"Perhaps we need a new American Revolution to defend marriage"


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stipe writes:(Stipe is a member of the "my sin is nicer than your sin" club)Stipe hates scripture, because it tells him to take the beam out of his eye first[CO LOR="DarkRe d"]Ma tthew 7:4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother' s eye. [/COLOR]Jesus can be such a killjoy, um, Stipe?
It is easy to tell when Brabrie is flustered, he starts umming. :chuckle:

The Bible calls homosexuality a crime and a sin. We know you hate scripture.


New member

My question is what did Jesus do that suddenly made heinous sins like eating shellfish and wearing cotton blends ok? Why were they bad in the first place, and what did Jesus do to make them not bad any longer?

Genesis says God gave us all animals to eat, and the next book outlaws some of them, and then several books later they are ok again. :doh:


My question is what did Jesus do that suddenly made heinous sins like eating shellfish and wearing cotton blends ok? Why were they bad in the first place, and what did Jesus do to make them not bad any longer?

Genesis says God gave us all animals to eat, and the next book outlaws some of them, and then several books later they are ok again. :doh:

The understanding I have is that for a very long time, eating pork and shellfish was riskier than eating other types of meat. Pigs are prone to parasites, like the tapeworm Taenia solium, and can transfer them and their diseases directly to people due to genetic similarities. Shellfish could've caused mercury poisoning if too much was consumed. Perhaps when the laws were first instituted, methods of food preparation weren't as developed as they were 2000 years later in Jesus' time, and therefore the food laws became less important to follow for health purposes


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Kdall asks Stipe again:Stipe is a cafeteria Christian. He only follows the part of God's word that he likes.As you see, he hates the rest of it.

Nope. Reality, remember? The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a crime and a sin, punishable by death.


Nope. Reality, remember? The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a crime and a sin, punishable by death.

And it teaches that eating shellfish is a sin. Calls it an abomination just as it does with homosexuality.



New member
Hope you've never eaten crab, lobster, or shrimp. That would put you in the same boat with homosexuals according to scripture
Please back up that statement by showing where the Bible says that anyone that eats shrimp is to be put to death and that his blood is on his own head.


New member
And it teaches that eating shellfish is a sin. Calls it an abomination just as it does with homosexuality.
Well, the Bible actually states that shellfish is to be abominable to the children of Israel, it doesn't say eating shellfish is an abomination.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, the Bible actually states that shellfish is to be abominable to the children of Israel, it doesn't say eating shellfish is an abomination.
Homosexuality is an offense unto God, whereas shellfish were to be unclean to Israel.
And there are two different words used to describe each that are translated as "abomination."


Homosexuality is an offense unto God, whereas shellfish were to be unclean to Israel.
And there are two different words used to describe each that are translated as "abomination."

That's some slick footwork Tripe....


Please back up that statement by showing where the Bible says that anyone that eats shrimp is to be put to death and that his blood is on his own head.

It says repeatedly that it's a sin and abomination, just as homosexuality was listed as an abomination. Do you really need me to post a verse saying that?


New member
Hall of Fame
Granite writes:

Remember, Stipe thinks his abominations are nicer than other people's abominations.

I stopped humoring the little pipsqueak once I realized he was TOL's pet troll. People gotta learn that for themselves, I guess.:cigar:


You have not supported enforcement of God's law (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29) :scripto: and now you want a revolution. :idunno: Ex 20:14, Lev. 20:10–12
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