Reconciliation is not Salvation

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Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I were you. You don't know me. I was a devout Catholic for 35 years and yes I believed in the literal interpretation of the bible too. And why are we so worried about me and my character and what I'm doing? Why not put that energy and effort into finding your own truth instead of investing in somebody else's? Do humanity a favor please and quit judging.
Catholics do not believe in the literal interpretation of the bible nossir

So you changed from Catholicism to what you now are.....john w was RC but he got saved, I was RC but I got saved...THAT is what YOU need, to get saved.

Totton Linnet

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Oh I've read the bible many many times, believe me. The harder I searched for answers the further away I got from the truth. The truth resides inside us as the infinite and eternal. The bible points to this but we are too busy to notice the infinite stillness and silence of God. God dwells in timelessness yet we are encouraged to wait for something to happen or to try to fix the past. God is right here and now in this very moment and nowhere else.

oh you are Hindoo


New member
I saw those exact words on "Oprah" today! You dig Dr. Phil, and Dr. Laura?

Face it. You are rationalizing and distracting yourself from facing your soul. When you get brave enough, turn your attention inward and notice how the rationalizations and beliefs act to bolster your illusion of separation from what is infinite and eternal. There is great fear around becoming one with what it infinite and eternal. Notice how the personality hardens its heart. It turns its back because it's too proud to be wrong about its beliefs. Being wrong would expose it to being vulnerable and weak which would be bad. It keeps biting the forbidden fruit. This brings it unconscious pleasure. It's attached and addicted to the comfort, security, and foundation of its familiar self. There's nothing wrong with this except when we take it to be all of who we are. Consider what we get in exchange: an identity ruled by fear, lack, deficiency and the avoidance of feeling wrong, bad or weak.

No one wants to give up what they've invested in their identity. We work hard and long to become what we've made ourselves to be. No one wants to even take the chance of losing any of this. We would rather have the personality, no matter how crazy, rather than roll the dice and possibly get what we take to be nothing. This is an error in judgment. We've judged this nothingness to be worthless when it's just the opposite. We judge our experience with the infinite and eternal part of us as bad because it seems like non-existence when it's the reverse. We can develop our capacity to become aware of our oneness with infinity and eternity but it doesn't happen overnight. Most don't think they can handle it long enough for the soul to show us its power. We don't feel we are good enough partly because no one taught us that we ARE good enough. And no one has taken the time to show us what tools are available.

In the meantime we hold on for dear life to who we think we are even though we know it's a cheap substitute for the real thing. We need to have compassion for ourselves. Watch the personality as it reaches for short-lived pleasures such as a feeling of accomplishment when reaching an ideal self; trying to be like Jesus for example. It depends on reaching such ideals and adhering to a set of rules to feel good enough. When it fails, its sense of self-worth takes a hit and we think it's normal. The belief that we can add or take away from our self-worth affects not only our behavior but the people around us. We tend to unconsciously compensate through attacking and calling other people names, bullying drivers on the road, cigarettes, religion, beer, etc. This snowballs out of control without our noticing where we went wrong. God gave us a piece of himself in the form of the soul for a reason. Notice the soul is UNCONDITIONAL because it is one with God. We need to put these misunderstandings to bed and claim our true self. We need to turn and face our souls.


TOL Subscriber
I am on topic. You don't have to like it.
You don't believe that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them even though that is what saith the scripture (2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV) and you reject that one must trust the Lord believing the event of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV to be saved. You came in here telling spiritual lies as you spiritualize. You have not been on topic. You're just another :troll:
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