protecting the child


"we pay what we sow"????,,,you on one thread,I.e."weaning depression meds.",,,go on and on and on about how you were raised malnourished,neglected ect.ect.,,,,and we show you tent cities in the u.s. and you "dig in your nose and flip boogers at us????",,,,wow meshak we pitied you on your thread,,,,and "WE PAY WHAT WE SO"???????

I did my best, I did not live luxuriously all my life, even in the US. I don't get medical help much because it is hard to make appointment. And I don't complain.

Those people seems to be middle class citizens. I know middle class are way above poverty. It is rich scale in my standard.

American problem caused by selfish life style.


Well-known member
I did my best, I did not live luxuriously all my life, even in the US. I don't get medical help much because it is hard to make appointment. And I don't complain.

Those people seems to be middle class citizens. I know middle class are way above poverty. It is rich scale in my standard.

American problem caused by selfish life style.

well,,,,I guess some did have store bought tents instead of homemade ones,,,glad you pointed out they were a middle class tent city,,,,,,,


Hall of Fame
I think it is time to do something about our standard of living and help those who cannot provide themselves.

It is time to use everyone's money, tax, to pay the consequences.

I don't mind a paying a small tax that goes towards those who elderly, disabled or currently having a hard time getting on their feet.

Social security and Medicare for the elderly and disabled, as well as housing assistance and affordable medical. The main issue is weeding out those who are truly doing their best as compared to those are just too lazy to support themselves. There are legitimate cases as well as those who take advantage.


well,,,,I guess some did have store bought tents instead of homemade ones,,,glad you pointed out they were a middle class tent city,,,,,,,

Stop whining when you are in trouble. there is always cause for our problems.

I offered how I got help when I was in trouble in my threads. Jesus is the solution to all our problems.

Jesus teaches us to live humbly and warn about wealthy people.
Most of us who are living in the west are wealthy comparing to the poverty stricken countries.

Now don't complain about the tax to help the needy.


Well-known member
Stop whining when you are in trouble. there is always cause for our problems.

I offered how I got help when I was in trouble in my threads. Jesus is the solution to all our problems.

Jesus teaches us to live humbly and warn about wealthy people.
Most of us who are living in the west are wealthy comparing to the poverty stricken countries.

Now don't complain about the tax to help the needy.

I'm not the one talking to you about (taxes,Rusha is),,,,,,"DID YOU TAKE YOUR MEDS TODAY?",,,,


NO MESHAK,,,,there was a beggar standing at the gate at Jerusalem,,meshak walked past him and said "you pay what you sow",,and others stopped to help,,,,

didn't I just say to help the poor?

Why do you twist around and making me look fool?

You need to learn to be honest, friend.

BTW, my family has been pitching in for the disaster time and annual correction for disaster time..

If we are living luxuriously, we cannot help others in need.

Stop false witnessing.


What do you think people do or don't need?
I think you can figure out if you are living beyond necessity. We know the world's situation. We have excellent media to know what is going on in the world.

If we have disaster like tent city, we should raise tax to help them. It is not so hard thing to do.


You defined wealthy as having things you dont need.

Explain how you need that hat.

All I am suggesting is to raise the tax for the people who got disaster stricken. I have to pay the tax too, do you know that?

why are you so hostile?