ECT Paul said the Apostles were in Christ before Him. Paul brought no new message.


New member
Hi and you are the second one to call me a NIT-PICKER and you are wrong as I am A SEED PICKER as those that called Paul in MARS HILL , Acts 17:18 the Greek word is BABBLER / SEED PICKER and that is what you , teaching to us who are in the DISPENSATION , and UNKNOWN MESSAGE that is ACCURSED and a DIFFERENT GOSPEL than what Paul Preached in Gal 1:6 and verse 8 !!

dan p

Lie much ?

You have NEVER seen me say that there is any other provision provided by God for salvation other than GRACE through the sinless life of & DBR of Jesus.

I believe it would be far better to be a seed "planter" than a seed picker. You really have no clue do you?

FYI, all the Apostles preached the same message according to Paul.
Paul confirmed that by saying the other Apostles were "in Christ" before he was.

You can't even read it straight from scripture without twisting, and changing the context of what Paul actually said because it would expose the lie called MAD.


Well-known member
Lie much ?

You have NEVER seen me say that there is any other provision provided by God for salvation other than GRACE through the sinless life of & DBR of Jesus.

I believe it would be far better to be a seed "planter" than a seed picker. You really have no clue do you?

FYI, all the Apostles preached the same message according to Paul.
Paul confirmed that by saying the other Apostles were "in Christ" before he was.

You can't even read it straight from scripture without twisting, and changing the context of what Paul actually said because it would expose the lie called MAD.

Hi and you imply that you know the bible , so explain Acts 15:11 ?

When you give up , then I will explain it to you , BLOVIATOR !!

Explain then what verses that explain how you were saved , NIT-PICKER ??

dan p


New member
Hi and you imply that you know the bible , so explain Acts 15:11 ?

When you give up , then I will explain it to you , BLOVIATOR !!

Explain then what verses that explain how you were saved , NIT-PICKER ??

dan p

dan P, I will give you one thing you are persistent.

Since I started this thread and it is about:

"Paul said the Apostles were in Christ before Him. Paul brought no new message."

I don't believe I will let you hi-jack the thread with what YOU want to discuss.

Start a thread with your questions and I probably will discuss your issues with you on YOUR thread.

You be the nit-picker ! Personally I try to plant seeds.


Well-known member
dan P, I will give you one thing you are persistent.

Since I started this thread and it is about:

"Paul said the Apostles were in Christ before Him. Paul brought no new message."

I don't believe I will let you hi-jack the thread with what YOU want to discuss.

Start a thread with your questions and I probably will discuss your issues with you on YOUR thread.

You be the nit-picker ! Personally I try to plant seeds.

Hi and then you will PASS on Acts 15:11 ??

If you had an answer , it will just take a few minutes to EXPLAIN , since you are PASSING WAVE as you go by and if you ask me I will explain Acts 15:11 to you !!

Maybe the reason you can not , is because you will CRASH an BURN ??

dan p


New member
Hi and then you will PASS on Acts 15:11 ??

If you had an answer , it will just take a few minutes to EXPLAIN , since you are PASSING WAVE as you go by and if you ask me I will explain Acts 15:11 to you !!

Maybe the reason you can not , is because you will CRASH an BURN ??

dan p

Nice try, I am way past the reverse psy. that works on a 5 year old.

Care to discuss the failed MAD belief that Paul had a message that none of the other Apostles had ?

Paul Himself said the other Apostles were "in Christ before him" which PROVES MAD is a lie.

Now you can dance and say "what does in Christ mean ", and try to act OBTUSE but you really have Nothing.


Well-known member
Nice try, I am way past the reverse psy. that works on a 5 year old.

Care to discuss the failed MAD belief that Paul had a message that none of the other Apostles had ?

Paul Himself said the other Apostles were "in Christ before him" which PROVES MAD is a lie.

Now you can dance and say "what does in Christ mean ", and try to act OBTUSE but you really have Nothing.

Hi and I will start off by telling what all so-called believers should know , but I can NOT INCLUDE you are still CARNAL ONE !!

#1 , You will find " in Christ " Jesus , 47 Times which is is our Lord's resurrected name !!

#2 , You have " in THE LORD " 41 ONE TIMES !!

#3 , You have " in Christ , 31 times !

#4 , You have " in Him " 20 times !

#5, You have " in the Lord Jesus , 6 times !!

#6, You have " in the Lord Jesus , 6 times !

#7 , You have " in Whom " 6 Times !

#8, You have " in Jesus 1 time !

#9 You have " in Himself , 2 times !!

#10 , You have " in thr BEloved One , 1 time !!

For a total of 155 times !!

And you only know of One in Rom 16:7 , not looking good at all , BLOVAIATOR !!

dan p


New member
Hi and I will start off by telling what all so-called believers should know , but I can NOT INCLUDE you are still CARNAL ONE !!

#1 , You will find " in Christ " Jesus , 47 Times which is is our Lord's resurrected name !!

#2 , You have " in THE LORD " 41 ONE TIMES !!

#3 , You have " in Christ , 31 times !

#4 , You have " in Him " 20 times !

#5, You have " in the Lord Jesus , 6 times !!

#6, You have " in the Lord Jesus , 6 times !

#7 , You have " in Whom " 6 Times !

#8, You have " in Jesus 1 time !

#9 You have " in Himself , 2 times !!

#10 , You have " in thr BEloved One , 1 time !!

For a total of 155 times !!

And you only know of One in Rom 16:7 , not looking good at all , BLOVAIATOR !!

dan p

dan P why do you purposely confuse yourself ?

If one is in Christ they are a child of God, and if one is NOT in Christ they are as yet not saved by the grace of God.

Madist MUST confuse themselves to try to teach 2 gospels because there is NOT 2 gospels in God's word.

YOU are ignoring the obvious ! Paul said the other Apostles were in Christ before him. Now if that was not true then Paul would be a liar, and I do not believe the Apostle Paul lied. DO you ?


Well-known member
dan P why do you purposely confuse yourself ?

If one is in Christ they are a child of God, and if one is NOT in Christ they are as yet not saved by the grace of God.

Madist MUST confuse themselves to try to teach 2 gospels because there is NOT 2 gospels in God's word.

YOU are ignoring the obvious ! Paul said the other Apostles were in Christ before him. Now if that was not true then Paul would be a liar, and I do not believe the Apostle Paul lied. DO you ?

Hi and who are the apostles you are talking about , Rom 16:7 as they are NOT THE 12 APOSTLES , because there are apostles under the LAW an APOSTLES IN THE DISPEMSATION of Grace !!

There are many Engish word for the Greek word APOSTOLOS , grasshopper !!

Learn what it means before OPENNING MOUTH !! !!



New member
DAN P;4830006]Hi and who are the apostles you are talking about , Rom 16:7 as they are NOT THE 12 APOSTLES , because there are apostles under the LAW an APOSTLES IN THE DISPEMSATION of Grace !!

No one can help you if you purposely CHANGE God's word. Find me a verse that says APOSTLES UNDER THE LAW AND APOSTLES IN THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE. You added that to God's word because scripture Never describes ANY Apostles that way.

Paul is the one that says the other Apostles were in Christ before him, and at that time he would have been speaking about none other than the 12. You are adding to and destroying the context and meaning of God's word by doing what you are doing.

You have convinced yourself it is OK to add to God's word, based on what you think it should mean, and that is dangerous ground you are on there whipper snapper.

You are convincing yourself you are right by destroying the meaning of "Apostle" , and creating what is not in scripture by adding apostles of law and apostles of grace.

You are changing what the intent and meaning of God's word is by doing what you are doing ,and that is the only way MAD works.


New member
Hi and who are the apostles you are talking about , Rom 16:7 as they are NOT THE 12 APOSTLES , because there are apostles under the LAW an APOSTLES IN THE DISPEMSATION of Grace !!

In the NT, Paul is the only apostle recorded as sacrificing at the Temple in accordance with the law.


Well-known member
In the NT, Paul is the only apostle recorded as sacrificing at the Temple in accordance with the law.

Hi and I know where in Act , give thjat verse that says Paul went in the temple and SACRIFICED !!

Was it a Lamb or a cow , or was it a turtlrdove ??

dan p


New member
Hi and I know where in Act , give thjat verse that says Paul went in the temple and SACRIFICED !!

Was it a Lamb or a cow , or was it a turtlrdove ??

dan p

Being a little OBTUSE there aren't you dan P ?

I know you Madist follow Paul let me introduce you to the one Paul and I follow and claim.

Heb 3:1
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;


New member
Hi and I know where in Act , give thjat verse that says Paul went in the temple and SACRIFICED !!

Acts 21:26 Then Paul took the men and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one of them.​

Luke does not specify the nature of the offering.

As a rule, the burnt, the expiatory, and the purificative offerings were animal sacrifices, but in exceptional cases a cereal sin-offering was accepted or prescribed.


New member
Patrick jane, I do not read John W's post and since you feel the need to carry and post them join him in ignore.


Well-known member
Acts 21:26 Then Paul took the men and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one of them.​

Luke does not specify the nature of the offering.

As a rule, the burnt, the expiatory, and the purificative offerings were animal sacrifices, but in exceptional cases a cereal sin-offering was accepted or prescribed.

If you know the context, you know Paul had an ulterior reason for doing this, and Luke for including it.


New member
If you know the context, you know Paul had an ulterior reason for doing this, and Luke for including it.

Ulterior motives are less than optimal. There is no record of anyone telling Paul to take a Jewish vow, it was his choice. His vow had to be completed at the Temple and he also paid the expenses for four other men. Judaism at its finest.