It was my studied opinion and conclusion on the passage, brother. You may not agree with it, but, unlike yourself, I have actually provided a detailed explanation and not simply asserted my opinion.
So please stop claiming over the years that no Calvinist has given an answer to your favorite
locus classicus passage used to claim
libertarian free will exists.
No proper Calvinist denies free will, that is
the liberty to choose according to one's greatest inclinations at the moment one so chooses. We all will declare that this
liberty of spontaneity (Biblical
free will) exists because God has granted this very free will and God does no violence to the will of the moral creature via the outworkings of His Providence to render certain His volitional will (i.e., what God has decreed).
Persons constructing straw men of the Calvinist's views by claiming we operate from the same presuppositions
they do and therefore believe about our beliefs what
they believe about
our beliefs leaves no hope for honest discussion.
If persons would avail themselves of a Scripturally accurate summary of our beliefs, e.g.,
WCF, with a nice exposition of the same
here, much clarity would ensue. Unfortunately some prefer to just parrot others in discussion forums and not dig deeper.
Accordingly, before making wild claims about what Calvinists believe, avail yourself of what they actually believe. For example, on the matter of
free will, see:
If you find small section above difficult reading, take up and read a nice exposition of the same:
Both contain copious Scriptural support. If you do not like what you read therein, mount your complaints using the same Scriptural support shown and defend your personal conclusions.
That said, the years pass on and you remain unwilling to actually engage beyond the usual anti-Calvinist bromides:
Do better. I know you are capable. Don't prove me wrong.