"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Fast-fire" guns are the Devil.who has been harmed by my decision to own a "fast-fire" rifle
"Fast-fire" guns are the Devil.who has been harmed by my decision to own a "fast-fire" rifle
Here's a statement from a brilliant Dr., epidemiologist, and head of multiple parts of England's medical establishment.
But I'm sure you know far more than he does because, you know, the press has educated you so well. You're now a reknowned expert on the coronavirus. You're just so knowledgable you just shine with all your brilliance.
So you too have met Town i r l? I really had no idea. I thought Arthur lived in England and Town in Alabama---who would've thought.
If masks work why did we release prisoners?
Hear here :cheers:Long before I took an extended leave and AMR passed. Great guy, Patrick. He was a genuinely brilliant fellow, Vietnam vet, and all around good guy. When I first arrived here it was you and AMR who made me feel welcomed.
This---this whole thing---this is hilarious. :chuckle:
Like I said---who would've thought.I do, and? I know someone who's a good friend who lives in California and we communicate regularly. What's your point?
:chuckle: You've by now seen it too then. It's hilarious, admit it.I doubt you even know what you're supposedly laughing at...
As much time as I spent talking about Jack and my wife, he doesn't know me. Must have gored his ox at some point. I have no memory of anyone by that username. So he didn't make an impression.
Man, that was a while back, wasn't it. Long before I took an extended leave and AMR passed. Great guy, Patrick. He was a genuinely brilliant fellow, Vietnam vet, and all around good guy. When I first arrived here it was you and AMR who made me feel welcomed.
Yeah, I was a lawyer for a number of years...still am, though I'm not in practice. Around three years ago I decided to follow my mother's example (she was a teacher and then a professor) and I took a M. Ed. in Early Childhood. I've been teaching reading for the past couple of years. It's a great deal of fun and I plan to be at it for at least a couple more.
My Jack. He's an amazing kid. Nine now, hard as it is to believe, and in the gifted program at his school.
I spent a very long time here taking on challenges to the faith. Another tell with whoever this guy is, exposure wise.
Yeah, he definitely sounds like a blind guy grabbing an elephants tail. Or he's thinking of someone else.
You might as well shake your shoes at him if that's in his arsenal. I don't entertain that sort anymore. Waste of time, really.
Yeah. It's why I broke the rep machine a couple of times. I don't have an ideological litmus and I like to find humor in things. That led to a lot of interesting friendships here, many of which carried over into other social platforms and still do.
That's true. I remember posting in one thread and Pastor Kevin neg rep'd me and Knight yelled at me and I thought, "Well, why are people putting up with this?" And then your act of kindness and AMR chuckling at me led me to stick around and see what might be worth seeing. I ran into anna, zoo, MoMo and many like them. And just like that...years passed.
We had our share...and then there was Anna, who began our association shaking a finger at me from the right and, by the time she left here, was shaking her finger at me from my left. :L) She's doing well, though I only touch base now and again by email. She left all the SM alone past a point. Probably best for her. A lot on her plate.
Whatever happened to the racist kid who got a doctorate in philosophy? Can't recall his name either.
Just stopping in for a quick look. The last time I was here you couldn't bring up threads by views so I had the devil's own time finding my old threads...I haven't checked the And The Rest section to see if Town Quixote's is still around. It was a good bit of fun, though Observations G&S was the better one.
Anyway, going to take a look around, see what's what for a bit.
:chuckle: You've by now seen it too then. It's hilarious, admit it.
Oh I'm all out of "follow the dictates of anonymous internet strangers" for today. Try back tomorrow, but remember as always, early bird gets the worm!Spell it out.
Oh I'm all out of "follow the dictates of anonymous internet strangers" for today. Try back tomorrow, but remember as always, early bird gets the worm!
You don't seem to understand how the ignore feature works on here so let me educate you. I have doser on ignore and have done [sic] for over a year. That means that any post he makes or thread he starts are [sic] invisible.
The only times his posts appear are when he's quoted by others or when a thread he's started has the latest post crop in a section posted by somebody else, that's it. Now, I wouldn't mind if the function was modified even more to where anything anybody says who's on ignore is invisible altogether but currently that's the way it is [sic] and it's fine.
It's my prerogative to use the feature as I see fit.
I can continually keep someone on it or I can take them off it as and when [sic].
I can also choose to react to the poster who's quoted the guy if I see fit as well and after the unsurprising projection I decided to address such to Lon.
Probably quite needless [sic] to be fair [sic] as Lon is an intelligent, rational man who doesn't fall sway to that kind of garbage and we can profoundly disagree [sic] and do [sic] on matters.
Otherwise, I can't even remember the last time I even acknowledged doser in a post.
As you may have surmised, you're not on my ignore list, at least currently.
I simply scroll past your posts for the most part at present because they're just tiresome shtick.
Anyone who uses the term "Nazi leftard" outside of the context of irony has disqualified themselves from rational conversation/adult debate and relegated themselves to the children's table or just the mantle of idiot. Your tendency to post "LOL" on every given post is something that any self respecting [sic] adult just wouldn'
Where it comes to "fragility/ravings"? [sic]
I've been on this board for years kid
and you don't bring anything new to the table that ain't been seen so many times before.
[Arthur Brain] Jul 21, 2019 @ 5:14am How exactly is calling someone a ''kid'' an insult? I got banned from the left4dead 2 forum for calling someone a ''kid'' cuz he did behave like one. I would like to know when ''kid'' became an insult? |
Only if you're not all that bright. But there's time for you to mature yet hopefully. Let me ask you this. Do you think it's a sign of intelligence or emotional maturity to continually stalk other posters to the point of getting routinely banned for it? Your "buddy" did this to one of the most respected members this forum has had from people from left to right including the then forum owner here. Why? Because he was highly intelligent, reasoned in debate, preferred the defusing nature of argument rather than the acrimonious in the heat of exchange including the self deprecating but wasn't above the pointed barb when merited. He also enjoyed the more life affirming conversations here and would treat people with respect and promoted the positive attributes of humanity. He didn't go around calling people "tards" or obsess over them to the point of distraction by way of.
The latter is the mark of those lacking the intelligence to properly reason, behave like an adult if of such an age and ironically, a sign of stunted or damaged emotional growth.
ok doser doesn't need your posts to be invisible to him, and I don't need your posts to be invisible to me. So, why do you need ok doser's posts to be invisible to you? What would you say you have gained--how have you benefited--from having had ok doser "on ignore...for over a year"?
It's funny that you feel you are somehow compelled to read, and react to things which, if you had your wish regarding the "Ignore" function, you would not have been able to read in the first place.
Apparently you've not got any use out of the feature, seeing as ok doser has obviously been all along able, somehow, to get your goat, despite your use of it. Maybe simply typing his name in the "Ignore List" box and pressing "Enter" is somehow therapeutic for you.
Ah, and perhaps you often take ok doser off your "Ignore List", just so that you can get whatever satisfaction you feel you can get out of--just as often--putting him right back onto it. Well, if you feel that helps you, what can I say?
And why did you choose to react this way? What was your expectation regarding what should have resulted from your so choosing? Were you disappointed in your expectation? Or, did you get out of your chosen reaction what you expected to get out of it?
But, you thought, just in case it wasn't, after all, altogether needless, eh? So, what need were you intending to satisfy by reacting in the way that you chose to react?
In the aftermath, does it appear to you that Lon fell sway to your chosen reaction (i.e., "that kind of garbage") to his post?
LOL was just now, in post #124.
Oh, thanks for the important update.
So what, to your mind, has exempted my post, #121, from being "just tiresome shtick"? What about what I wrote, therein, was not tiresome to you?
What's wrong with calling Nazi leftards "Nazi leftards"? That's all I'm doing: I'm only calling Nazi leftards "Nazi leftards". That's why I call you a "Nazi leftard": because you're a Nazi leftard.
Were you supposed to be asking a question, here?
Oh, neat! How many years, Cartaphilus?
Like what?
Like calling somebody "kid" by whom one has repeatedly been chagrined?
[Arthur Brain] Jul 21, 2019 @ 5:14am
How exactly is calling someone a ''kid'' an insult?
I got banned from the left4dead 2 forum for calling someone a ''kid'' cuz he did behave like one. I would like to know when ''kid'' became an insult?
Arthur Brain, I'm sorry if you got banned from the left4dead 2 forum "cuz" you called someone "kid". Perhaps, to try to make up for the blow thereby dealt you, you could start your own left4dead 2 thread on TOL.K::luigi::yoshi::mario:
LOL @ Arthur Brain, master punster: always calling somebody who gets his goat, "kid".
Oh, well I guess the feeling's mutual then. :freak:Frankly, you're just kinda weird.
Oh, well I guess the feeling's mutual then. :freak:
Identity? lol. This is an anonymous internet discussion board. Our stock in trade are words, ideas; not identity. Identity does not bear upon the truth or falsity of any proposition.You don't even know the identity of the people you've railed against and ranted on about.
Smiling and happy, yes.Your current Trump avatar suits you to a tee...
So, who was harmed by my refusal to wear a mask in April, May, June, July?
I have no idea- and neither do you.
So- how about answering my question: "If the day comes when you do infect somebody because you didn't wear a mask, and that person gets sick or even dies, will you insist that it was OK not to wear a mask until then? This sounds far-off to you, as it has to many others, until it happened.""