Predictions: What will Ted Cruz say?

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Greatest poster ever
"LYIN Trump" also said in a town hall with Anderson Cooper that he would not blindly support the Republican nominee regardless of the pledge.

He was the smart one in that regard. The other dolts claimed that they would support Trump or any other creep just so long as they won the nomination. Now some of those dolts are eating their words.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"LYIN Trump" also said in a town hall with Anderson Cooper that he would not blindly support the Republican nominee regardless of the pledge..........
Well, we'll never know now will we. But we DO know that Cruz broke his word. Morons like you live in the woulda' coulda' world, and I live in the world of reality. Cruz lied and broke his word, period. He is a worthless scum loser and liar, period.


Ted Cruz said earlier in the campaign that he would endorse Trump if Trump won the nomination. The only reason Cruz chose to go back on that pledge is because Trump dissed Cruz's wife and claimed that Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald several months before the Kennedy assassination. If Trump had not said these things, Cruz would have endorsed him as he said he would.

Cruz's endorsement of Trump (had Trump not been so sleazy and made all kinds of stories up about Cruz's family) is speculation on your part.

Remember that Ted Cruz is a Republican Party outsider; Donald Trump is an outsider, but he came into the Republican Party as a longtime democrat.

Cruz doesn't want his Party (which espouses conservative values) destroyed by someone with liberal ideology, which Trump has.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
People endlessly say that they hate politicians, politicians are liars & crooks, and they wish a non-politician would run. And when one does, one who is an amazing businessman and says what the sissys are afraid to say, look how he is defamed and maligned.

Trump will be an awesome president and he will help all of your despite yourselves.

Yeah, maybe he can build a new golf course as well...

You gullible little dupe.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yeah, maybe he can build a new golf course as well...
Those that can do. Those who are jealous snivel like punks, like you.

....You gullible little dupe.
[MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION]

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I wonder how some of you function during the day.

I work with computers. I love my work, and make good money. That's why I like to mess around here sometimes. Making a pic of Arthur Brain in 60 seconds is like a pianist wiggling his fingers to keep them loose. Plus it made me laugh. So I function great.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Those that can do. Those who are jealous snivel like punks, like you.

Yeah dude, I'm jealous of the guy. I really wish I had the means to build a golf course on conserved land and ride roughshod over the residents who lived on it, what a feather in my cap that would be...

[MENTION=10403]Arthur Brain[/MENTION]

Well, if I were a Trump supporter you'd have me bang to rights...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Krauthammer: Cruz's Speech 'Was the Longest Suicide Note in US Political History'

Charles Krauthammer said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) "blew it" at the Republican National Convention with his address in which he did not endorse Donald Trump.

"What Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political history and this morning he added an addendum," said Krauthammer.

Krauthammer weighed in on America's Newsroom this morning after Cruz spoke to Texas delegates (some of them angry), doubling down on his message from last night and going even further.

Cruz explained that he is "not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father."

Krauthammer said Cruz "undid the great political, philosophical reasons he offered last night" for not endorsing Trump by making it personal.

"As of this morning, I think he's destroyed his political career right there," said Krauthammer