Philly Erupts


Well-known member
Would that cooler heads would always prevail, but even trained and experienced police officers might not be able to conceptually zoom out in that moment, in the middle of a high-stress situation, when the stress is being caused by a hostile adult wielding a dangerous knife.

I think that doser once posted a video of Brit Police surrounding a crazed man wielding a knife, and as he lunged from one to another cop they jumped back, but still surrounded him. This went on for a long time, or maybe the video 'rotated'....... I'm sure it was doser who put it up, laughing at Brit cops.

Now if only........


Well-known member
Would that cooler heads would always prevail, but even trained and experienced police officers might not be able to conceptually zoom out in that moment, in the middle of a high-stress situation, when the stress is being caused by a hostile adult wielding a dangerous knife.

Here you are.... I think doser posted up this video, thinking how funny Brit cops are.
They're not funny, they just wait to diffuse situations if possible..... don't pump bullets into anybody.
The Cops could handle him alright...... and he lived.

11 British police officers versus one guy with a knife - YouTube › watch
11 British cops can't handle one guy with a knife. ...
20 Apr 2017 · Uploaded by setecastronomyinc
UK Police Take Down Knife Wielding Man. What Would ...

And our press think that it's shocking when a police officer uses a tazer. › video › news › video-1186351
Shocking moment Met Police taser a knife-wielding man in Hackney as ... 'The guy looks like Borat' Cops ...
24 May 2015

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think that doser once posted a video of Brit Police surrounding a crazed man wielding a knife, and as he lunged from one to another cop they jumped back, but still surrounded him. This went on for a long time, or maybe the video 'rotated'....... I'm sure it was doser who put it up, laughing at Brit cops.

Now if only........

I don't remember posting that or seeing it :idunno:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
My take on what was visible in the video - the position of the cops, the movement of the perp, the knife and the proximity of the surrounding people is that they were waiting to have a clear line of sight with a clear background behind him in order to drop him and protect all of the other people who were at risk of getting attacked by him and hurt.

Bottom line? Nobody got hurt but the armed perp.
He was absolutely able-bodied and acting hostile and wielding a dangerous knife. No self-respecting person has to tolerate such savagery. Cops included. Open and shut case, shooting justified.

Could he have been tazed instead? Subdued or disabled some other way? Sure. He also could have not been acting hostile wielding a dangerous knife.


Well-known member
I don't remember posting that or seeing it :idunno:
You posted something similar.

In any case, the vids available showing how Brit cops handle knife nuts are several. Our police have only shot when they have seen a bomb vest
the Philly police did not need to shoot, but they did, 14 times, hitting Mr Wallace 10 times.

And you think that is totally reasonable. It's dreadful and look what has happened now.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He was absolutely able-bodied and acting hostile and wielding a dangerous knife. No self-respecting person has to tolerate such savagery. Cops included. Open and shut case, shooting justified.

Could he have been tazed instead? Subdued or disabled some other way? Sure. He also could have not been acting hostile wielding a dangerous knife.

Did you notice the role the crowd played in this? The movement, yes, but especially the volume and frequency of verbal contribution to the chaotic situation. You see this all the time in these encounters - a background of chaos distracting to the perp, distracting to the officers.

It will be interesting to see why they didn't go to tazers first. Of course, like all of these encounters, we don't see the beginning, only the end.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the Philly police did not need to shoot ...

No, they could have walked away and let Wallace kill his family and neighbors with his knife

And you think that is totally reasonable.

actually, retard, I haven't said that at all

If you look at the OP, my interest was not in discussing the reasonableness of the officers' actions, but the lies told by those who reported it on social media, lies that fueled the riots

It's dreadful and look what has happened now.

A city full of rioters too retarded to know they had been lied to, reacting emotionally
Actually, if theft and arson are peaceful protest, why not murder and terrorism? The real problem is we're not being progressive enough. How are we ever going to move on to banning gender pronouns and normalizing bestiality and pedophilia, when we haven't even resolved that all-out mayhem against our fellow man is alright? Wait... hmm... Guess we already have, just call it war. Never mind. Carry on.

By the way, don't mean to complain, or throw a wrench in all the contention over the politics of gender and orifice confusion, but we're falling way short of scratching each others' eyes out. Could we perhaps have more YouTube clips, with some blood flow from eye sockets? Thanks!

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity... The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Actually, if theft and arson are peaceful protest, why not murder and terrorism? The real problem is we're not being progressive enough. How are we ever going to move on to banning gender pronouns and normalizing bestiality and pedophilia, when we haven't even resolved that all-out mayhem against our fellow man is alright? Wait... hmm... Guess we already have, just call it war. Never mind. Carry on.

By the way, don't mean to complain, or throw a wrench in all the contention over the politics of gender and orifice confusion, but we're falling way short of scratching each others' eyes out. Could we perhaps have more YouTube clips, with some blood flow from eye sockets? Thanks!

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity... The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Just wait until Trump wins the election in 6 days.

You ain't seen nothing yet :banana:


Well-known member
No, they could have walked away and let Wallace kill his family and neighbors with his knife

actually, retard, I haven't said that at all

If you look at the OP, my interest was not in discussing the reasonableness of the officers' actions, but the lies told by those who reported it on social media, lies that fueled the riots

A city full of rioters too retarded to know they had been lied to, reacting emotionally

Clearly you never read the news report with the video that you chose.

And you clearly showed that you agreed with the police action.

All the lies were grabbed by you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This time the video is clear, the evidence is clear and yet people are still trying to spin a different false narrative.

Absolutely amazing.

And there are enough retarded people out there to believe it, to use it as an excuse to go out and tear down their neighborhoods.

Clearly you never read the news report with the video that you chose.

And you clearly showed that you agreed with the police action.

All the lies were grabbed by you.

:mock: I-durrrr, the silly gullible tard
bizarre, isn't it?

I wonder if the intelligent people of Rome during the fall of the Roman Empire went through this sort of stuff

Most bizarre, and good question. I don't know if Emperor Romulus Augustulus was an orifice confused Democrat or not, though we can say probably.


like marbles on glass
Is he a specially favoured member?
He writes mostly anything he likes....... would be thrown off any other Christian or religion forum, I think.
I've never understood that.

He posted the video so he could put up his racist 'take' on it, so other racists could agree with his 'take' on it, and so he could call a retard anyone who challenges the police tactics or his 'take' on them. He's tolerated here to the extent that if it wasn't for his omnipresence (he's often posted over 100 times in a day) the forum would've already died, and because the mods think how he thinks when it comes to members here who aren't from the Christian far right wing.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He posted the video so he could put up his racist 'take' on it ...

Of course you'll never be able to explain why my take on it was racist. It doesn't matter to you. You gain emotional satisfaction from shrieking "he is a racist, he's a racist!" like some retarded child.


like marbles on glass
Of course you'll never be able to explain why my take on it was racist. It doesn't matter to you. You gain emotional satisfaction from shrieking "he is a racist, he's a racist!" like some retarded child.

Using "retarded negroes" in the OP ensures you can never claim a neutral 'take.'

You're a sad sack of a racist, using emotional arguments to whine that other people are emotional.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Using "retarded negroes" in the OP ...

was an apt descriptor of the behavior of the people in the video

did you watch the video?

You're a sad sack of a racist, using emotional arguments to whine that other people are emotional.

and that, as expected, is your emotional whining :chuckle:

:mock: bananahead, all projection and emotion


like marbles on glass
Yes, it was. They were negroes. Their behavior was retarded.

^^ Your racist filter.

no, thank you :)

Let me help you out here, sod.

I'm quite comfortable using emotion in an argument, I'm not constrained professionally, academically or politically from doing what most humans do: show emotion. I'm not going to pretend that I don't have empathy, or sadness, or anger, or outrage when I see what people do to each other. Or what the GOP and Trump have done to this country. Or even what you've done on this forum. I despise you and hope I've made that perfectly clear.

You, on the other hand, while using emotional arguments yourself, pretend that you don't so that you can mock others for whatever emotion they show that you can latch onto. You hypocrite.