Philly Erupts

Just wait until Trump wins the election in 6 days.

You ain't seen nothing yet :banana:

Were that the case, moving forward, and at least one historian survives that isn't a homo, can you imagine the record? It would be like Josephus, on steroids. Tomorrow's textbook:

At this point in the 21st century, it remained in mankind's imaginings of worst fear the prospect of a nuclear holocaust. Little did anybody realize a phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome would result in a proportionate disaster, force half a population into a state of psychotic breakdown, to where they began to eat their own babies in all the major cities, for a paralyzing fear their children would grow up in a world where their genitals were relevant. On the other hand, thinking came to fore that survival in a population was not, of itself, a primal concern for society anymore, rather the quality of survival, and, in the natural course of things, a growing population arose that became resigned to, even finding merit, in the concept that cannibalism, in population centers, was serving a greater good. There was neither any question, at this time, why the Democrats ceased to garner enough votes to elect a Precinct Committeeman in Compton, California.

The economy also began to flourish, as small arms manufacturing facilities became the primary driver of industry, but this most ironically, as the leftist criminal demographic all but vanished, the chief economist at Goldman Sachs commenting on this paradox, "There's nobody left to shoot, yet Beretta Holding remains a DOW leader, and this despite being an Italian corporation." Then again, there was some consensus the raging popularity of the full auto, home perimeter booby trap, popular to this day, perhaps contributed much to the GDP.

Likewise, the claims of a pending global warming disaster began to fade, as people less and less bought into the argument that, at least, they need to start pretending they are under water or are sweating a lot more, that a pretense of fear is not only patriotic, but would be required to revive the movement. Attempts to relabel junk science as second tier scientific fact likewise failed, to the chagrin of the remaining handful of homosexual academics, on the West Coast of the United States. Liberal reality finally had set in that even the sea levels, which failed to rise any more than usual, had conspired against liberalism for decades, even millennia. This then led to another phenomenon, claims of racist wave breakers and White Water Derangement Syndrome, which we will cover in the next chapter.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Were that the case, moving forward, and at least one historian survives that isn't a homo, can you imagine the record? It would be like Josephus, on steroids. Tomorrow's textbook:

At this point in the 21st century, it remained in mankind's imaginings of worst fear the prospect of a nuclear holocaust. Little did anybody realize a phenomenon known as Trump Derangement Syndrome would result in a proportionate disaster, force half a population into a state of psychotic breakdown, to where they began to eat their own babies in all the major cities, for a paralyzing fear their children would grow up in a world where their genitals were relevant. On the other hand, thinking came to fore that survival in a population was not, of itself, a primal concern for society anymore, rather the quality of survival, and, in the natural course of things, a growing population arose that became resigned to, even finding merit, in the concept that cannibalism, in population centers, was serving a greater good. There was neither any question, at this time, why the Democrats ceased to garner enough votes to elect a Precinct Committeeman in Compton, California.

The economy also began to flourish, as small arms manufacturing facilities became the primary driver of industry, but this most ironically, as the leftist criminal demographic all but vanished, the chief economist at Goldman Sachs commenting on this paradox, "There's nobody left to shoot, yet Beretta Holding remains a DOW leader, and this despite being an Italian corporation." Then again, there was some consensus the raging popularity of the full auto, home perimeter booby trap, popular to this day, perhaps contributed much to the GDP.

Likewise, the claims of a pending global warming disaster began to fade, as people less and less bought into the argument that, at least, they need to start pretending they are under water or are sweating a lot more, that a pretense of fear is not only patriotic, but would be required to revive the movement. Attempts to relabel junk science as second tier scientific fact likewise failed, to the chagrin of the remaining handful of homosexual academics, on the West Coast of the United States. Liberal reality finally had set in that even the sea levels, which failed to rise any more than usual, had conspired against liberalism for decades, even millennia. This then led to another phenomenon, claims of racist wave breakers and White Water Derangement Syndrome, which we will cover in the next chapter.




Well-known member
He posted the video so he could put up his racist 'take' on it, so other racists could agree with his 'take' on it, and so he could call a retard anyone who challenges the police tactics or his 'take' on them. He's tolerated here to the extent that if it wasn't for his omnipresence (he's often posted over 100 times in a day) the forum would've already died, and because the mods think how he thinks when it comes to members here who aren't from the Christian far right wing.

Doser is why so few folks come here, in my opinion.
I continue because I am used to it, although I could never join a debate about Jesus or his mission, I go to another forum for debates/discussions about the gospels.

Question: You really think doser is a Christian?


like marbles on glass
Doser is why so few folks come here, in my opinion.
I continue because I am used to it, although I could never join a debate about Jesus or his mission, I go to another forum for debates/discussions about the gospels.

Question: You really think doser is a Christian?

There are a lot of reasons, really, but I'm sure he's one of them. He doesn't do substantive conversations, and I wouldn't talk to him about faith for a million bucks. I don't want his kind of faith. Some years ago when I said TOL was a microcosm and what I'd seen here of Christianity from so many (not all, there are/were some good people here) had totally repulsed me, a well-meaning friend of mine insisted that TOL was an aberration, that most Christians weren't like the ones I saw so many of here. That was pre-Trump, pre-MAGA. Somehow I don't think he'd make that same argument today. TOL evangelicals are what MAGA evangelicals are.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... I wouldn't talk to him about faith ...

If anybody here thought that you were serious about faith, serious about God, they would engage you. I would engage you. But you're not serious. Your purpose here is to be disruptive and mocking of the people and their beliefs, who are the core people here. You and so many of your cohort. You have earned the derision you receive. You and your kind have rejected the Good News, now you receive the curse, the symbolic shaking off of dust from our sandals.


like marbles on glass
If anybody here thought that you were serious about faith, serious about God, they would engage you.

I've had serious conversations with other people here. You don't know about them because they were private.

I would engage you.

Never would you, nor would I seek it. You're not capable, you're not sincere, you're here to troll and to entertain yourself. You're cruel, you're callous, you're shallow and vacuous. I've watched you delight in the thought of others here burning in hell, you laughed at their discomfort, you tormented them from thread to thread.

But you're not serious. Your purpose here is to be disruptive and mocking of the people and their beliefs, who are the core people here. [You and so many of your cohort. You have earned the derision you receive.
You know well when I came I was a conservative and a practicing Catholic. The politics was fine until it wasn't, but plenty of your cohort had no problem telling me I'd burn in hell and was a child of the devil because I was Catholic. "Truthsmacking" was encouraged, mocking was encouraged, until Knight came to regret his part in setting that tone. That's your modus operandi, but you don't like it much when it's turned on you, do you?

the symbolic shaking off of dust from our sandals.

If only you would shake the dust. But you don't, you follow me from thread to thread, post to post. You don't shake the dust, you roll around in it.


Hall of Fame
Doser is why so few folks come here, in my opinion.

You would be correct.

I continue because I am used to it, although I could never join a debate about Jesus or his mission, I go to another forum for debates/discussions about the gospels.

I continue here because I enjoy the interaction with some of the members and I am a lifetime member. Insofar as a discussion of my recent acceptance of Christ, it is something I only discuss privately with trusted individuals and friends.

Question: You really think doser is a Christian?



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...plenty of your cohort had no problem telling me I'd burn in hell and was a child of the devil because I was Catholic...
I've seen no such thing at TOL oh wait no I have seen that.

To be fair that's totally normal for Noncatholic Christians, i r l and all other social media. They kind of have to be like that because otherwise they don't have a strong reason not to be Catholic themselves.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've seen no such thing at TOL oh wait no I have seen that.

To be fair that's totally normal for Noncatholic Christians, i r l and all other social media. They kind of have to be like that because otherwise they don't have a strong reason not to be Catholic themselves.

It's not a stance I take, usually. Plenty of Catholics here that I enjoy or have enjoyed - chrys, trad, zippy.