Obama Golfs as Louisiana Floods - More Obama Ineptitude

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hillary Clinton, Obama Both in Martha’s Vineyard After Louisiana Paper Demands POTUS Visit

President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are now both on Martha’s Vineyard as former President Bill Clinton prepares to celebrate his 70th birthday on the island.

It is unclear whether the Obamas will attend Clinton’s birthday party, which according to a Clinton aide will include “family and friends.”

Obama has spent most of his vacation time on the island golfing and spending late nights out with friends, while Hillary Clinton has remained on the campaign trail.

Clinton’s visit to Martha’s Vineyard comes after the Baton Rouge Advocate penned an editorial asking President Obama to appear in Louisiana for the sake of residents suffering from historic floods.

QUOTE: Now that the flood waters ravaging Louisiana are receding, it’s time for President Barack Obama to visit the most anguished state in the union.

Last week, as torrential rains brought death, destruction and misery to Louisiana, the president continued his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, a playground for the posh and well-connected.

We’ve seen this story before in Louisiana, and we don’t deserve a sequel. In 2005, a fly-over by a vacationing President George W. Bush became a symbol of official neglect for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The current president was among those making political hay out of Bush’s aloofness.

Sometimes, presidential visits can get in the way of emergency response, doing more harm than good. But we don’t see that as a factor now that flood waters are subsiding, even if at an agonizing pace. It’s past time for the president to pay a personal visit, showing his solidarity with suffering Americans.

Thursday night, the president and the First Lady were out until nearly midnight at the Beach Road restaurant. Obama also spent the afternoon on his ninth round of golf in the 14 days he has been on vacation.

Obama’s vacation schedule today has been empty, prompting speculation from reporters that the president may end up at the Clinton Birthday party. On Friday afternoon, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence landed in Baton Rouge to visit flood victims.

On Monday, the president attended a fundraiser for Clinton, praising her warmly and urging Democrats to “run scared” against Donald Trump.

“It is absolutely critical that we have a capable, visionary, hardworking, diligent, smart, tenacious leader in the Oval Office,” he said. “And that’s Hillary Clinton. That’s who she is.”

Source: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presi...9/obama-hillary-vacationing-marthas-vineyard/


jgarden is clueless. Talking to him is like talking to a rock. Actually its worse; at least a rock doesn't say stupid stuff back.
Apparently nobody has informed "CatholicCrusader" that this is a "forum" - a "marketplace" of ideas that don't necessarily conform to his distorted view of the world!

"CatholicCrusader" invariably resorts to "name calling" because he is either unwilling and/or unable to engage in a debate based on the facts!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Hillary Clinton, Obama Both in Martha’s Vineyard After Louisiana Paper Demands POTUS Visit
Why quote Brietbart?

From the article in the actual paper:

Sometimes, presidential visits can get in the way of emergency response, doing more harm than good. But we don’t see that as a factor now that flood waters are subsiding, even if at an agonizing pace. It’s past time for the president to pay a personal visit, showing his solidarity with suffering Americans.​

As noted in one of my earlier posts, the President has an Aug 23rd visit planned. Why some unnamed writer of an Op-ed piece for one newspaper should be the source of when that visit should occur, especially after noting the very thing the White House cited as a reason for a delay in physical presence, before clearing the date of an actual appearance with the state's governor, is anyone's calculated guess.

So "now" it's both time and "past time" when before it could have done "more harm than good"?

Well, that's as clear as the Mississippi these days, isn't it.

Link to the actual and full editorial/paper here:


New member
So "now" it's both time and "past time" when before it could have done "more harm than good"?

Well, that's as clear as the Mississippi these days, isn't it.

What is clear, I think, is that if the flooding had happened after November 8th, no one would have cared half as much, nor would they have taken such pains to make sure that everyone knows that the Clintons are celebrating Bill's birthday. With Obama. T'is the season.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for the translation Mr. Helper. I read it the first time. Now, back to MY topic.

Where are all the cries about Obama's absence that you snivellers who voted for Obama were screaming about Bush during Katrina. And for the record, Bush also did all he could at the outset of Katrina, and for a while was blocked by DEMOCRAT ineptitude at the state level.
Maybe Donald Duck would build a wall keeping those rivers from flooding, do you think?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What is clear, I think, is that if the flooding had happened after November 8th, no one would have cared half as much, nor would they have taken such pains to make sure that everyone knows that the Clintons are celebrating Bill's birthday. With Obama. T'is the season.
When I see people like CC ignoring data and rushing to unsupportable, odd extrapolations of useless anecdotal evidence it almost invites sympathy, but given what they're using it to justify and how they go about it...it falls short.

Much, I suspect, as will their candidate...which is comforting to me in the same sense that only getting one flat tire while driving down the interstate at seventy miles an hour is. :plain:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
When I see people like CC ignoring data and rushing to unsupportable, odd extrapolations of useless anecdotal evidence it almost invites sympathy.......

OMG.. ...blah blah blah.. ...what a mouthful of crap.

Look, its really simple: Obama is up golfing when he should be down near the victims, at least for a tour or a visit or an inspection or something. That's what presidents do. People in horrific situations need support, even if it means just being there. They want their president to be there with them. The fact that you go through such rhetorical gymnastics to justify that jerk's behavior shows that you STILL support that lying sack of Kenyan crap, so don't hide it behind a bunch of pointy-headed gobbledygook, data and "extrapolations" and all that other crap.


New member
Hall of Fame
"It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him. We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit. I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president. So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks." Governor John Bel Edwards

Bumping this because I think it's worth repeating.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
OMG.. ...blah blah blah.. ...what a mouthful of crap.
Ah, that explains it. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you are what you eat? :shocked: Put that down!

More seriously, to remind you that I've literally already addressed the points you're about to raise.
Look, its really simple: Obama is up golfing when he should be down near the victims, at least for a tour or a visit or an inspection or something.
1. Even the article you cited, citing an anonymous op-ed noted that the writer understood the problems with resource drains and a Presidential visit.

2. The article writer suggested that the time had suddenly come and was even late for those concerns to not be concerns.

3. I noted the governor of the state was aware of the Presidents plan to visit within a few days and had no problem with it and also noted that literally everything else the President could do he'd done...I also said, though to another poster here, that I think the President mishandled the PR side of it and that I would have done things differently. I noted what those things would have been. But that's still cosmetics.

That's what presidents do. People in horrific situations need support, even if it means just being there.They want their president to be there with them.
Of course they do. Even if it's better that he not do that immediately, which most seem to agree is the case. I argued he could have cut short his trip and at least returned to Washington for appearances, though what he could do short of being there, again, he was doing and had done. And, again, he contacted the governor and set in motion that appearance. So it's not much of a complaint, really.

The fact that you go through such rhetorical gymnastics
Examining easily obtainable facts and withholding judgment until I have them, reasoning my way through an understanding of something isn't an effort for me.

to justify that jerk's behavior
Given you spend half your time talking like an angry fifth grader that's some pot you have there. Black, is it?

shows that you STILL support that lying sack of Kenyan crap,
The fact that you call the President a Kenyan says everything anyone needs to know about you, even without the insult tacked on.

so don't hide it behind a bunch of pointy-headed gobbledygook, data and "extrapolations" and all that other crap.
Facts and reason aren't things to hide behind, but they're a dandy way to expose positions that don't rest on them.

Otherwise you're doing peachy. :thumb:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Ok, so what should the federal government do that it isn't doing to help Louisiana?

This is why you don't purge posts in bulk, but in selective reason. This is not what was said with Katrina, which was responded to appropriately and legally by FEMA, at that time.


New member
Last week, as conservative media pounced on the liberal media and the president for not visiting Louisiana in the wake of the devastating flooding that has ruined hundreds of thousands of lives, Donald Trump made a surprise visit to the state with a truckload of supplies for the people of Baton Rouge. Even former Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu and current Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards have said Trump's visit was a good thing.

Barack Obama was content to ignore Louisiana, even after he trashed George W. Bush for not visiting the state quicker after Katrina. However, the media attention Trump got after his initial visit has forced Obama to schedule a trip to Louisiana today. In short, Donald Trump has scored a pretty good PR victory.

Hillary Clinton has no plans to visit the state at all, and has chosen to continue fundraising instead. She is far enough ahead in the polls that she believes she can withstand a Trump bounce from this, but that Obama is coming is very telling. Here is a president that claimed his administration cared about optics, and he is being shown-up by a man he views as beneath him and the office he holds. But, now he has to make an appearance.