Obama says racism is genetic

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He's making a point. I got it. :)
Maybe so. And maybe they'll bring back Classic Coke.

What I read in the one or two things I responded to was someone objecting stridently to the notion that what was being offered as a metaphor was in fact being offered as exactly that.

And you call yourself a lawyer. :chuckle:
Hey, Hank Aaron missed a few, assuming. He was still a pretty good ball player. :)


Well-known member
Maybe so. And maybe they'll bring back Classic Coke.

What I read in the one or two things I responded to was someone objecting stridently to the notion that what was being offered as a metaphor was in fact being offered as exactly that.

Hey, Hank Aaron missed a few, assuming. He was still a pretty good ball player. :)

Just joshin' with ya, Town. I come to politics to get my laughs....and it's getting late to boot. ;)


Well-known member
me too actually I think in that speech he just used it as a metaphor. That though could be easily tossed into a box with the many times Obama does make raciest remarks.

I say that from confusion of whom in mine own life to be raciest against,that is after d.n.a. testing and genealogy I am dutch,Spanish,french,Jewish and American Indian so I could get arrested while shaving if I stick my tongue out too far in the morning.

Obama is not so confusing though,that is he being half white and half black makes him stick out like a sore thumb when he's accused of playing the race card,he always goes to the defense of the black,never once has he said,,,,,,,,,,,,"YOU MEAN BECAUSE I'M HALF WHITE I'M PLAYING UP TO THE WHITES?",,,instead we see where his heart is...

The Barbarian

,he always goes to the defense of the black,never once has he said,,,,,,,,,,,,"YOU MEAN BECAUSE I'M HALF WHITE I'M PLAYING UP TO THE WHITES?",,,instead we see where his heart is...

Yeah, and it's a shame, seeing as whites are so abused in America.


Well-known member
Yeah, and it's a shame, seeing as whites are so abused in America.

and thats not just the half,,not only are the whites,the blacks are also,,and if thats not enough to make us sick no one has even began to address the Chinese Americans,the Eskimos or the Cubans sneaking over into the U.S. ,,,instead we without prejudice are racist against each and every race of mankind,,,we are not raciest,,we are practiced professionals at hating all of the races in one accord,with equal rights of hatred allocated to all....


New member
You guys are so easily fooled.

The fact is we know what a metaphor is. We know what Bambi was trying to say. We know he's an idiot who can't keep from saying stupid things. And we know his followers will be shocked when we "just don't get it". :chuckle:

It does give us a lot of entertainment, though, so don't stop just because you might feel foolish one of these days.
It's like we're the parents who chuckle when the kid thinks we're too old to get it. :carryon:
When the title of the post is a literal interpretation of a metaphor, the OP (at the very least) does not understand the concept.


Active member
It takes a strong level of denialism to believe that humans aren't naturally racist, tribalistic, xenophobic, and violent towards outgroups.

Just because it is part of our DNA doesn't mean it is a desirable part of us that we shouldn't try to do whatever is necessary to stomp it down whenever it pops up its ugly head.

If you don't want to judge it, fine. Be compassionate and understand that the racist is just a product of his/her environment and DNA. Do what you can to educate them and help them overcome this natural tendency. However, that doesn't mean we should just let the racist harm other people should the racism overwhelm his/her behavior.

I wouldn't judge an angry bear who tries to kill me or my family. It's simply part of its nature. Doesn't mean I wouldn't shoot it if it tries to take out its aggression on myself or others around me who I care about.


Active member
The exact reason Hitler justified ' ethnic and human cleansing". Bad DNA. Perhaps "Christians" maybe also classified, shortly.

You mean Hitler supported the extermination of the entire human race? What alternate history have you been reading?

You might want to consider what is being said (Obama said "our DNA", meaning all of us) rather than saying something so stupid.


Active member
I don't know why you seriously attempt this one. In their DNA is almost trite for the use it gets popularly.

I did a quick google on the phrase and it turned up any number of examples:

D.I.Y. Is in Their DNA - The New York Times

Digital in Their DNA - JWT.com

"It's in their DNA!" That is a common response when someone asks, "What makes that company so customer focused?" From Customer Focused DNA

Deep Water - It’s in Their DNA

It's just a phrase used by all sorts of people and almost none of them literally.

Even if he meant it as a metaphor, none of us would seriously deny that racism, tribalism, xenophobia, fear and dehumanization of "the other", etc., is part of the human DNA, would we?


New member
Even if he meant it as a metaphor, none of us would seriously deny that racism, tribalism, xenophobia, fear and dehumanization of "the other", etc., is part of the human DNA, would we?

Young children don't generally exhibit such behavior nor do the elderly, generally.


New member
Hall of Fame
Young children don't generally exhibit such behavior nor do the elderly, generally.

Uh, excuse me? Since when does bigotry just disappear with old age? I've seen it harden with time.

But yes, this manner of inhumanity seems to be taught, not inherent--but that's still very much part of the species's condition, woven into whatever makes us human. The tribal DNA, so to speak.


New member
Uh, excuse me? Since when does bigotry just disappear with old age? I've seen it harden with time.

But yes, this manner of inhumanity seems to be taught, not inherent--but that's still very much part of the species's condition, woven into whatever makes us human. The tribal DNA, so to speak.

Well... with age comes a slowing and possibly a learning of things that work and things that do not work. With age comes loss and response to loss. After spending a lifetime in the work force one is exposed to all kinds and sorts of people. One learns to value the hard working colleague no matter the appearance.
I believe that love of Tribe has had survival value so very likely has a genetic component. It need not be a bad thing.
If ever I have had faith and hope restored it is in the behavior of the wonderful people in the congregation wherein a hideous slaughter was perpetrated.
These folks have lightened our darkness and become a beacon for all Americans.


Well-known member
If that's true, then racists are simply being who they naturally are because it's what they are. That means racism is perfectly normal, cannot be helped, should never be judged, and you're a bigoted racistphobe if you judge them.

Man cant help being a sinner, its perfectly normal to be one, so if we follow your logic, we are a bigoted if we judge folk to be sinners !


Well-known member
Racism [groundless, ungodly hatred] is a sad, antibiblical attitude that is adopted and nurtured for various reasons, none of them good and with nothing figurative or metaphorical about it. It's thoroughly bad.

Homosexuality is likewise a sad, antibiblical attitude that is adopted and nurtured for various reasons, all of them negative. It's also thoroughly bad, with nothing figurative or metaphorical about it.

Yet we're all expected to make an exception for sodomy, to applaud it, while damning racism.

The point I was getting at, which I don't see anyone picking up on, is that YES, racism and homosexuality are, in a very real sense, "ingrained" in humanity...but only by virtue of their both being sins. But homosexuality -- while supposedly just as "ingrained" in some as racism is in all -- is not to be condemned as sin while racism is.

So when Obama lifts up and defends one behavior as a thing of pride and beauty while damning the other, even though both are (if only potentially) "ingrained" through sin, he's being a hypocrite. So are many of you here who defend him. God condemns both.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well... with age comes a slowing and possibly a learning of things that work and things that do not work. With age comes loss and response to loss. After spending a lifetime in the work force one is exposed to all kinds and sorts of people. One learns to value the hard working colleague no matter the appearance.
I believe that love of Tribe has had survival value so very likely has a genetic component. It need not be a bad thing.
If ever I have had faith and hope restored it is in the behavior of the wonderful people in the congregation wherein a hideous slaughter was perpetrated.
These folks have lightened our darkness and become a beacon for all Americans.

I think you and I've known enough old embittered bigots to know sometimes you mellow and sometimes you ossify.

Yes, the spirit of forgiveness in Charleston was quite powerful. And the murderer's actions didn't spark a race war, but did result in the (overdue) stigmatization and banishment of a symbol that did represent a war fought in large part over race. Silver linings and all that.


Well-known member
Racism [groundless, ungodly hatred] is a sad, antibiblical attitude that is adopted and nurtured for various reasons, none of them good and with nothing figurative or metaphorical about it. It's thoroughly bad.

Homosexuality is likewise a sad, antibiblical attitude that is adopted and nurtured for various reasons, all of them negative. It's also thoroughly bad, with nothing figurative or metaphorical about it.

Yet we're all expected to make an exception for sodomy, to applaud it, while damning racism.

The point I was getting at, which I don't see anyone picking up on, is that YES, racism and homosexuality are, in a very real sense, "ingrained" in humanity...but only by virtue of their both being sins. But homosexuality -- while supposedly just as "ingrained" in some as racism is in all -- is not to be condemned as sin while racism is.

So when Obama lifts up and defends one behavior as a thing of pride and beauty while damning the other, even though both are (if only potentially) "ingrained" through sin, he's being a hypocrite. So are many of you here who defend him. God condemns both.

And see for the most part I also agree,,,but I keep stumping my toe on this (Genesis 24:3-4 KJV) is Abraham an ungodly raciest to seek only a wife to marry his son from his own tribe when any woman from any tribe would have been fine?


Well-known member
And see for the most part I also agree,,,but I keep stumping my toe on this (Genesis 24:3-4 KJV) is Abraham an ungodly raciest to seek only a wife to marry his son from his own tribe when any woman from any tribe would have been fine?

Fair question.

What were the Canaanites like at that time, as far as we can tell from Scripture?

What tended to happen over the centuries whenever the men of Israel took pagan wives? Did those wives tend to abandon their pagan idols and come to the One True God, or did the opposite tend to happen?

Why did God ultimately forbid the men of Israel from taking such wives?

Also see Genesis 26:34-35.