Personal Freedom vs. Public Welfare


For the Democrats, the line won't get drawn until after the election. They need people wearing masks as walking billboards advertising that everyone needs to live in fear and paranoia over this "pandemic."

This fear will give the Democrats their excuse to demand mail-in voting which is a very easy way for them to cheat. They'll claim people could catch the virus in the voting booths.

They promote this virus like it's the second coming of the bubonic plague.
With 6.5 million testing positive and 193,000 related deaths, the American public just isn't buying the attempts by this President and his followers to treat the Pandemic as nothing more than a nuisance!

It was this President, not the Democrats, that "politicized" wearing masks and once again finds himself on the wrong side of every medical controversy involving COVID-19 - as far as Trump is concerned we are all expendable commodities when it comes to reassuring his re-election!

The Republicans failed to get the expected bump in the polls after their National Convention which will result in this President and his supporters becoming increasingly unhinged as they stare defeat in the face!
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On September 4th 2020, America had 52,849 new cases of COVID-19 testing positive and 1,023 related deaths!

On September 4th 2020, Canada had 631 new cases and 0 related deaths!

Multiplying the Canadian figures by 8.7 will allow for direct comparisons of the 2 nations based on their populations

Given that America and Canada are both limited to the wearing of masks, social distancing and the "external" use of disinfectants in their respective medical toolboxes, it doesn't require "rocket science" to determine as to what were the other key "variable(s)" that account for the marked differences in their success/failure in dealing with the virus - but the Trump Administration is too arrogant to learn any of the lessons that would save American lives,
even when the answers are literally right under their nose!!


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Was there any other country that politicized wearing masks the way the U.S. did? I haven't heard of any.

By "politicized", what do you mean if not, "made into public policy, brandishing a threat of aggressive action against those who refuse to comply"?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, we ARE number one :)
In so many very important things, yes we are. Number one...

in lowest cost of food
in civilian owned guns per capita
in longest continuing liberal democracy

That's off the top of my head.