy Spirit .
C) for the first time , He is in us and we are in Him .
D) a Spiritual awakening happens here .
E) Gods nature begins to flow .
F) the kind of giving that can't be imitated begins .
G) saving Faith or saving pisteuo has begun .
H) prayer and worship are acceptable now .
I) praying without ceasing starts here .
J) the mind of Christ and His presence start to take hold .
K) a called out one , can only go through this gate one time .

Any questions about phase 4 ?

Phase 5 of 5

Phase 5 the product .

A) here God is producing " faithers " , that are continually responding with saving Faith .
B) here , a precondition has been met .
C) here a continual state of faithing or pisteuo will consume us .
D) this is not a destination .
E) we are continually being perfected here .
F) we should expect , the nature of Christ and His Word to continuously flow through us .
G) here ,we are His and He is ours . We are in a state , where it is harder to get out of His will , than it is to stay in it .
H) here , Rom. 7:14-21 is in effect . We have been separated from our sinful natures , by Grace through pisteuo .

Note : if pisteuo is being fulfilled or practiced in relationship to God , with the expectation of something in return , that disqualifies the surrendered life . A true surrender , means you belong to the one your surrending your life and will too . If I surrender with the expectation of getting something in return , that isn't true surrender , that is a business deal or somekind of vending machine process .

And , a half measure avails nothing .

Any questions on phases 1 through 5 ?

Clete , now maybe you can see why I couldn't grant your request to state this in one Post .

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This 'poster' has created a thread where he is trying his best to convince his fellow posters that his 'theories, speculations, and imaginings' are trustworthy and without question, reliable and cannot be questioned. His presentations are presented, in such a way that one can assume he's doing it to 'feed an immense ego.' In other words, he and he alone is privy to truth that no one else can possibly have knowledge of.


I've broken down the Salvation process or journey into 5 phases . I'm not saying there are phases , I'm just using phases to show the states of being that must happen , and happen in the correct order . I also refer to specific parts of this process as " gates " in which I'm also not saying there are gates , but just using the word for indentification of an important state of the process .

Now that the stage has been set with the correct understanding of pisteuo or faithing , the application of Faith , we can now look at the first phase of the process .

Phase 1 of 5

Phase 1 , the world or field .

A) Christ bought the entire field to get the treasure out of it . Jn 3:16
B) at this phase we are being drawn or called out by the Father . Jn -6:44
C) we are being called to be saints here . Rom. 1:7
D) the world is the field , some are called out from this field and some are not .
E) the beginning of the perfecting process starts here .
F) we are not sealed with the Spirit of Christ yet . Rom 8:9 , not His yet .
G) No prayer or worship Is acceptable by God here yet .
H) a turn happens here , a turn from us to Him. Repentance .
I) at this beginning stage , the Spirit of Christ , Christ , His Word , and the promises there in are not ours yet .
J) God is awaiting our first act of pisteuo here , the first time we surrender our lives to Him and begin living a life inspired by such surrender .

Any questions ?



Phase 2 of 5 . Gate 1 or the first surrender .

Phase 2
A) the first act of pisteuo happens here .
B) a genuine surrendering of our lives and will are offered here , with daily decisions that support the surrendered life .
C) here ,the first act of pisteuo ,( faithing ) is deemed genuine , or not genuine by God .
D) No Spirit of Christ or saving Faith yet at this point .
E) prayer and worship are not able to be accepted by God at this point . Rom 8:9 , not His yet .
F) alternative paths are formed here , to attempt to go over or around this gate , without making the mandatory act of Pisteuo , with no avail . .
G) If , God deems this first act of fulfilling pisteuo as genuine , we are moved forward into phase 3 . If He does not deem the first surrender genuine , we remain at the first stage with the ability to try again as long as the Father continues to draw us to Christ .

Any questions ?



Phase 3 of 5

Phase 3 or parable of the sower .
A) Christ Himself is the seed .
B) the called out ones are the soil .
C) this phase is a proving or testing ground .
D) what is being tested ? The surrendered life .
E) decisions are made here that prove if we really have turned our life and will over to God or not . Are decisions being made here that show we stand on the fact our lives are God's now , or still our own ?
F) 3 of the 4 soils here will fail .
G ) for one soil , Christ is starting to be formed in its heart by faithing . ( Pisteuo )
H) for that one soil , a grafting process begins to take place .
I) at this point , still no Spirit of Christ yet . So prayer and worship are not acceptable yet either .
J) God's paradoxical truths start to form here .
K) only one of the four soils will move onto phase four .

Any questions ?



Phase 4 of 5

Phase 4 , gate 2 or accepted surrendered life .

A) here is the point where our continually surrendered life has been tested and accepted by Christ .
B)the Spirit of Christ has been sealed into us , making us a temple of the Holy Spirit .
C) for the first time , He is in us and we are in Him .
D) a Spiritual awakening happens here .
E) Gods nature begins to flow .
F) the kind of giving that can't be imitated begins .
G) saving Faith or saving pisteuo has begun .
H) prayer and worship are acceptable now .
I) praying without ceasing starts here .
J) the mind of Christ and His presence start to take hold .
K) a called out one , can only go through this gate one time .

Any questions about phase 4 ?



Phase 5 of 5

Phase 5 the product .

A) here God is producing " faithers " , that are continually responding with saving Faith .
B) here , a precondition has been met .
C) here a continual state of faithing or pisteuo will consume us .
D) this is not a destination .
E) we are continually being perfected here .
F) we should expect , the nature of Christ and His Word to continuously flow through us .
G) here ,we are His and He is ours . We are in a state , where it is harder to get out of His will , than it is to stay in it .
H) here , Rom. 7:14-21 is in effect . We have been separated from our sinful natures , by Grace through pisteuo .

Note : if pisteuo is being fulfilled or practiced in relationship to God , with the expectation of something in return , that disqualifies the surrendered life . A true surrender , means you belong to the one your surrending your life and will too . If I surrender with the expectation of getting something in return , that isn't true surrender , that is a business deal or somekind of vending machine process .

And , a half measure avails nothing .

Any questions on phases 1 through 5 ?

Clete , now maybe you can see why I couldn't grant your request to state this in one Post .

Bumped for clete and AMR .

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Bumped for...AMR .
I will not respond to these disjointed snippets. It is just not good stewardship of the time God has granted me for these things.

Write it all up in a single document, TOL Blog, or post (with liberal use of spoiler tags to reduce its visual length on a web page), such that a person can evaluate your complete argument.

You are expecting persons to interact with an outline, not an actual substantive rendering of your position. That won't do.



I will not respond to these disjointed snippets. It is just not good stewardship of the time God has granted me for these things.

Write it all up in a single document, TOL Blog, or post (with liberal use of spoiler tags to reduce its visual length on a web page), such that a person can evaluate your complete argument.

You are expecting persons to interact with an outline, not an actual substantive rendering of your position. That won't do.


My intention wasn't to get a response from you , the truth takes that option off the table . My intention is to just attempt to make sure you have been exposed to the truth . You must choose to either reject or accept it , then faithe accordingly . I did the best I could for you and the others here . I'll keep an eye out for any questions in the next few days , then leave you all alone . If pisteuo isn't fulfilled like I've presented , discussing anything else concerning the Spirit of Christ , Christ , His Word , or the promises there in , is well , as you stated , not a good stewardship of the time God has granted me .

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
My intention wasn't to get a response from you , the truth takes that option off the table . My intention is to just attempt to make sure you have been exposed to the truth . You must choose to either reject or accept it , then faithe accordingly . I did the best I could for you and the others here . I'll keep an eye out for any questions in the next few days , then leave you all alone . If pisteuo isn't fulfilled like I've presented , discussing anything else concerning the Spirit of Christ , Christ , His Word , or the promises there in , is well , as you stated , not a good stewardship of the time God has granted me .

You SURELY think highly of yourself. No doubt, you are your number one FAN. You act as if you've 'uncovered' a 'truth' that, only YOU are privy to. Why not write a book and bypass the 'Forum Circuit?'


If anyone is truly interested in how we got so far away from this truth , it can be summed up very simply .

The short answer , we see God and the Salvation process from " Z " to " A " , " Z " being what we want first . ( The Holy Spirit ) . While God sees the Salvation process from " A " to. " Z " , " A " being what God wants first . ( Pisteuo or the surrendered life )


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Phase 5 of 5

Phase 5 the product .

A) here God is producing " faithers " , that are continually responding with saving Faith .
B) here , a precondition has been met .
C) here a continual state of faithing or pisteuo will consume us .
D) this is not a destination .
E) we are continually being perfected here .
F) we should expect , the nature of Christ and His Word to continuously flow through us .
G) here ,we are His and He is ours . We are in a state , where it is harder to get out of His will , than it is to stay in it .
H) here , Rom. 7:14-21 is in effect . We have been separated from our sinful natures , by Grace through pisteuo .

Note : if pisteuo is being fulfilled or practiced in relationship to God , with the expectation of something in return , that disqualifies the surrendered life . A true surrender , means you belong to the one your surrending your life and will too . If I surrender with the expectation of getting something in return , that isn't true surrender , that is a business deal or somekind of vending machine process .

And , a half measure avails nothing .

Any questions on phases 1 through 5 ?

Clete , now maybe you can see why I couldn't grant your request to state this in one Post .

You can bump your own post a million times and if you don't quote one of my posts, I'm likely to never see it. That's likely a result of the way I use the site (i.e. not your fault). The point being, I wasn't trying to ignore you.

Your logic is rather difficult to follow because you think you've discovered something that requires the invention of new words.

I reject that notion completely out of hand - period.

There is no chance - exactly zero chance - that you are more familiar with the Greek language than every Christian that has translated the Bible into English in the last 400 years.

Further, all you're preaching is what amounts to rather normal Christian doctrine. This "surrendered life" idea is not new nor is it at all uncommon. It's just a different spin on the same sort of legalism that is preached in every Church of Christ that you've ever driven past.

And, I agree totally with AMR, you have got to find a way to just make the argument. This dry heaving of disconnected single sentence propositions is painfully boring and impossible to care anything about.

Just make the argument for crying out loud!
