

Vid: 'Pajama Boy' on Obamacare Ex 20:15, Jn 10:10, Eccl 10:2


You can act like a man

WH lifts mandate for people whose insurance was canceled by Obamacare

Go uninsured or apply for 'catastrophic' coverage

'First crack in individual mandate'

14th change to healthcare law without Congressional approval

WH Extends Obamacare Deadline



New ObamaCare fees coming in 2014 Ex 20:15


Court: Obama Admin “Doesn’t Have the Right” to Impose HHS Mandate on Christian Colleges

Justice Blocks Contraception Mandate on Insurance in Suit by Nuns

Hospital workers go unpaid

Data Goldmine: Walgreens, Walmart Offer Free Prescriptions to Obamacare Customers

Study: Medicare-eligible patients MORE likely to visit ER instead of less expensive options

'Direct contradiction' of WH claims

Obamacare: Doctor's Office Spends 2 Hours On Hold With Insurer For Surgery Authorization, Before Giving Up

Frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment

HHS Uses Cold Weather to Push Obamacare

'Corrects' Another Rule in Law, Waives Comment Period and 30-Day Delay

Senator to sue over healthcare subsidy for Congress

Discovering Life Saving Drugs Is Very Hard and Very Expensive

Dem Sen asked state to cook books on Obamacare numbers

Hidden Practice: Hospitals Pay Patient Insurance Premiums

Report: Obamacare Bailout Planned for Insurance Companies

Exclusive -- 'I heard it doesn’t work': College Students React to Obamacare

A-List Stars Resume Propaganda Push to Save Obamacare

WH delays another Obamacare deadline



Bizarre Richard Simmons Obamacare Commercial Performance

Hundreds in Ohio Lose Doctors

Swedes buy insurance to skip long health queues

ObamaCare death debt? States can seize assets to recoup Medicaid costs

Hollywood Brainstorms 'Portraying ObamaCare in TV & Film'

Unaffordable Care Act: Sticker shock 2014 Obamacare taxes

Michelle O wants $10 donations 'to help protect Obamacare'

Report: Boston Tops List for Doctor Wait Times with 72 Days

Sick Kids Denied Specialty Treatment Due to Obamacare

Cost of Generic Drugs Soar

Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor's offices

California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away

AOL CEO: 'Obamacare Is Additional $7.1 Million Expense For Us'

CBO Director: 'Creates a Disincentive for People to Work'

WH Spin: Obamacare Will Save People 'Trapped in a Job'

Employer Mandate Delayed Again

Obama Rewrites Obamacare

Boehner: Exempts Corporations, Not Families

Directly Violates Text of Affordable Care Act

Krauthammer: 'This is stuff you do in banana republic'

Doctors 'Astonished' To Find Themselves Listed On Obamacare Exchange

'Avalanche' of Regulations Still to Come

Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'



Future: British 6-year-old denied surgery because of government 'budget cuts'

Belgium Passes Bill Allowing Terminally Ill Children to Choose Euthanasia

Obamacare Recruiting Illegal Aliens in California

Obama: Signing Up for Obamacare 'Just Part of Growing Up'

Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts

Michelle Obama: 'Young People Are Knuckleheads;' Need Obamacare

Harry Reid: We need to extend the ObamaCare deadline because…some people don’t know how to use the internet

Study: Uninsured Patients Get Better Care Than Insured

IRS: Obamacare Tax Must be Paid

Public Rebellion Brewing

Sebelius Blames GOP Governors for Obamacare Failures

Convicted Terrorist Worked as Navigator in Illinois

DC plans include gender reassignment surgeries

Obamacare Enrollees 'Finding it Impossible to Cancel Their Plans'

Restaurants in Florida Charging Obamacare Surtax

Another Delay: New delay would avoid more cancellations Friday before Election Day
Feds to force Doctors to use 155,000 codes to record injuries, diagnoses, and procedures

Opt Out: Bill to Make Fine $0 for Violating Individual Mandate Passes by 90 Votes

Michelle O To Obamacare Counselors: 'You Are Doing God's Work' Ex 20:15

Surcharge Appearing on Restaurant Bills Across Country

Michelle Obama: 'We Nag You Because We Love You' :sibbie:

Rhode Island Instructs Moms to Use Fornication App to 'Nag' Kids into Obamacare Enrollment

New Obamacare Mandate Exemption Quietly Added

Why the White House Kept the Opt-Out Exemption to the Individual Mandate Quiet

Yet another problem: Obamacare & Medicaid "churning"

Report: $17Million a Month Spent on Obamacare Ads

:sozo2: "...It's called the affordable care act...It's called the affordable care act...It's called the affordable care act...and the affordable care act..." ~ Nancy Pelosi :shocked:

"Wapner...Wapner...Wapner...(Caller, Laura Ingraham program 21 Mar 14)." :freak: ~ Raymond, Rainman

Biden: Obama Should Be Nominated for Sainthood for Dealing with Obamacare Questions

Green Card Holders Not Qualified for Medicare but Eligible for Obamacare

Obamacare Navigator: 'No One Really Has to Pay a Penalty'

Kathleen Sebelius: Obamacare Extension 'Is Not An Extension'

Health law penalizes 'wrong' insurance 18 times more than no insurance
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New member
The website hasn't crashed--and Barack Obama :Nineveh: is Steve Jobs. :BRAVO:


Monty Python: The Parrot Sketch

'Whatever' Human Services Kathleen Sebelius got testy with legislators


Sebelius: “Don’t do this to me”

Blame others for cancelled health plans
Obama: 'bad apples insurers'

"This was always about destroying the American private healthcare system. There is not a tear shed in the White House--not even a crocodile tear over those who lost their health insurance." ~ Dennis Prager

Obama: 'Just shop around'--on a site that doesn't work

White House told insurance execs to keep quiet

'Data Mining' Budget 'To Ensure Programs Redistribute Tens of Billions'

Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children

Slate Magazine: Canada has death panels and that's a good thing

Obama: It's hard but it's worth it. It is the right thing to do Isa 5:20


Propaganda: White House Asks for Photos of Happy Obamacare Enrollees

Sex workers jazzed about Obamacare

Dems now calling for doctors to take Medicare, Medicaid patients

Obama denies health care comments
Video recordings show him saying them -- at least 29 times

'Unions May Get Health Law Tax Relief'

Sebelius admits felons can become navigators

250,000 Colorado plans cancelled

Delaware Spends $4 Million to Enroll 4 People

Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare

52 million Americans have lost or will lose health insurance

Blame game as insurers dump doctors

Obama Knows Best: Obama 2010. Americans Won't Lose Insurance, They'll Change To 'Better Deal' :Nineveh:

It's all about you: Obama: 'I got burned already with a website...' :Commie:

Tell Congress: 'Live by Your Laws!'

Persuasion cannot save him now, Campaigning will not work this time

The Truth about Navigators: Corruption at the heart of the president’s signature program

California: 1 Million Lose Insurance

Conflict of interest: WebMD pockets millions from feds to promote Obamacare

Promoting sexual sin

President thwarts Congress again



Insurers: 'Fix' could raise costs

Another woman with cancer dumped from insurance


Hillary Clinton 2007: 'If you have a plan you like, you keep it'

Home sellers discover hidden new Obamacare tax

Thousands of Doctors Dropped from Health Plans

House passes bill to keep your insurance
Obama vows to veto

Dem Rep: Amnesty key to making law work

Report: White House working with insurers to bypass Healthcare.gov



Biden: 'God willing' health site will be fixed Ex 20:15 :dizzy:

Former FTC Commissioner: Obamacare Website Violates Federal Regulations

Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here.

Woman Hailed As Success Story Now Can't Afford

Plans in DC Cover Abortion, Not Hearing Aids

Perks Ease Way In Health Plans For Lawmakers

Analysis: 50 to 100 million insurance cancellations coming

Blaming Republicans
Obama: 'Invested in Failure' of Healthcare Law

Sebelius asked to explain $2B in Obamacare loans

Will this court case shatter Obamacare?

80 million could lose employer coverage under Obamacare

Boy with cancer loses coverage

Obamacare sign-up for small businesses delayed a year
so sorry,got u confused with,,spit fire...