On the omniscience of God


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Harvard disagrees with you.

Harvard disagrees with you.

Fallacy: appeal to authority.

Harvard can be (and on this, likely IS) wrong.

Paul said it clearly: We see through a glass darkly.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Mirror. Not glass, as though it were a window.

And just because we can only see dimly doesn't mean we can't see at all, Lon!

Man doesn't live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Then why are you appealing to the bread?!


Well-known member
Fallacy: appeal to authority.
Nope. You need to read the link. It gives all perspectives on time as well as respecting the need for time to be ontological in science. Not only that, it was a rebuttal to 'stupid.' Who are we to call PhD's 'stupid?' It isn't that we can't say it, but hesitantly no? I better well have the wherewithal to call a PhD stupid, yes? Not quite the fallacy then? Clete thought it was me. I was telling him he had much bigger fish to fry. As such, it isn't a fallacy. Passing the buck? Yes, that.
Harvard can be (and on this, likely IS) wrong.
Nope. You didn't read the link. I'm sure there is a fallacy of having not done so, but do a bit of background reading before responding, no?
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Mirror. Not glass, as though it were a window.
LOL! (sorry). Mirror is a poor translation. It is literally 'look through glass.' Of course somebody put two and two together: Looking glass--> "Mirror!" but that was wrong. An understandable mistake, but this one comical for the error.
And just because we can only see dimly doesn't mean we can't see at all, Lon!
One, I'll take the concession and ty! Two, I didn't say it did. Remember when Jesus told the Pharisees, that because they claimed they could see, they were guilty? John 9:41 It means we are responsible for our own obtuse, however clearly we think we see. For me, it is a reminder to not say "I see everything more clearly than JudgeRightly." I don't want to be that guy.
Then why are you appealing to the bread?!
Just trying to stay humble. I wear trifocals.
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Nope. You need to read the link. It gives all perspectives on time as well as respecting the need for time to be ontological in science.

Nope. You didn't read the link. I'm sure there is a fallacy of having not done so, but do a bit of background reading before responding, no?

Harvard (or Stanford, for that matter) is not the bastion of Christianity you seem to think it is, Lon.

Claiming "Harvard disagrees with you" doesn't address what Clete said, since they have adopted the very thing which Clete was talking about:

Time is NOT ontological. The only people who say otherwise have either a Einsteinian or Augustinian reason for doing so.

Harvard falls into the category of those "who say otherwise [who] have either an Einsteinian or Augustinian reason for doing so."

Therefore, just saying, "Harvard disagrees with you" is just a fallacy of appealing to authority, as though they have to be right.

And yes, looked through your link,

As far as I can tell, they did not present the open view, qua Open Theism.

They mentioned presentism, but nothing about the open view.

It leaves you with you just dismissing what Clete said by calling it rubbish, and not actually addressing what He said.

LOL! (sorry). Mirror is a poor translation. It is literally 'look through glass.' Of course somebody put two and two together: Looking glass--> "Mirror!" but that was wrong. An understandable mistake, but this one comical for the error.

It literally means "mirror" or "looking glass," Lon. Not "looking glass" as in a window or lens, but something you look into to see a reflection, such as highly polished metal.

Strong's g2072

- Lexical: ἔσοπτρον
- Transliteration: esoptron
- Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
- Phonetic Spelling: es'-op-tron
- Definition: a mirror, looking-glass (made of highly polished metal).
- Origin: From eis and a presumed derivative of optanomai; a mirror (for looking into).
- Usage: glass. Compare katoptrizomai.
- Translated as (count): a glass (1), a mirror (1).

Would you like to concede the point? Or are you going to admit you were wrong?

One, I'll take the concession and ty! Two, I didn't say it did.

Have you considered (not just acknowledged the possibility, but actually considered) that you're the one who isn't seeing clearly?

Remember when Jesus told the Pharisees, that because they claimed they could see, they were guilty? John 9:41 It means we are responsible for our own obtuse, however clearly we think we see. For me, it is a reminder to not say "I see everything more clearly than JudgeRightly." I don't want to be that guy. For me, it is a reminder to not say "I see everything more clearly than JudgeRightly." I don't want to be that guy.

Talk about irony!

Looking glass, peer into it, please.

Just trying to stay humble. I wear trifocals.

By focusing on the bread? Rather than the word of God?



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Harvard disagrees with you.
Who give a damn about Harvard?

Harvard disagrees with you.
Then they're as stupid as you are, Lon!
Saying it doesn't make it so, nor is this ANY kind of rebuttal.
No, the rebuttal was the very next sentence, MORON!

It is relegated to rubbish and unworthy of my time.
You're the one wasting everyone's time with literal stupidity. If you don't like me pointing it out then I invite you to leave.

It matters not a whit what you think is stupid.
I wasn't giving an opinion. I was stating facts.

It really doesn't and you are wasting your and my 'time.'

By 'reality' do you mean the physical universe He created?
No, you idiot! I mean reality! God didn't create Himself did He?

Your logic is often bound to this world, Clete.
You are as stupid as the day is long!

Boy, there is a boatload in that question. First of all, of course 'irrational' is real, else we'd not know what it means. Second, no. I was intimating that you and I aren't wholly rational and some things you think are rational, aren't. I realize it makes sense, but that doesn't mean right. Rationality is a search for what is true, not a means to an end. You and I have a long way to go. Paul said it clearly: We see through a glass darkly. Open Theism intimates glass clearly and is poorer for it.
As I said, go and just believe anything you desire because there is no distinction, in your world, between truth and error. You couldn't prove that this post exists or that you know how to read it!

Man doesn't live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Completely irrelevant nonsensical quotation of a verse that has exactly nothing to do with anything either of us has said.

The only rationality is when we grasp what is true, however dark the glass between us may be.
If so, then there's no way to know anything. Including that there's any such thing as grasping anything or seeing things darkly. There's no way to know the difference between being blind and clear sight.

Of course this assails your ideology, but you can do no better than glass darkly, either.
It has nothing to do with MY ideology you stupid fool!

I didn't have anything to do with making the universe or how it works nor did anyone consult me on whether the truth is allowed to contradict itself.

Further, if it is allowed to contradict itself you'd have no way of knowing whether it "assailed" (i.e. contradicts) my idiology or not nor would you have any grounds to object if it did.

Is my glass even more dark than yours?
You've chosen to shut your eyes and to tell me it's a waste of time to try and get you to open them and then to dance around in circles trying to elevate your self-imposed blindness to the status of wisdom.

Such is about degrees and often in this intimation, I'm trying to get you to question what usually seems crystal clear to you.
No you're not! You're trying to get me to shut off the only light that exists by which truth and error can been seen and discerned!

Lest Paul be wrong, your glass, however clearer than mine, perhaps, is but darkly. Glass darkly is about perception where mystery is necessary.

You a fool and don't know the difference!

Paul asked for his malady to be removed. God told him His grace was sufficient. My parents occasionally said 'because I said so' when I asked 'why.' God does so as well.

You say such things, not in the context of ignorance or of accidental error but in the context of defending irrational nonsense! In the context of open contradiction! In the context of turning off one's mind so that a favored doctrine can be accepted. In the context of defending a lie!

The gist is there.
No Lon, it was not. Typos are one thing. Speaking like you've had 8 beers is another.

It is simply explaining that if we don't meet halfway in consideration, the conversation has no place to go but further conversations of this same fruitless end.
What is the half way point between being rational where contradiction is evidence of error and an appeal to "mystery" where contradiction is presented as proof of truth?

Where is that middle ground, Lon?!

In any compromise with reason only the irrational can benefit. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.

In conversation, we either entrench and posture which is the impetus for all 'stupid, dumb' etc. intimations.
As I said, you might be posturing but I most certainly am not. I am standing on sound reason against you appeal to literal mindlessness.

Such language is meant to stop conversation and get out. It is the end of conversation wherever it appears on TOL.
As it should be!

Why should I tolerate stupidity? Who profits other than the idiot at my expense?

Glass darkly, not crystal clarity.
You have no way of knowing the difference!

We can see through dark glass with enough light, hence scripture as well as the enlightenment of God's glory and guidance.
Whether darkly or otherwise, the point is that we can, in fact, see and what it properly seen whether darkly or otherwise, IS NOT SELF-CONTRADICTORY! EVER!

Paul's phrasing is not an excuse to accept stupidity as truth, Lon!

I surely acquiesce there is crystal clarity in our faith, I'm merely intimating it isn't all clarity and I yet believe it is nowhere near as clear as Open Theism intimates.
Well, as it seems is now YOUR favorite thing to say, SAYING IT DOESN'T MAKE IT SO!

Of the two of us, it is I who challenge you to prove me wrong while you make a case for how no case can be proven at all.

Simplicity is clear, but it won't work with Algebra, Statistics, or Calculus.
Studity! I literally cannot even figure out what you MIGHT have meant by bringing up mathematics!

We then start with what is clear between us, then consider what is through the dark glass.
There can be no such thing as starting with what is clear when you accept stupidity, irrationality and flagrant self-contradiction as the very definition of what it means to "see through a glass darkly"!

LSD, you mean?
See how that works? A typo can be read though and still clearly understood. Writing sentences with no regard to the rules of the English langage is a different story!

I'm unfamiliar with LCD (not picking, making sure so I don't miss something). I'd imagine allowing demons in is very real, however chaotic the reality. To them, very real, but I'm perhaps missing your intent. I'm not quite catching where you are headed. I think I agree with the intimations, just not quite following and perhaps even this brief response illustrates your point?
Lon, if you accept that "seeing through a glass darkly" gives you cause to accept that some truths might seem irretrievably self-contradictory then you've brought the truth all the way down to the level of a drug induced hallucination. You're saying that the road to enlightenment is to poke your eyes out; that to learn we must shut off our minds. It is spiritual suicide.

Don't bother responding to this post, Lon! I will not read it.
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Well-known member
Harvard (or Stanford, for that matter) is not the bastion of Christianity you seem to think it is, Lon.
Was at one time. Whether this particular is from an unbliever, you and I don't know. Rather it was an accurate discussion of time and important intimations upon its premise.
Claiming "Harvard disagrees with you" doesn't address what Clete said, since they have adopted the very thing which Clete was talking about:
Baloney. He said "stupid." That was the end of the rebuttal.
Harvard falls into the category of those "who say otherwise [who] have either an Einsteinian or Augustinian reason for doing so."
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Therefore, just saying, "Harvard disagrees with you" is just a fallacy of appealing to authority, as though they have to be right.
It is the only response I have to 'stupid.' How intelligent is one to call but an iteration given by professors? At best, you'd an I'd think "I disagree." "Stupid?" You better have the wherewithal. Would you pit your IQ against that of a Harvard or Stanford professor? Would you stand up in class and really call him stupid? 0.o I have stood up in class. Called the professor 'stupid?' :nono: Not only is it childish, it is disrespectful, compensating for something, and all other ways relegated to childishness.
And yes, looked through your link,

As far as I can tell, they did not present the open view, qua Open Theism.
Well, realize you are all fairly off the map and not many of you. It means they don't even know about you, likely.
They mentioned presentism, but nothing about the open view.

It leaves you with you just dismissing what Clete said by calling it rubbish, and not actually addressing what He said.
I didn't and never have. I do think it shallow reasoning often enough, but when one then says "you're stupid or a liar!" they have tipped their cards and I see the whole hand. That may yet, be one more reason there are few on TOL? People see the arguments lacking?
It literally means "mirror" or "looking glass," Lon. Not "looking glass" as in a window or lens, but something you look into to see a reflection, such as highly polished metal.
LOL. Glass mirrors started in Germany in the 1800's! Quit doubling down on this! For once in your life, you are caught completely wrong. Admit it and move along.

Strong's g2072

- Lexical: ἔσοπτρον
- Transliteration: esoptron
- Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
- Phonetic Spelling: es'-op-tron
- Definition: a mirror, looking-glass (made of highly polished metal).
- Origin: From eis and a presumed derivative of optanomai; a mirror (for looking into).
- Usage: glass. Compare katoptrizomai.
- Translated as (count): a glass (1), a mirror (1).

Would you like to concede the point? Or are you going to admit you were wrong?
LOL. Strong's is wrong too! Has to be, right? They didn't exist until Germany 1800's! Now perhaps polished metal is in Greek, but this instance isn't metal, it is through glass.
Have you considered (not just acknowledged the possibility, but actually considered) that you're the one who isn't seeing clearly?
Wow. Just wow.
Talk about irony!
Yes. You lost. Strong's is way off base now too, if they intend to intimate there were glass mirrors back then! There were no glass mirrors back then! Sure, they had polished metal, but that isn't 'glass.' :noway: Then consider the actual scriptures: αρτι δι εσοπτρου "see through glass!"
Looking glass, peer into it, please.
You too! Since the 1800's! Have one in the bathroom?
By focusing on the bread? Rather than the word of God?

Ah, 'not by bread alone!' Here's your sign, RD! Be gracious and just let absurdity slide away. Happy to be of service and please forgive me. I'm not gloating, not over you. Certainly a bit over Strong's in this instance. They got it completely wrong by 1800 years!
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Well-known member
Don't bother responding to this post, Lon! I will not read it.
1) I didn't intend to, but this is my prerogative ▲
2) Sure, my first drafts aren't gold. Never have been. I wasn't picking on LCD, went quite a long ways to ask simply because I didn't want to assume.
3) You were out of conversation several pages ago. If you say something intelligent and worthy of response, won't I meet you halfway?
4) When you come back to your senses, discuss this which maddens you intelligently. You've admitted in the past you don't know it all. I could never get that from you where you act as if it weren't true. You hold yourself, not God, as the ultimate logician without a spark of glass darkly in you.
5) My disagreement with you: What is above our mutual paygrade - We aren't God. He is logical, but you have to entertain that your parameters are often a protection instead of allowing anything to disturb that little 'logical' world. In a word, sometimes you must entertain that which doesn't seem possible else your logic remains elementary and stunted, like a child that will not entertain quantum physics because 'it makes no sense' to him. If I understood quantum physics, that'd be the end of conversation between the two, unless there was a spark of mercy, care, and concern for the other. IOW, when we approach this wall, we either entrench or we cross the wall and do what we can. We simply water and plant. God is the only one Who can do what is needed. Until then, we 'may', through proper good-faith endeavor, serve in whatever capacity He has called us toward. In such, there isn't that much exasperation, but for working the soil of faith, working the soil and planting and God gives the increase.