Personal Freedom vs. Public Welfare


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
For you maybe. I've gotten to know several members here over the years.
Identity still though does not bear upon the truth of a proposition or thought or idea.
I doubt Trump's feeling that right now...
He without question was smiling and happy during that picture though. He was playing catch. Baseball. It's a fun game. He didn't look too bad playing catch either, especially not for a septuagenarian. Obviously and authentically having a good time.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Identity still though does not bear upon the truth of a proposition or thought or idea.
He without question was smiling and happy during that picture though. He was playing catch. Baseball. It's a fun game. He didn't look too bad playing catch either, especially not for a septuagenarian. Obviously and authentically having a good time.

Nobody said it did anyway. Care to explain what was so hilarious to you from a few posts ago or is that something that will still have to wait?

Again, I doubt he's feeling that right now. He's mostly had tantrums as of late and for pretty much the last coupla years and some. Shame he's not as good at being a president as he is at catching a ball...


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The minute you have a government, it limits your freedom.

Limits your freedom from what?
Limits your freedom to do what?

You were not completely free, ever.

Not completely free from what?
Not completely free to do what?

The government takes away your freedom, and forces you to stop at a stop sign and traffic lights.

The government takes away your freedom from what?
The government takes away your freedom to do what?

The government takes away your freedom, and forces you to pay taxes.

The government takes away your freedom from what?
The government takes away your freedom to do what?

Because you live in a liberal democracy, there are limits to what the government can do, and you remain free within limits:

You remain free within limits from what?
You remain free within limits to do what?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How do I explain this more simply?

The minute you have a government, it limits your freedom. You were not completely free, ever.

The government takes away your freedom, and forces you to stop at a stop sign and traffic lights.
The government takes away your freedom, and forces you to pay taxes.

Because you live in a liberal democracy, there are limits to what the government can do, and you remain free within limits:

The government isn't putting anybody in prison or camps (like they did with the Japanese Americans during WW2).
The government isn't taking away your political rights.
The government isn't forcing you to convert to Catholicism or Islam.
The government isn't taking away your freedom of speech.
The government isn't selling your children into slavery.
You are not being tortured by the police.

The government is forcing you to wear a mask. Why? Because there is an epidemic.

Now if you think that the epidemic isn't real- then you're in denial, but hey- you have the right to believe in ridiculous things. But you still need to wear a mask, even if you think it's stupid. Just like you stop at a red light even if there are no other cars in sight.

You explained it clearly enough already. That isn't going to stop some snowflakes from moaning and whining on about mask wearing though. Oh noes, they need to wear a face covering when going into a shop. That's the slippery slide to all manner of personal liberty being taken away!


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You explained it clearly enough already. That isn't going to stop some snowflakes from moaning and whining on about mask wearing though. Oh noes, they need to wear a face covering when going into a shop. That's the slippery slide to all manner of personal liberty being taken away!


He hasn't answered any of the questions I asked him: he's explained nothing, you Nazi leftard. And, of course, you know he can't answer them, as you know that you can't answer them.

But thanks for taking a moment away from your Pokémon and Left 4 Dead hobbies once more, just to try to keep us entertained.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

He hasn't answered any of the questions I asked him: he's explained nothing, you Nazi leftard. And, of course, you know he can't answer them, as you know that you can't answer them.

But thanks for taking a moment away from your Pokémon and Left 4 Dead hobbies once more, just to try to keep us entertained.

artie's too retarded to realize that it's the shop workers who don't want to wear a mask either. All day.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
the mask wearing capital japan is on the upswing

Here's why: "Experts say that Japan’s focus on the economy may have been its undoing...While Japan declared a state of emergency to contain the first wave of the virus, it didn’t compel people to stay home or businesses to shut. That was ended in late May and officials quickly pivoted to a full reopening in an attempt to get the country’s recessionary economy back on track. By June, restaurants and bars were fully open while events like baseball and sumo-wrestling were back on -- a stark contrast to other places in the region like Singapore which were re-opening only in cautious phases." - Japan Acted Like the Virus Had Gone. Now It’s Spread Everywhere.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

He hasn't answered any of the questions I asked him: he's explained nothing, you Nazi leftard. And, of course, you know he can't answer them, as you know that you can't answer them.

But thanks for taking a moment away from your Pokémon and Left 4 Dead hobbies once more, just to try to keep us entertained.

Wow, what a wingnut.



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artie's too retarded to realize that it's the shop workers who don't want to wear a mask either. All day.

My guess is that Arthur Brain, being the Nazi leftard that he is,--and thus having the bloodsucking mentality inextricably bound up in being a Nazi leftard--has largely, if not altogether, avoided being in circumstances in which he would be expected to be subjected, on a full-time basis, to what he arrogantly expects other people to be subjected to. Notice that, to him, it's just about "wearing a face covering when going into a shop". That fool should wear five or six masks, simultaneously, whenever he goes into "a shop" to exchange other peoples' money on luxuries for himself, so that five or six menial laborers who are forced to wear masks in order to earn the dough by which his welfare-funded shopping trip is made possible can, themselves, go shopping to buy necessities with what's left of their own hard-earned money, while at least enjoying a little break from wearing masks.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How many hours per day do you wear a mask, you self-righteous, arrogant, bloodsucking, question-stonewalling Nazi leftard hypocrite?

4.75 on average although this does include weather variables and the obvious removal of such for consuming food, drink and the like.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My guess is that Arthur Brain, being the Nazi leftard that he is,--and thus having the bloodsucking mentality inextricably bound up in being a Nazi leftard--has largely, if not altogether, avoided being in circumstances in which he would be expected to be subjected, on a full-time basis, to what he arrogantly expects other people to be subjected to. Notice that, to him, it's just about "wearing a face covering when going into a shop". That fool should wear five or six masks, simultaneously, whenever he goes into "a shop" to exchange other peoples' money on luxuries for himself, so that five or six menial laborers who are forced to wear masks in order to earn the dough by which his welfare-funded shopping trip is made possible can, themselves, go shopping to buy necessities with what's left of their own hard-earned money, while at least enjoying a little break from wearing masks.



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Yesterday I tested negative for Coronavirus antibodies. So I will ask you again - who was harmed by my decision not to wear a mask in April, May, June and July?

Was someone harmed by ok doser's decision not to wear a mask in April, May, June and July, chair? Yes or No?

4.75 on average although this does include weather variables and the obvious removal of such for consuming food, drink and the like.

Was someone harmed by Arthur Brain's selfish, hypocritical decision to remove his mask today, chair? Yes or No?


Well-known member
Getting away from masks-
Is it OK for the government to limit my freedom of movement by forcing me to stop at a red light?
Is it OK for the government to limit my freedom in many ways by drafting me into the army?
Is it OK for the government to limit my freedom of speech by not letting me lie in court?

If you think any of these are OK- please explain why.