Public shaming of drug addicts - Do you think its a deterant to drug use?

Public shaming of drug addicts - Do you think its a deterant to drug use?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • no, please state why in thread

    Votes: 13 68.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Hall of Fame
strange that you'd mention it at all angel :idunno:

Why is it strange, you usually bow out way before now and say yourself that the library is closing. So i thought it odd that being a sunday night where things usually close earlier, that it doesnt seem to be.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i get tardlyartie's bizarre fascination with the fact that I often post from the libray (because he's a retard)

and i get acw's weird fascination with it (because he's an obsessive troll)

kinda odd coming from you :idunno:

Eh, you're the last person to call anyone an obsessive troll given your track record of bans on here. Or retarded for that matter.

What an idiot.


New member
Did He say unto her "I shame you also" or "Women, where are your accusers now...neither do I condem you; go, and sin no more..."

Fact is, addiction issues are often made worse by the paralyzing fear of possible being shamed and or by being shamed.

The emotional pain so great that the person is simply no longer able to look at themselves other than when an emotional cost so much greater than said pain has become the price.

As Bradshaw so well put it - the shame that binds.

We're often talking about a soul not unlike, say, a dog in one of those animal rescue centers so emotionally destroyed that it takes quite some time to first begin to somehow help it build its sense of emotional well-being to where it is even ready to begin to deal with others and or its reality once more.

Think of the Lord. How He would go and hang with those basicallt spit on by the rest, His very heart "to seek they who were lost..."

These issues are not as easy to evaluate from within what basically amounts to the vacuum of one's own "well, if it were me..."

These issues are no different than when our young men and women come home from a war so emotionally changed by it that they end up with great difficulties ahead - even when that is the last thing they'd wanted or would want for themselves and or their loved ones.

Crucible is right - one ought to walk in another's shoes on this.

At the same time, he is being a huge, huge hypocrite. He continually denigrates women who's shoes he has not walked in.

You...ought to be ashamed of yourself,'re being a hypocrite through and through.

To your...loss.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Did He say unto her "I shame you also" or "Women, where are your accusers now...neither do I condem you; go, and sin no more..."

Fact is, addiction issues are often made worse by the paralyzing fear of possible being shamed and or by being shamed.

The emotional pain so great that the person is simply no longer able to look at themselves other than when an emotional cost so much greater than said pain has become the price.

As Bradshaw so well put it - the shame that binds.

We're often talking about a soul not unlike, say, a dog in one of those animal rescue centers so emotionally destroyed that it takes quite some time to first begin to somehow help it build its sense of emotional well-being to where it is even ready to begin to deal with others and or its reality once more.

Think of the Lord. How He would go and hang with those basicallt spit on by the rest, His very heart "to seek they who were lost..."

These issues are not as easy to evaluate from within what basically amounts to the vacuum of one's own "well, if it were me..."

These issues are no different than when our young men and women come home from a war so emotionally changed by it that they end up with great difficulties ahead - even when that is the last thing they'd wanted or would want for themselves and or their loved ones.

Crucible is right - one ought to walk in another's shoes on this.

At the same time, he is being a huge, huge hypocrite. He continually denigrates women who's shoes he has not walked in.

You...ought to be ashamed of yourself,'re being a hypocrite through and through.

To your...loss.


and from the bolded, one might consider that we are raising a generation of children/young adults in an environment of violence and perversion - it's no wonder that they are struggling to survive

when i see a pic like that mom with the needle in her arm, i'm looking at a woman trying to commit suicide

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You do know a load of people become addicted because of the nature of opiates who are given to them as prescriptions at first right?


if drug laws were harsh and enforced, they would not be able to find an illicit source to feed their addiction

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Since that is what you think should happen, why does posting their pics publically in the midst of their "crime" bother you? You seem to be flip flopping on this issue.

not at all

public executions to act as a deterrent

much more effective than public shaming

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Public shaming does too,

not sure that it does

i think it lets society feel like it's accomplishing something

and not as many people die.

singapore has harsh drug laws, and they don't execute many drug smugglers/sellers/users

they know to stay away

Why are you concerned about her committing suicide when you would kill her anyway through execution?

her committing suicide does no good for society

executing her publicly for drug use would


Though I more or less agree with you on this one, at the same time; I'm not surprised the issue you take (with the proposed solutions of some) revolves around you.

Yours is very typical of the "addict."

You may have been been helped by a rehab addiction program in some critical way in the area of external substance abuse but obviously, you still have major addiction issues you have yet to deal with.

Perhaps out of not knowing how...being that theory and how to do not often meet.

External drug abuse is nothing more than an internal "drug" abuse issue eventually leading to an addiction to an external one.

Emotions are chemical. Emotions allowed to dominate beyond any norm are a form of drug abuse.

Yours is ever obvious.

You still need help.

Just about your every post is ever one negative over-reaction or another to someone.

Allow this post to shame you; for what little good that often proves to be, thus, my agreement with you on your above.

Or allow it to challenge you to reflect on the fact that you have some serious hostility issues you have yet to apply the Cross of Christ to, that could liberate you to the joy in Him that is every Believer's.

I hope for you, that you choose the latter of these two...

That you choose to walk in the reality of the fact that...

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

The best towards you, as to this...

Your entire post is gibberish.


Spoken like the addict you obviously still are. My condolences to the loss of your conscience.

I am no 'addict', and you are no 'Christian'.

"Allow this post to shame you"
.. :AMR:

All you've done is so your ugly character in that you would actually say that to someone who is an addict. You're on a one way trip to Hell with that atrocious mentality.