Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

But first and foremost you have know what you are talking about. There must be a foundation upon which you build for understanding, what the issues are and what is at stake if there is none. Like I said, you are all over the map and need to come to grips with regards to your spiritual understanding..

Perhaps a Calvinist other than AMR can explain how, if (as AMR avers) we are born guilty of sin and are unable to not sin - then if (as AMR also avers) some of these are left in such a condition (ie reprobated) - how can it be said that such folk have any option whatsoever to extricate themselves from their apparent inevitable fate? And how can it be argued that God isn't discriminatory?

Remember, it's averred that they are born like it, will continue like it and are left like it.
And they have no say in it.

Cross Reference, Sonnet,

The foundation is simple. The Agustine/Calvinist Doctrine of Reprobation leads people to believe in an inequality of God's Love. (Favoritism, so to speak). This is the heart of the negativity. That is the dragon's heart, so to speak, that we are pursuing. Do you agree?

Love is the highest principle of God. Do you agree with this?

Don't jump all over me. We are all here because we Love God. Please bear with me and know, I'm not out to get anyone. I'm not here to pull any stunts. I just want to glorify Jesus, to the glory of the Father and gratitude to the Holy Spirit of Love, in Christ.

I'm going somewhere with this, but if I go too fast, or say too much, you seem to miss my point. Thus, this is a one or two question at a time process. I will lead somewhere strong, I promise.

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New member
Cross Reference, Sonnet,

The foundation is simple. The Agustine/Calvinist Doctrine of Reprobation leads people to believe in an inequality of God's Love. (Favoritism, so to speak). This is the heart of the negativity. That is the dragon's heart, so to speak, that we are pursuing. Do you agree?


Love is the highest principle of God. Do you agree with this?

Indeed - God showed his love - dying for the ungodly.

Don't jump all over me. We are all here because we Love God. Please bear with me and know, I'm not out to get anyone. I'm not here to pull any stunts. I just want to glorify Jesus, to the glory of the Father and gratitude to the Holy Spirit of Love, in Christ.


I'm going somewhere with this, but if I go too fast, or say too much, you seem to miss my point. Thus, this is a one or two question at a time process. I will lead somewhere strong, I promise.

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Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Cross Reference, Sonnet,

The foundation is simple. The Agustine/Calvinist Doctrine of Reprobation leads people to believe in an inequality of God's Love. (Favoritism, so to speak). This is the heart of the negativity. That is the dragon's heart, so to speak, that we are pursuing. Do you agree?

Love is the highest principle of God. Do you agree with this?

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Indeed - God showed his love - dying for the ungodly.



Excellent, [emoji846]

So could we officially say that this doctrine is actually smearing the Character of God?

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New member
I dont know what you talking about !

It sounds as if you propose that God created people for no other purpose than to do wrong. Why would God be wrathful at someone for doing wrong if they are doing exactly what they were designed (and have no other option) to do?

If I write a computer program and I purposely divide by zero at one point to make the program crash, I do not become wrathful at it when it crashes. If I did that would be taken as a sign of insanity. But perhaps my analogy is flawed. I could purchase a car and then blow it up for special effects, or as a warning for people not to mess with me because I'll blow up their cars too. But within the Calvinist model, the "elect" are saved whether they want to be or not, and nothing they can do can change that. So there is no need for "vessels of wrath" to serve as a warning or to make his power known.

The only way that "vessels of wrath" have any meaning or purpose is if people can learn by seeing their example. And that learning is completely unnecessary within the Calvinist model (at least as I understand it.) For a God that did not want to destroy Nineveh, that would open his arms and accept Jerusalem but they would not, who is willing that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth, who stands in that last Great day and calls for all to come to him that thirst, it doesn't seem like an uncaring Creator. If he has declared some to serve as "vessels of wrath" there must be a reason and a purpose.

It is probably obvious by now that I am not of Calvinist persuasion, but hopefully I have explained my question.


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

I've always considered such as smearing the Character of God.

So this is our irrefutable anchor point and foundation.

Entire passages of scripture build a forensic pattern of the Character of God. Do you agree?

Wouldn't we be chasing our tails if we go into doctrines about mankind and 1 verse rebuttals?

Shouldn't we now shift to the citing of entire passages of scripture, in full context, that reveal God to be a God of Love, that Loves all humanity equally?

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Well-known member

It sounds as if you propose that God created people for no other purpose than to do wrong.

Yes My God did. He created some people as vessels of wrath and fits them for destruction Rom 9

Prov 16:4

The Lord hath made all things for himself:
yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.


New member
So this is our irrefutable anchor point and foundation.

Entire passages of scripture build a forensic pattern of the Character of God. Do you agree?

Wouldn't we be chasing our tails if we go into doctrines about mankind and 1 verse rebuttals?

Shouldn't we now shift to the citing of entire passages of scripture, in full context, that reveal God to be a God of Love, that Loves all humanity equally?

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

Indeed, but we may need to deal with the various troubling OT scriptures.


New member

Yes My God did. He created some people as vessels of wrath and fits them for destruction Rom 9

Prov 16:4

The Lord hath made all things for himself:
yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

If you had an explicit verse that had God predetermining that they would be evil then you'd have a point (and also you'd have millions turning away in disgust) - but you haven't.


We both don't believe in the John Calvin Gospel - that's what it says.
you don't believe in the biblical source Calvin uses.

you dont want us to believe at all.



New member
you don't believe in the biblical source Calvin uses.
Are we born guilty of sin and unable to not sin - and are some of these left in such a condition (ie reprobated)?

How can it be said that such folk have any option whatsoever to extricate themselves from their apparent inevitable fate? And how can it be argued that God isn't discriminatory?

Cross Reference

New member
Cross Reference, Sonnet,

The foundation is simple. The Agustine/Calvinist Doctrine of Reprobation leads people to believe in an inequality of God's Love. (Favoritism, so to speak). This is the heart of the negativity. That is the dragon's heart, so to speak, that we are pursuing. Do you agree?

Consider they both got it wrong by lack of insight into what Paul wrote in Romans 1:28. I.e., man starts out with conscience-ness of right and wrong no less exampled for us by Jesus Christ that he is without excuse:

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."Isaiah 7:14-15 (KJV)

Hence, "reprobation" is something God, for His reasons, decrees and NOT something man is born with.

Love is the highest principle of God. Do you agree with this?

More. He is LOVE. So are you prepared explain LOVE to me or perhaps the, "ways of LOVE"?
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Cross Reference

New member
Are we born guilty of sin and unable to not sin - and are some of these left in such a condition (ie reprobated)?

How can it be said that such folk have any option whatsoever to extricate themselves from their apparent inevitable fate? And how can it be argued that God isn't discriminatory?

Indeed! We know God will have a people unto Him. He is looking for them. How else can He have them if He does not choose them? How eles can he select them unless selection is from man having a freewill to order up his own life pleasing the God . . that he live with the hope??