Predictions: What will Ted Cruz say?


New member by BEN SHAPIRO
1.Donald Trump knew Cruz’s speech text in advance.

2.Cruz told Trump two days in advance that he would not endorse him.

3.The speech itself congratulated Trump on winning the nomination, ripped Hillary Clinton, extolled freedom, and then told Americans to vote their conscience.

4.When Cruz gave the pre-approved speech clearly ripping Hillary and telling Americans to vote based on principle, Trump minions reportedly began whipping the crowd into boos. Paul Manafort reportedly “grinned and chuckled when asked by Mark Halperin if Trump aides encouraged boos of Cruz from the floor.”

5.Trump obviously knew what was coming, too, and entered the arena as Cruz concluded his speech, before Cruz was booed off the stage.

So, to summarize, Trump knew what was coming, apparently planned the boos, and planned to take advantage of the situation in order to vindictively rip open a Republican rift that hurts his own campaign, and cast Cruz as a traitor.

Then he lied about it.

And he did it all because he despises Ted Cruz, because he’s a petty man, and because he’s a stupid boor.

Here’s the amazing truth: had Trump merely instructed his fans to keep clapping throughout Cruz’s speech, it would have looked like the “suggested” endorsement that Team Trump had touted all day long. But Team Trump decided it was more important to throw Cruz out of the popular clique than to take the partial win. Cruz had to be humiliated for his failure to Kneel Before Orange Zod.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Ben Shapiro is a little weaselly punk, another Never-Trump sniveler.

Lyin' Ted is lying right now on Fox News. He's telling his delegates "I never said anything bad about Trump". That's bull, and a typical Clinton-style obfuscation. By not endorsing our nominee, he IS saying something bad about Trump. Lyin' Ted is a typical two-faced lying lawyer type.


When I think about it, you have no morals and are no Christian. And when I think about it, you trying to associate Trump with child abuse in that other thread means you have a sick twisted mind. Any man like you who drools in front of his computer for years posting about pedophiles and homosexuals is someone who needs to be forcibly placed in a psych ward.

Yes, I do talk a lot about homosexual Catholic Priests and how they'd raped innocent young boys Catfish.

Regarding the child rape allegations against Donald Trump:

This article, (which I will be posting over and over again in numerous threads and in other forums up until election day), gives strong evidence to support that Donald J. Trump, along with now convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein, raped a 13 year old girl 20 years ago.

Why the New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

If the Bill Cosby case has taught us anything, it is to not disregard rape cases against famous men.

Read article:


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Seriously? You are turning to leftist Yahoo for vindication?

Try and keep up. Yahoo said he was booed, and that is what I posted. On the live broadcast with out commentary, it didn't look like it. So that was my take. Until I read the stories and people on the floor said the booed him after his standing ovation.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yep, I saw it - he was booed off stage like a sniveling idiot - #nevercruz

Absolutely he was booed off the stage. I saw it, everyone saw it, and commentary from people who were on the floor is that there is no denying it.

Nick M, I challenge you to find one person who was actually on the convention floor that shares your viewpoint. Link please..

Jose Fly

New member
I like this tweet...

"If the point of a convention is to unify the party and reach out to broader electorate, it's been an unmitigated disaster so far."




Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Heidi Cruz had to be escorted out of the convention by security following husband Ted's speech
That's a bunch of crap. Nobody there is in any danger of anything. You post the worst sort of propaganda garbage. People like you are pathetic.

I notice you ignored this though:

One Of Hillary Clinton’s DNC Delegates Literally Tried To Murder Someone, But Media Are Silent

When will media start focusing on the Democrat gun crime epidemic?
JULY 20, 2016 By Bre Payton

A Democratic National Committee delegate pledged to Hillary Clinton tried to murder her husband with a gun on Sunday, but the national media won’t talk about it.

Deanna Vicites, a 47-year-old Hillary Clinton delegate from Pennsylvania, was charged with attempted homicide after shooting her husband in the neck with a revolver over the weekend. The two admitted to authorities they had been drinking all day, and while Deanna initially told authorities it was a mistake, the district attorney said there was no way the shooting was an accident.

Democratic Party officials said the Clinton campaign would have to find a new delegate to replace her.

Killing someone isn’t the first time Hillary Clinton delegate Deanna Vicites committed a dangerous crime. In 2002, she pleaded guilty for conspiring to commit a burglary.

But the media won’t talk about the fact that a pledged delegate for Hillary Clinton literally shot someone earlier this week. Instead, they’re obsessing over a GOP delegate who hyperbolically suggested that Clinton “should be put in a firing line and shot for treason” for her role in the death of four Americans killed in Benghazi after she ignored multiple requests for increased security in Libya.

“Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam,” said Al Baldasaro, a Trump delegate who is also a New Hampshire state representative. “She is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi. She dropped the ball on over 400 emails requesting back up security. Something’s wrong there.”

Following the Benghazi attack, Clinton lied to the families of the victims about the true motivations of the terrorists — telling them that a video spurred the attack — when her own e-mail correspondence with her daughter revealed that Clinton knew the cause to be a pre-planned attack by radical Islamic terrorists.

While serving as Secretary of State, Clinton also trafficked top secret information on an unsecured, private email server — putting the lives of U.S. human intelligence assets at risk. Her “extremely careless” behavior is arguably far worsethan actions taken by others who have actually been jailed for treason.

But the media conversation isn’t focused on Clinton or her delegates who have done bad things. After all, why focus any attention on a pledged Hillary Clinton delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention who literally tried to shoot someone in the face over the weekend when you can focus on hyperbole from a Trump delegate who didn’t shoot anyone?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
In my book that's a reason to support Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz said earlier in the campaign that he would endorse Trump if Trump won the nomination. The only reason Cruz chose to go back on that pledge is because Trump dissed Cruz's wife and claimed that Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald several months before the Kennedy assassination. If Trump had not said these things, Cruz would have endorsed him as he said he would.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ted Cruz said earlier in the campaign that he would endorse Trump if Trump won the nomination. The only reason Cruz chose to go back on that pledge is because Trump dissed Cruz's wife and claimed that Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald several months before the Kennedy assassination. If Trump had not said these things, Cruz would have endorsed him as he said he would.

Now let's test that logic:

On Monday I say: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

On Friday I say: The president lied to me and disrespected my beliefs, so I take back my pledge. Now I pledge my allegiance to Australia... ... until they make me mad, at which time I'll break that pledge too and go somewhere else.

Pretty lame.

Oh boo hoo, I got insulted in American politics, so I will break my word and hide behind my wife's skirt to do it.

Cruz is a punk and a loser. His word is as worthless as one of aCultureWarrior's ding-dong posts.


Hall of Fame
Ted Cruz said earlier in the campaign that he would endorse Trump if Trump won the nomination. The only reason Cruz chose to go back on that pledge is because Trump dissed Cruz's wife and claimed that Cruz's father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald several months before the Kennedy assassination. If Trump had not said these things, Cruz would have endorsed him as he said he would.

It's completely reasonable to expect that the other candidates will not slither so low as to attack and lie about one's family.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It's completely reasonable to expect that the other candidates will not slither so low as to attack and lie about one's family.

I agree, but Cruz was foolish to pledge to endorse Trump in the first place. He has no credibility in my book for that reason alone.


Hall of Fame
I agree, but Cruz was foolish to pledge to endorse Trump in the first place. He has no credibility in my book for that reason alone.

Insofar as the pledge, something about hindsight is 20/20. Cruz can either be loyal to the country ... or to Trump. Also, I don't believe for a minute that any of those other candidates who are supporting Trump would have done so if Trump had made such vile allegations against their family members.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Insofar as the pledge, something about hindsight is 20/20.

The whole idea of Trump running for president was a train wreck from day one. That was obvious to me, and there is no way that I would have ever pledged to endorse him. That's as much foresight as it is presentsight and hindsight, of which Cruz apparently has none.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The whole idea of Trump running for president was a train wreck from day one..........
People endlessly say that they hate politicians, politicians are liars & crooks, and they wish a non-politician would run. And when one does, one who is an amazing businessman and says what the sissys are afraid to say, look how he is defamed and maligned.

Trump will be an awesome president and he will help all of your despite yourselves.


New member
"LYIN Trump" also said in a town hall with Anderson Cooper that he would not blindly support the Republican nominee regardless of the pledge.

Cooper: do you continue to pledge whoever the Republican nominee is

Trump: no I don't anyways

Cooper: you don't?

Trump: no, will see who it is

Cooper: you won't promise to support the Republican nominee?

trump: shakes his head no, refers to Cruz's comments "he was essentially saying the same thing"


Hall of Fame
The whole idea of Trump running for president was a train wreck from day one. That was obvious to me, and there is no way that I would have ever pledged to endorse him. That's as much foresight as it is presentsight and hindsight, of which Cruz apparently has none.

How are those who are endorsing Trump via their votes showing anymore hindsight, present sight or foresight than Cruz? And yes, it IS a trainwreck heading towards the US should he be elected.