ECT Paul said the Apostles were in Christ before Him. Paul brought no new message.


New member
Scripture warns the obtuse will only become more so. Well, here you are...becoming more so.

True, I see that lived out every time I see someone defending MAD.

The Law was the JEW's schoolmaster; you incompetent fraud.

Seems I remember reading in scripture that God wrote His laws on our hearts.

You'd know that, if you had considered what Paul reminded Peter of in Galatians 2; you expert amateur.

Keep studying the scriptures for several more years and you just might make it to amateur status. I doubt it though. You depend way to much on the flesh and NOT enough on God's Spirit.

And what John 1 is asserting is that that grace the Law and the Prophets had Prophesied should come unto Israel: the Christ, you buffoon; was made their reality by Him - there He was - that grace that the Law and the Prophets did day should come unto Israel.

Look in the mirror if you want to see a buffoon.

You'd know that o clueless one, had you but allowed the balance of John chapter 1 to be your guide.

As a result; there is no reasoning with you from the Scriptures.

Thank you I am past being brain washed by the lies of Madist. I rely on the scriptures that you cannot grasp because you are to busy following Darby and idolizing Paul.

You are simply Scripturally...stupid.

Not stupid enough to believe Jesus did not teach His own Gospel and credit Paul for what Jesus had already done.

Back on ignore you go; you waste of time in your self-delusion.

I have noticed when a Madist cannot corrupt one from trusting the scriptures to follow their errors the personal attacks is all they have left.

Grow up and try to act like a Christian since you claim to be one.
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New member
Admit it, dodge; you arrived at your so called understanding from so called Bible based commentaries.

Now you are even parroting To-tel-a-lie against Darby (who did believe the Lord has not yet returned; in contrast to your new pal).

Fess up now - your so called understanding is nothing more than your parroting of commentaries supposedly Bible based.


New member
Admit it, dodge; you arrived at your so called understanding from so called Bible based commentaries.

Now you are even parroting To-tel-a-lie against Darby (who did believe the Lord has not yet returned; in contrast to your new pal).

Fess up now - your so called understanding is nothing more than your parroting of commentaries supposedly Bible based.

I never read anything but the bible for the first 5 or 6 years after I was saved.

Where did you learn the lies of MAD ? You surely did not learn it in a bible believing church.My bet would be someone gave you a book on MAD by Darby or another in that ILK.

lol, what does that make 3 or 4 times you put me on ignore ?


New member
I never read anything but the bible for the first 5 or 6 years after I was saved.

Where did you learn the lies of MAD ? You surely did not learn it in a bible believing church.My bet would be someone gave you a book on MAD by Darby or another in that ILK.

lol, what does that make 3 or 4 times you put me on ignore ?

I was very clear. I said I ignore you here and there.

You...have just proven...once more...that your ideas...into another's words...just as you have been proving you do...with the Scripture.

By the way, parrot; Darby was not Mid-Acts Dispensational aka M.A.D.

Ten to one you are allowing pride to dictate your responses.

That is a good way to get so caught up into wanting to prove you are right that you end up missing what value anyone you disagree with my nevertheless help you see.

I have already defended you at times, and have even agreed with you on one point or another.

Those are not the traits of one who is either one-sided, or so married to what you in your ignorance are calling a lie...that he can not acknowledge where he believes you are spot on, on some point.

This only shows me once more that you are not as honest in your dealings with the MADs here as you claim and or delude yourself into believing you are.

I would suggest you think twice before you one size fit all posters...on any point...MADs or otherwise.

Not if you expect to grow any further...

Lazy afternoon

Paul supposedly revealed a " mystery " about salvation by grace that no one else preached ! To be saved one had to hear that "mystery " and by faith accept it , and yet there were MANY folks before Paul supposedly revealed that " mystery" that no one else knew who were ALREADY saved, which proves that PAUL preached the same message as ALL of the other Apostles.

Paul was late to the Faith as he had been having Christians rounded up and imprisoned or killed as he himself said.

How is it all those other folks were being saved if they had not heard the mystery revealed by Paul, which of course is a perversion of scripture advocated by deceived men without a clue of what scripture actually teaches ?

You might want to remove the rocks from between your own ears and actually believe what scripture teaches instead of trying to defend a lie called MAD.



New member
Admit it, dodge; you arrived at your so called understanding from so called Bible based commentaries.

Now you are even parroting To-tel-a-lie against Darby (who did believe the Lord has not yet returned; in contrast to your new pal).

Fess up now - your so called understanding is nothing more than your parroting of commentaries supposedly Bible based.

Nope, MAd is an invention of men and not scriptural. It is a forced lie onto the scriptures that is not taught in scriptures.


New member
Paul supposedly revealed a " mystery " about salvation by grace that no one else preached ! To be saved one had to hear that "mystery " and by faith accept it , and yet there were MANY folks before Paul supposedly revealed that " mystery" that no one else knew who were ALREADY saved, which proves that PAUL preached the same message as ALL of the other Apostles.

Paul was late to the Faith as he had been having Christians rounded up and imprisoned or killed as he himself said.

How is it all those other folks were being saved if they had not heard the mystery revealed by Paul, which of course is a perversion of scripture advocated by deceived men without a clue of what scripture actually teaches ?

You might want to remove the rocks from between your own ears and actually believe what scripture teaches instead of trying to defend a lie called MAD.


Salvation was not and is not...The Mystery.

Anyone who says it reasoning their own ideas into the passages.

The Mystery is that aspect of God's TWO-Fold Purpose: Prophecy (the Earth) and (the Heavenlies).

In both the Apostle Paul's Jesus Christ died for our sins - AND - rose again...according to the Scriptures - Paul's is his application of the Cross' Finished Work to that resurrection aspect of It's salvation that God had not revealed until Paul.

How that what the salvation the Cross of Christ would accomplish or make possible...had...a TWO-Fold Purpose.

One aspect was always Prophesied and is the issue of what God will one day accomplish on the Earth through His Son in a saved people by the Spirit: in the Israel of God over the Gentiles nations of the Earth.

The other aspect, which was UNProphesied, is the issue of what God will one day accomplish through His Son in a saved people by the Spirit in the Heavenlies: in A New Creature over the Heavenly Host.

Until...the dispensation of the fulness of which point the Son will turn it all back unto the Father...all things having been subdued unto Him by Him.


Well-known member
I and all Christians follow Jesus NOT Paul ,just as Paul did.

Hi and who follo Jesus will end up in PARADISE and not heaven , keep the Sabbath , and do SACRIFICES , and are waiting for Christ to set up His Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus taught , so when will you be attending the local SYNAGOGUE ??

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and who follo Jesus will end up in PARADISE and not heaven , keep the Sabbath , and do SACRIFICES , and are waiting for Christ to set up His Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus taught , so when will you be attending the local SYNAGOGUE ??

dan p

There is no such split of attention or 'power' between Christ and Paul as implied above.


Well-known member
There is no such split of attention or 'power' between Christ and Paul as implied above.

Hi and do you have a verse where OT people went when they DIED ?

Check the THIEF on the cross and read about LAZARUS !!

If a Jew is saved by Grace they are present with the Lord when all die BUT that passage is under GRACE , sorry !!

The ONLY time that Jews go into heaven is when they are saved by GRACE and not un til then as Gal 3:28 PROHIBITS them !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and do you have a verse where OT people went when they DIED ?

Check the THIEF on the cross and read about LAZARUS !!

If a Jew is saved by Grace they are present with the Lord when all die BUT that passage is under GRACE , sorry !!

The ONLY time that Jews go into heaven is when they are saved by GRACE and not un til then as Gal 3:28 PROHIBITS them !!

dan p

Sorry DanP, that's a really bizarre view. What does that say about the earthquake of Mt27?

Lazy afternoon

Hi and where is that verse found ?

dan p

1Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.