protecting the child


New member
Hall of Fame
Define wealthy.

Why cant you answer the question according to your own definition of wealthy?

Could you buy a meal for someone for what your hat that you dont need cost?

I mean you are who claimed that wealthy is having things we dont need.

Do you need a tv or a computer, a gym membership, since you brag about going to the gym... etcc

Im using YOUR definition.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
protecting the child

we can all agree that this is a worthy goal
protecting those who cannot protect themselves

the child is our future
the state understands that
the state should do whatever it can to protect the child

what can the state do to protect the child?

Passing laws, where the government takes all parental responsibility away form parents, only serves to encourage adults to remain to a perpetual state of adolescence!


Hall of Fame
what does this have to do with raising the tax for the needy?

Isn't US supposed to be Christian country?

You would deny a homeless man a whopper just to keep your hat? Please say it isn't so.


Keep acting like you didnt define that wealthy means having things you dont need.

Tell us why you need your hat, tv and gym membership.

this nothing but hateful comment.

good day.

I am done.

I have said my piece. You have easy solution but you are not willing to do it.

so sad.


New member
Hall of Fame
this nothing but hateful comment.

good day.

I am done.

I have said my piece. You have easy solution but you are not willing to do it.

so sad.

Sad and hateful is that you want to tell other people what they need to be doing when you don't practice what you preach pharisee.

Sell that hat, your computer and end your gym membership, paid for by the US Government military and stop receiving payment from warmongers that you claim are wrong.

Then, and ONLY then will i believe a thing you claim is truth.

PS, i cant afford a gym membership, so you are wealthier than i, yet you wont help your neighbor.


Hall of Fame
this nothing but hateful comment.

good day.

I am done.

I have said my piece. You have easy solution but you are not willing to do it.

so sad.

And with that, some homeless guy on a street corner weeps ... no hat. No whopper.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Riches signifie avoir un revenu annuel plus de deux cent mille, ou d'accéder à deux millions de dollars, USA.

Wealthy may mean being able to own a 60" LED TV?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sad and hateful is that you want to tell other people what they need to be doing when you don't practice what you preach pharisee.

Sell that hat, your computer and end your gym membership, paid for by the US Government military and stop receiving payment from warmongers that you claim are wrong.

Then, and ONLY then will i believe a thing you claim is truth.


protecting the child

we can all agree that this is a worthy goal
protecting those who cannot protect themselves

the child is our future
the state understands that
the state should do whatever it can to protect the child

what can the state do to protect the child?

follow God's laws and stop encouraging perversion?


...the child is our future
the state understands that
the state should do whatever it can to protect the child

what can the state do to protect the child?

Bringing back laws (and thus cultural mores') that discourage adultery, cohabitation and no-fault divorce would be an excellent start, as they all have had a devastating effect on the nucleus of our society: the traditional family.


If you sold it on Ebay, you could buy a homeless guy a Whopper. With cheese even.

Give a heroin addict a Whooper and he'll cuss you out because it wasn't money for drugs.

Give the heroin addict a job at BK and teach him how to cook a Whooper and he'll spread various diseases that drug addicts have to others.

The moral of the story?

Let her keep her hat.


New member
Hall of Fame
Give a heroin addict a Whooper and he'll cuss you out because it wasn't money for drugs.

Give the heroin addict a job at BK and teach him how to cook a Whooper and he'll spread various diseases that drug addicts have to others.

The moral of the story?

Let her keep her hat.

You think all homeless people are heroin addicts?