On Cowards and Heroes

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ran across this and thought it fit here. Or in any of the bananahead's "I hate doser's rape threads!" threads.



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Super Moderator
I agree with Soph's take on this subject: "In a decadent world such as ours, only a monster is capable of protecting innocence. This is the most important lesson you can take away from any peice of media. But it's worth noting that no other "moral of the story" is as widely ignored which can be chalked up to the generations of people who think that being good means being nice."

"What monster would be in favor of capital punishment? The answer? A loving monster."

And no, her parents didn't write the script for her. This is the child prodigy Soph.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h16VpAqkmBs