Obamacare Premiums Soar
Philly: Only 2 Insurers Left, Premiums To Rise 53% :Nineveh: Ex 20:15, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Philly: Only 2 Insurers Left, Premiums To Rise 53% :Nineveh: Ex 20:15, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Obamacare Premiums Soar
Philly: Only 2 Insurers Left, Premiums To Rise 53% :Nineveh: Ex 20:15, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Obamacare Website No Longer Addresses 'You Can Keep Your Doctor'
Mess: Obama maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars
5 Devastating Obamacare Facts Every American Should Know
More Than 1 Million Will Lose Healthcare Insurance in 2017 as Companies Flee Obamacare
Medicare Unveils Far-Reaching Overhaul of Doctors' Pay
Hillary Wants Obamacare to 'Unravel' Ex 20:15
What are your thoughts on Presidential candidate and sexual degenerate Donald Trump's plan for socialized healthcare?
It should be repealed and replaced. There are Christian healthcare options for individuals who don't live according to the flesh? :banana: Ro 8:13 :idunno:
Have you voted yet? I sent my off off already for Tom Hoefling (pro-lifer, Colorado). :jump: