Personal Freedom vs. Public Welfare


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Indeed. The three of us have been here close to 13 years ...
So you too have met Town i r l? I really had no idea. I thought Arthur lived in England and Town in Alabama---who would've thought.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Indeed. The three of us have been here close to 13 years ...
Hey! (mulls) I can't recall, did you start out as Rusha or the J (I can't spell for anything today) first? The latter, right? I should have mentioned you among the early draws of the joint.


Hall of Fame
Hey! (mulls) I can't recall, did you start out as Rusha or the J (I can't spell for anything today) first? The latter, right? I should have mentioned you among the early draws of the joint.

I started as Jinkx and then requested a name change to Rusha.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This---this whole thing---this is hilarious. :chuckle:

I'm still waiting for Chair to tell me who was harmed by my refusal to wear a mask in March, April, May, June and July

I don't suppose we'll ever hear eider explain who has been harmed by my decision to own a "fast-fire" rifle


Well-known member
I'm still waiting for Chair to tell me who was harmed by my refusal to wear a mask in March, April, May, June and July

I don't suppose we'll ever hear eider explain who has been harmed by my decision to own a "fast-fire" rifle

If the day comes when you do infect somebody because you didn't wear a mask, and that person gets sick or even dies, will you insist that it was OK not to wear a mask until then? This sounds far-off to you, as it has to many others, until it happened.

Gary K

New member
If the day comes when you do infect somebody because you didn't wear a mask, and that person gets sick or even dies, will you insist that it was OK not to wear a mask until then? This sounds far-off to you, as it has to many others, until it happened.

Here's a statement from a brilliant Dr., epidemiologist, and head of multiple parts of England's medical establishment.

"The vast majority will not die from it. (...) Many people, a significant number of

Humans won't get the virus at all. (...) Of those who get it,

some won't even notice. (...) Of those who get symptoms, the

vast majority, probably 80%, have a mild or moderate illness. (...) One

unfortunate minority has to go to hospital, but the majority of them will

only need oxygen and then leave the clinic again. (...) And then

a minority will end up in intensive care, and some of them will sadly

die. But that is a minority. 1%, or possibly less than 1%. And even in the

highest risk groups, this is significantly less than 20%. That is, the vast majority of

People, even those of all the highest risk groups, will not die if they deal with it

Infect virus. "

Professor Dr. Chris Whitty, Doctor and epidemiologist, chief medical officer for England, chief

British Government Medical Adviser, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health and

Social Care and Head of the National Institute for Health Research.

But I'm sure you know far more than he does because, you know, the press has educated you so well. You're now a reknowned expert on the coronavirus. You're just so knowledgable you just shine with all your brilliance.


Well-known member
Here's a statement from a brilliant Dr., epidemiologist, and head of multiple parts of England's medical establishment.

But I'm sure you know far more than he does because, you know, the press has educated you so well. You're now a reknowned expert on the coronavirus. You're just so knowledgable you just shine with all your brilliance.

1. When is that quote from? February? Check what the fine doctor thought a few months later.

The chief medical officer for England has told people not to get closer than two metres without being “incredibly serious” about precautions and doctors said that masks should be worn outside.

Chris Whitty said people should stay two metres apart whenever they could and make sure they used mitigations such as masks, screens and facing away from each other if forced to be closer

2. How about actually answering my question? "If the day comes when you do infect somebody because you didn't wear a mask, and that person gets sick or even dies, will you insist that it was OK not to wear a mask until then? This sounds far-off to you, as it has to many others, until it happened."


Well-known member
So, who was harmed by my refusal to wear a mask in April, May, June, July?

I have no idea- and neither do you.
So- how about answering my question: "If the day comes when you do infect somebody because you didn't wear a mask, and that person gets sick or even dies, will you insist that it was OK not to wear a mask until then? This sounds far-off to you, as it has to many others, until it happened.""


Well-known member
Sure I do.

So do you.

Yesterday I tested negative for Coronavirus antibodies. So I will ask you again - who was harmed by my decision not to wear a mask in April, May, June and July?

So if you didn't get tested, then you would wear a mask?

way 2 go

Well-known member
When people get organized into groups, they set up rules. Rules that interfere with personal freedom.A church
you agree to the rules or don't join or you can sue them

Traffic rules are an example.
your drivers license is the agreement
The state forces you to pay taxes. Sometimes it forces you to join the army. That's what governments do. All governments do this to some degree, not just totalitarian ones (as some try to pretend).

which do you prefer , freedom or dictatorship ? for me freedom

which do you prefer , china or USA ? for me USA
The question is- what ought to be the limitations on this? I'm obviously bringing this up because of the current mask issue, but the problem is a general one.

How does one draw the line?

the emphasis should always be on personal responsibility