Obama Golfs as Louisiana Floods - More Obama Ineptitude

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Direct Quote from Obama about when Bush was dealing with Katrina

notice how the excuse of getting in the way of first responders never crossed Obama's mind when he ripped into Bush for not witnessing the damage on the ground in person .
I'm not sure of the timeline on that, so his criticism might have had a different context and aim. Or he may have just been wrong. If so, he's learned that the hard way and it's appropriate to tweak his nose on the point.


New member
I'm not sure of the timeline on that, so his criticism might have had a different context and aim. Or he may have just been wrong. If so, he's learned that the hard way and it's appropriate to tweak his nose on the point.

utter delusional denial, those where his words in the correct context attacking bush for the same thing that he was doing. is this YouTube clip enough context for you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
utter delusional denial,
Who is that aimed at? If me you need to slow down and reread. Not having the full context I allowed that you could be wrong BUT that if you weren't he had it coming.

Nothing delusional about that.

those where his words in the correct context attacking bush for the same thing that he was doing.
I didn't contest the words. What I was wondering was when he set out the criticism. Chronology would impact the nature of the criticism.

is this YouTube clip enough context for you.
Well, no. They provide the thing I wasn't really disputing. I don't doubt he said it, vaguely remembered the criticism. I was mostly interested in the time frame and it's impact on the context.


Katrina hit New Orleans on Aug. 29, 2005.
Two days later, Bush flew over in route to Washington. That's the fly over Obama is noting.
Twelve days later, on September 11, Bush put his boots on the ground.

Flooding begain on Aug. 12 in Louisiana this time around.
The President arrived on Aug 23, about the same timed distance.

On the face of it he has his foot in his mouth and the criticism is justified. The only potential mitigation is that the governor of Louisiana didn't want him there early and that may have played a role in his decision.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Pointy-heads like TH are good at that.
Rather, wrong headed people like you are frequently quick to confuse insult with substance and proof. In point of fact, jeff was off base and should have read me better.

You...you I don't expect much from. So :thumb: on consistency.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's odd how Obama seemed to find the time to issue a warning that there be no discrimination during this flood disaster. Here these people are helping one another salvage their lives and Obama is suggesting they might be practicing discrimination. That is par for the course for the Idiot In Chief. :nono:

what a moron :doh:

meanwhile, back in the city he "organized":

but most of 'em are black kids, so who cares, right?

The Horn

This is nothing but the same old tired Anti-Obama garbage . Fact : Obama has spent far LESS time golfing than George W. Bush league and previous GOP presidents . And he has sent GENUINE aid from the government to the victims of flooding in Louisiana while that cynical , self-serving phony Donald Chump visited there bringing Play Doh toys !
It was just fine for Dubya to take more time off vacationing and playing golf than any previous president while he Fiddled and America burned, but when Obama is on vacation golfing right-ing hypocrites are outraged . I'm ready to vomit with disgust .
Dubya too about 800 days off as president . Sheesh almighty !


New member
This is nothing but the same old tired Anti-Obama garbage . Fact : Obama has spent far LESS time golfing than George W. Bush league and previous GOP presidents . And he has sent GENUINE aid from the government to the victims of flooding in Louisiana while that cynical , self-serving phony Donald Chump visited there bringing Play Doh toys !
It was just fine for Dubya to take more time off vacationing and playing golf than any previous president while he Fiddled and America burned, but when Obama is on vacation golfing right-ing hypocrites are outraged . I'm ready to vomit with disgust .
Dubya too about 800 days off as president . Sheesh almighty !

What does that genuine aid consist of? I can guarantee that a church knows better what suffering people need than the government.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not sure of the timeline on that, so his criticism might have had a different context and aim. Or he may have just been wrong. If so, he's learned that the hard way and it's appropriate to tweak his nose on the point.

Maybe he's learned something. Or maybe it's just standard politics and he knew better back then but didn't care because he was trying to score political points.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Maybe he's learned something. Or maybe it's just standard politics and he knew better back then but didn't care because he was trying to score political points.
Neither would surprise me. It's one of the things about him that quickly rubbed me the wrong way. He made a lot of noise about personal involvement in post Katrina efforts, then moved on to the next thing. So now he's in Louisiana talking about people who make noise and move on. :plain: Hubris isn't lacking in anyone at that level of power, I suppose.