protecting the child


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Hall of Fame
statistics show that 99.9% of homeless people are heroin addicts



New member
Hall of Fame
I sincerely doubt those stats res. I personally knew many women who ended up homeless because of domestic abuse where they were locked out of money and help by their demented husbands to try to force them to stay with them.

Don't think their kids were drug addicts either. I used to volunteer at head start which many woman used so they would work and have a safe place for their kids while they were being helped to get on their feet.


New member
protecting the child

we can all agree that this is a worthy goal
protecting those who cannot protect themselves

the child is our future
the state understands that
the state should do whatever it can to protect the child

what can the state do to protect the child?

The state needs to outlaw abortion

ever thought of this:

What if ALL women aborted their children... With "freedom to choose" to kill your child, t here is NO reason not to ask this question b/c while improbable that all women would, it is NOT impossible..

the state has an interest in protecting human life

If everyone wwere aborted there would be no state.. the state should make it illegal for tht reason alone
