Obama says racism is genetic


Well-known member
Does that mean that it (racism) is in HIS DNA also? Cuz he inherited DNA from his Caucasian ("white") mother, didn't he?

Thank you kindly.

Logically, yes it would. But leftists are experts at hypocritically excusing and exempting themselves from whatever charges they levy at others. Some say it's because they don't actually believe anything they say -- it's all strictly for political gain. I believe that's true in some cases, but in others (like this one) they choose to be hypocrites because they're allowed to. White people REALLY ARE racists, in their minds...it's just that some whites (conservatives) are far more racists than others (liberals).


New member
Hall of Fame
Nothing like a black speaking frankly about race and racism to send some folks into a tizzy.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If racism is in the DNA, then every democrat has a legacy of racism running through their veins given that their party endorsed slavery & segregation, opposed civil rights. With bedfellows like the KKK which was an appendage of the democrats & leaders such as Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace, Robert Byrd, & Al Gore Sr. to their credit it would be hard to deny that racism is in the DNA of democrats...it is their legacy.
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New member
Logically, yes it would. But leftists are experts at hypocritically excusing and exempting themselves from whatever charges they levy at others. Some say it's because they don't actually believe anything they say -- it's all strictly for political gain. I believe that's true in some cases, but in others (like this one) they choose to be hypocrites because they're allowed to. White people REALLY ARE racists, in their minds...it's just that some whites (conservatives) are far more racists than others (liberals).

Again, he said, "We".

I guess you only see want you want to.


Well-known member
It wouldn't matter either way we look at it,,,,,,

(A)President of the U.S. thinks homosexuality is genetic and the Constitution should defend their rights(because they cant help it he thinks),,,,,,,,,,or

(B) President of the U.S. thinks racism is genetic (BUT HE DON'T THINK THEY SHOULD BE PROTECTED BY THE SAME CONSTITUTION)



Well-known member
If that's true, then racists are simply being who they naturally are because it's what they are. That means racism is perfectly normal, cannot be helped, should never be judged, and you're a bigoted racistphobe if you judge them.

He's an idiot.


New member
Hall of Fame
I seriously can't tell if you guys are deliberately playing stupid or if you're just dim. Unreal.


Well-known member
Hey Townie, I'm just riffing off the established zeitgeist. There's not one study that has verified a genetic cause to homosexuality yet we're preached at that it IS genetic, or at least so otherwise perfectly natural that it may as well be. So along comes Obama who says racism is also genetic.

Goose, meet gander.

If he was being intellectually honest, he'd have said, "Like blacks are genetically disposed to waiting on tables." That way we'd realize it was just a "figure of speech" or a "metaphor". Without those kind of clues, what are us ignorant white racists supposed to think? ;)


New member
About what, Granite? Did I miss something?

When you talk about the body of Christ, are you talking about a literal body with literal arms and legs and real blood and cell structures? Or is it a symbol, metaphor, allegory?

Now, do you think Obama was talking about real DNA of society? Or was it a symbol, metaphor, allegory?


If that's true, then racists are simply being who they naturally are because it's what they are. That means racism is perfectly normal, cannot be helped, should never be judged, and you're a bigoted racistphobe if you judge them.
You are reading him like a fundamentalist might do, I believe.

You're taking Obama literally, I think.

If you can stretch your mind out to see racism as something that is passed down culturally, then a statement like "It's in our DNA" could be taken as an effective metaphor for the origin and spread of racism.


New member
Hall of Fame
His "word"? :jawdrop: :shut:

Uh...yeah. It figures that when he hits the nail on the head suddenly his critics get unhinged and actually take him literally, either because they're playing dumb or because they're genuinely dim.

What he said and what he meant's obvious.