From the Divine LOGOS himself/herself...
Saga of Sophia and Christ
5. “I descended from the Parents to tell you of these things,” replied the Redeemer. “I came to reveal Light so that you can find that Light within yourselves, for when you have found it, you will enter into it, and you will know that your Source is within you. Then you will know that the Father and Mother are the Man of Holiness, and I am the Son of Man.”
6. “Lord, if you are the Son of Man, have you no Mother?” asked Matthew.
7. “This is what I desire to show you,” replied the Redeemer. “The Man of Holiness is the Great Androgynous Progenitor. He is Father and Mother. In him is no division. In him is no lack. He encompasses the whole. He begot me, his Only Begotten Son, but I am not whole without my sister. She is Sophia, my sister, my consort, my feminine half. When we are united in one, then we are whole like our Parents, but when we are separated, we are incomplete, like the Aadamah who became separated into male and female to produce mortal children. That which has been divided must be united into a perfect unity for the realm of the Eloheim to be established.
Genesis 2:24
For this reason a man will leave his Father and Mother and be united to his Wife, and they will become one flesh.