Obama opens first White House gender-neutral restroom


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Yet you earlier stated that you would chaperone your young daughter into a gender neutral restroom. If these mentally ill/morally confused people are "generally not a threat", then that wouldn't be necessary.

Given that your original statement was for a6 year old girl, yes. She is going to be chaperoned every place she goes. She's 6. At that age she needs close supervision. As she grows up, she will need less and less. Not that hard to figure out.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet you earlier stated that you would chaperone your young daughter into a gender neutral restroom. If these mentally ill/morally confused people are "generally not a threat", then that wouldn't be necessary.

Given that your original statement was for a6 year old girl, yes. She is going to be chaperoned every place she goes. She's 6. At that age she needs close supervision. As she grows up, she will need less and less. Not that hard to figure out.

So at 6 years old she needs chaperoning around "homosexuals or tansgebdered or bisexuals" who use gender neutral restrooms (that exist here in the US because of the demands of the LGBTQueer movement), but as she get's older less and less? (Did CabinetMaker just imply that homosexuals, tansgebdered and bisexuals are a threat to children?).


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet you earlier stated that you would chaperone your young daughter into a gender neutral restroom. If these mentally ill/morally confused people are "generally not a threat", then that wouldn't be necessary.

So at 6 years old she needs chaperoning around "homosexuals or tansgebdered or bisexuals" who use gender neutral restrooms (that exist here in the US because of the demands of the LGBTQueer movement), but as she get's older less and less? (Did CabinetMaker just imply that homosexuals, tansgebdered and bisexuals are a threat to children?).

At 6 years old she needs her parents with her every place she goes regardless of who is around. I can't belive you think a 6 year old should be unchaparoned in general.

And no, I didn't imply anything. I stated very clearly what I meant. I am not sure how you arrived at your conclusions based on what I said.


So at 6 years old she needs chaperoning around "homosexuals or tansgebdered or bisexuals" who use gender neutral restrooms (that exist here in the US because of the demands of the LGBTQueer movement), but as she get's older less and less? (Did CabinetMaker just imply that homosexuals, tansgebdered and bisexuals are a threat to children?).

At 6 years old she needs her parents with her every place she goes regardless of who is around. I can't belive you think a 6 year old should be unchaparoned in general.

Silly me, and here I thought that a 6 year old girl would be safer in an environment (i.e. a restroom) where mothers and their daughters frequent and where males (no matter what they believe their gender is) are arrested if they enter.

And no, I didn't imply anything. I stated very clearly what I meant. I am not sure how you arrived at your conclusions based on what I said.

You came across very clearly when it came to defending the LGBTQueer movement.