Real Science Radio: The Search for Noah's Ark


New member
Then with your assertion, Satan didn’t breath Air, and he didn’t!!
I'm sorry, but I don't understand this point.
You, or somebody stated the amount of creatures including the (( Insects )) was too many, or something like that. ---- There could not have been ( ANY ) Death on the Ark; none at all! – Look at Moses in the Wilderness; - none died, and none got sick, and even their shoes weren’t worn out; And God fed them.
Flies, bees, cats, mice; nothing died. - Even though a house fly only lives a couple days. -- What went in the Ark, came out, or how could GOD be so blind to put flies in there, and what did the maggots eat, or were there a single maggot?? – ( NO )!! There was No need. --- God fed them just as He has ( ALWAYS ) Done, and they all lived, and none died!!
And yet Genesis tells us that God required Noah to take on board the Ark all food required to feed the livestock:

'6:21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.'
God just said what He said; - believe it ( Or Not )!!

Paul – 071913
Second- and third-hand accounts of what God is alleged to have said are not evidence that God said anything. The Iliad and The Odyssey tell us of many things that the Greek gods said and did, after all. Is this evidence that they actually said and did all these things?


New member
Logic dictates that the Creator can rework His designs as He sees fit, as necessary.

Spectacular, resorting to logic to explain a book and a religion that has no need for logic. given what we know now, how logical is less than 10K year old universe? Creation of all in a week? A world wide flood only several thousand years ago and the resulting explosion of animal and plant life since then. The birth of a god-man to a virgin, his subsequent miraculous doings and his resurrection.

To paraphrase Alan Iverson "Logic, you're talking about logic?" Sorry, want to employ logic you should do it for everything.


New member
I wasn't aware that whatever you cared to assert amounted to 'the Word of God'. Can you show me where God said that the animals on the legendary Ark had 'no need of but very little food, and the animals may have been very, very young'?

If You can't SEE it already, You won't SEE it if I show it to YOU again!!! -- ( 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV )!!! -- God (( Said It ))!!!

Paul -- 072013


New member
I'm sorry, but I don't understand this point. --

Satan couldn't breath air!!! God never breathed into Satan, the Breath of Life!! God did breath into Adam the Breath of Life, but NOT Satan!!! - All you have to do is JUST Read it; - it's ALL There in the Scriptures!!! -- That is if your not Blind to such ah LIGHT!!!

Paul -- 072013


New member
Satan couldn't breath air!!! God never breathed into Satan, the Breath of Life!! God did breath into Adam the Breath of Life, but NOT Satan!!! - All you have to do is JUST Read it; - it's ALL There in the Scriptures!!! -- That is if your not Blind to such ah LIGHT!!!

Paul -- 072013
So what does this have to do with the animals on (or not on) the Ark?


New member
Right, thanks. My bad. However, there seem to be multiple categorisations of creatures that were doomed to extinction, of which those with 'nostrils' were but one sub-group. Immediately after telling us that these were to be wiped out, it goes on to extend this, as your quotation shows:

'...all that was on the dry land, died.

23 So He destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground: both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird.'

There doesn't seem to be any exclusion for insects provided for there.

All very well and fine, but this would require adding to the biblical story and, if insects can survive on floating vegetation mats, so can smaller mammals and birds, which contradicts 'God's Word' that tells us all these were wiped out other than the lucky few aboard the floating menagerie.

Well, you're telling the wrong person. I'm only explaining what some creationists believe.


New member
If You can't SEE it already, You won't SEE it if I show it to YOU again!!! -- ( 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV )!!! -- God (( Said It ))!!!

Paul -- 072013

Are you alleging that God has personally told you these bits about the ark story that are not mentioned anywhere in the bible?


New member
Are you alleging that God has personally told you these bits about the ark story that are not mentioned anywhere in the bible?

(( “And He shall ( Guide you ) into (( ALL Truth” ))!!! – You either believe what God has said, or YOU Don’t!! – It’s ALL in the Scriptures; -- all you have to do is Read it!!! – That’s All I do, and yet you say you have read the Book, and you have not; -- at least not enough to see the Truth that is IN It!! - The Truth that in the Word of God is Christ / the Word Fulfilled!!! The word “Christ” means, the “Fulfilled”, and that is Jesus the Christ / The Anointed Word of God / Christ; Anointed by the Holy GHOST; - Not just a “Spirit”!!! --- Now What???

Paul – 072013


New member
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as telling you. I was just putting the points out there for what they were worth for discussion.

There is no discussion on stuff God did not say, just you alls guessing and false questioning!! Lies cannot be answered, and you all know that!!! Foolishness, and Lies can only be confronted with the same nonsense that you all leave to comment on!!! Give me something Scriptural and I'll tell you what the Answer is, but not something that is a LIE, or false doctrine!!!

Paul -- 072013


New member
(( “And He shall ( Guide you ) into (( ALL Truth” ))!!! – You either believe what God has said, or YOU Don’t!! – It’s ALL in the Scriptures; -- all you have to do is Read it!!! – That’s All I do, and yet you say you have read the Book, and you have not; -- at least not enough to see the Truth that is IN It!! - The Truth that in the Word of God is Christ / the Word Fulfilled!!! The word “Christ” means, the “Fulfilled”, and that is Jesus the Christ / The Anointed Word of God / Christ; Anointed by the Holy GHOST; - Not just a “Spirit”!!! --- Now What???

Paul – 072013

And yet you could not produce a verse that supports your claim that the animals on the ark were, very young' and only needed a little food...the verse you cited made no mention of any of this.


New member
And yet you could not produce a verse that supports your claim that the animals on the ark were, very young' and only needed a little food...the verse you cited made no mention of any of this.

Let me Show you something about the beginning of Salvation, - as the Ark WAS!!!
( 1 Corinthians 3:2 KJV ) – 2- “(( I have fed you with milk )) , and (( not with meat )): (( for hitherto ye were not able to bear it )), ( neither yet now are ye able )”. ---///--- Now is that the beginning of Salvation as a Child, or are you in the Ark of Christ as a man to start with??? – Now What??? -- Was God not able to feed the Creatures with LIFE??? – Read the Book!!!

Paul – 072013


New member
Let me Show you something about the beginning of Salvation, - as the Ark WAS!!!
( 1 Corinthians 3:2 KJV ) – 2- “(( I have fed you with milk )) , and (( not with meat )): (( for hitherto ye were not able to bear it )), ( neither yet now are ye able )”. ---///--- Now is that the beginning of Salvation as a Child, or are you in the Ark of Christ as a man to start with??? – Now What??? -- Was God not able to feed the Creatures with LIFE??? – Read the Book!!!

Paul – 072013

This verse has absolutely nothing to do with the ark or the animals on it, it's talking about spiritual maturity of the followers of Christ. If I had known that you were going to argue entirely in non-sequiturs grandeur pickle we banana therefore.


New member
This verse has absolutely nothing to do with the ark or the animals on it, it's talking about spiritual maturity of the followers of Christ. If I had known that you were going to argue entirely in non-sequiturs grandeur pickle we banana therefore.

What you just said has (( Nothing to do with anything ))!!! - You just denied God, and what He said about the ( Beginning ) of any (( Salvation ))!! -There has been Many, and God fed them all as Children, So deny it, I don't CARE!!!

Paul -- 072013


New member
What you just said has (( Nothing to do with anything ))!!! - You just denied God, and what He said about the ( Beginning ) of any (( Salvation ))!! -There has been Many, and God fed them all as Children, So deny it, I don't CARE!!!

Paul -- 072013

Are you high? No one said anything about salvation, or denying God. We were talking about Noah's ark, but you seem to be having your own conversation.


New member
Are you high? No one said anything about salvation, or denying God. We were talking about Noah's ark, but you seem to be having your own conversation.

((( Of Course I am )))!!!

((( WHAT )))???

Noah’s Flood is about the Salvation of the Earth ( ALSO )!!!. God Washed the Sins away in the Flood!!
--- ((( 1 Peter 3:20-21 KJV ))) – 20- “Which sometime were disobedient, when once the (( longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah )), (( while the ark was a preparing )), ((( wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved ))) by water.
21 ((((( The like figure ))))) ((( whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us )))”. ---- ( Now What do you HAVE???

Paul – 072013


New member
There is no discussion on stuff God did not say, just you alls guessing and false questioning!! Lies cannot be answered, and you all know that!!! Foolishness, and Lies can only be confronted with the same nonsense that you all leave to comment on!!! Give me something Scriptural and I'll tell you what the Answer is, but not something that is a LIE, or false doctrine!!!

Paul -- 072013
You have made a series of unsupported assertions and claims, it is your responsibility to support them. So far you have failed to do so, either with 'scripture' or anything else. Multiple exclamation points and randomly inserted brackets do not constitute support.


New member
You have made a series of unsupported assertions and claims, it is your responsibility to support them. So far you have failed to do so, either with 'scripture' or anything else. Multiple exclamation points and randomly inserted brackets do not constitute support.

WELL, - I See you have ( Nothing of God ) to say about any of my answering of your stuff; -- if you have nothing; - I’ll just wait until you do!!!!

Your nonsense can’t be answered because it’s not of the Truth; - but just from your own Bowels, you SPIT!! -- Even most Fools can SEE you're being Foolish, or they would support YOU!!! But who is supporting you in your foolishness??? - Even you stand alone among Fools!!! - (( And Look where you're standing ))!!!

Paul – 072113


New member
WELL, - I See you have ( Nothing of God ) to say about any of my answering of your stuff; -- if you have nothing; - I’ll just wait until you do!!!!

Your nonsense can’t be answered because it’s not of the Truth; - but just from your own Bowels, you SPIT!! -- Even most Fools can SEE you're being Foolish, or they would support YOU!!! But who is supporting you in your foolishness??? - Even you stand alone among Fools!!! - (( And Look where you're standing ))!!!

Paul – 072113
What? You claimed that the menagerie aboard the Ark had 'no need of but very little food, and the animals may have been very, very young', but despite several requests you have quite failed to support this. Instead, all we get is this bloviating nonsense.


New member
Your nonsense can’t be answered because it’s not of the Truth; -

What a cop out answer!

It must be difficult to rationalise the world when you take myths, that had been told for centuries or millennia before the bible writers picked it up, as literal truths.

No wonder you don't want to properly answer questions.