Obama Golfs as Louisiana Floods - More Obama Ineptitude

patrick jane

The alternative being your candidate proposing and advancing his own, particular programs and differing vision for the next four years. :rolleyes:
I watch FOX News so I get to see and hear Trump's speeches that he gives almost everyday at rallies, he IS laying out his plans and policies for the future. Whereas, you likely haven't seen these speeches.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I watch FOX News so I get to see and hear Trump's speeches that he gives almost everyday at rallies, he IS laying out his plans and policies for the future. Whereas, you likely haven't seen these speeches.
I suspect both of them will have ample time to lay out particulars during the debates. I'm disinclined to listen to either of them short of that and only then as a matter of curiosity.

I'm not going to vote for any of the three advanced candidates in this cycle.

The Horn

Catholic Crusader, you still think Obama, who was born in Hawaii of an AMERICAN MOTGER , is a "Kenyan " ? You're a birther ? Sheesh ! I thought these imbeciles had gone the way of the dinosaur . And dinosaurs , with eventheir tiny brains,were much smarter than birthers are.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Catholic Crusader, you still think Obama, who was born in Hawaii of an AMERICAN MOTGER , is a "Kenyan " ? You're a birther ? Sheesh!......

Could you possibly be anymore ignorant? It's like calling Reagan the Irishman, or calling Dean Martin the Italian. Grow up.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
[using Kenyan] It's like calling Reagan the Irishman, or calling Dean Martin the Italian. Grow up.
Except that it isn't like that at all, given the whole Kenyan nonsense was manufactured to seriously bring into question Obama's ability to assume the office of president, not as an endearment or even as an accurate description of descent, and noting your coupling with the dreaded socialist label it's clear enough what your intent in usage is and isn't.

The Horn

Oops. Should be mother , not "motger. I've got the sloppiest fingers on the internet . But at least I get my facts right.


Obama Golfs as Louisiana Floods - More Obama Ineptitude

If the President had rushed to the flooding, siphoning away necessary federal resources to facilitate his photo-op, our conservative "friends" would now be criticizing him for acting as a political opportunist.

A presidential hopeful's visit to a disaster area requires the diversion of far fewer resources than those required for a sitting president!

What really matters is not the physical presence of the president but whether federal emergency services are reaching those in need - which was not the case after Hurricane Katrina.

What also needs to be done is to make the hard decisions concerning the relocation housing onto higher ground - so that the nation is not longer locked into this repeated cycle of financial interventions of rebuilding housing in those high risk areas that are susceptible to flooding.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

have you been eating lead paint chips?

bammy was born to a kenyan citizen and as such, automatically had dual citizenship through each parent

which legitimately called into question his "natural born" status