Obama airstrikes Syria


New member
Well if you believe this tripe you damaged your brain somewhere along the line--badly. What childish, illogical reasoning! And now, all of a sudden, you care about what is moral? But the morality and laws God spells out in the Bible don't matter? You need to make up your mind which god you will follow.

The author is also too stupid to know that Japan's industry was located withing the population/housing centers we bombed. People in Japan at that time had shops in their houses where a vast amount of war materials were manufactured.

Were the native Americans making war materials for Japan too?

Nathon Detroit

I'm right-wing and despise Barrack Osama's policies. He's a radical leftest revolutionary in the fashion of Mao. However, I blame Bush 1 and 2 for the vast majority of the mess. We should have never "stirred up the hornets' nest" in that part of the world.
I'm no Bush fan but lets be honest, the "hornet's nest" was already stirring long before either Bush. Heck it's been stirring for 2000 years.

Has everyone forgot about this?


New member
Were they committing genocide?

Ever heard of a guy named Josef Stalin.

I talk about an entire country where all citizens want all the citizens of another country dead and support groups who are taking steps to bring that about and you offer a single individual citizen in rebuttal? Were you born in '96?

In what country does the entire citizenry want to destroy America?

Why did God command the Israelites to wipe out entire nations when going to war with them?

So would other nations be justified in wiping out the entire American nation?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
So he is taking McCain's advice. That is at least one thing McCain was right about.

bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.....

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Syria is controlled by Iran. This is why al-qaeda is fighting them. There is not a civil war in Syria or Iraq. It is Iran against al-qaeda for control of the islamic world.
I'm no Bush fan but lets be honest, the "hornet's nest" was already stirring long before either Bush. Heck it's been stirring for 2000 years.

Has everyone forgot about this?

You're link to the 1993 WTC bombing exactly proves my point. Iraq had ZERO to do with that or with 9-11. Like I've heard from you, others on this site, on radio talk shows, friends and so on everybody wants to make excuses for our attack of Iraq. First (and yet again) they were contained extremely well with no fly zones and so on. Secondly, so what if Saddam was "evil" and gave the families of dead terrorists money. There were, has been, is and always will be worse regimes that Saddam's out there all over the planet. Thirdly, even if Saddam did have some chemical weapons (actually he did but they were contained) then again---so what??? There are again (again) dozens and dozens of regimes unfriendly to US interest who have chemical weapons---actually they have much, much worse---they have biological and nuclear weapons and AGAIN unlike Iraq (TOTALLY unlike Iraq in 2003) they have the means to deliver them right into our living rooms.

Yes, you're right, that hornets nest has been stirring for 1400 years. But the facts are that those making our foreign policies aren't just ignorant about other cultures they are inexcusably ignorant. Like FDR being too STUPID to know that cutting off oil from Japan would result in war, so Bush just had no idea what he was stirring up. But worse, much, much worse, Bush had zero idea about how to "win the peace" and actually tried to institute democracy in a sick Moo-slum country. Current events prove this to the utmost and ugliest degree possible [and believe me, I know all about being "ugly" :) ] Yes, of course we needed to respond to 9-11. But when you're waking into a hornet's nest it's best to disturb as few of them as possible.

It's also best to risk as little as possible. The deaths of 4,000 American service men and women, the maiming of 40,000 and a trillion dollars is the price we've paid to accommodate ISIS, empower Iraq, help arm the Kurds which may very likely lead to the radicalization of Turkey, and now we're getting Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya and other radical Islamic nations involved in the whole thing. THAT is what I call stirring a hornet's nest.
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I really should have included Reagan's arming and interfering in Afghanistan in the 80's also. In his desperation to bring down the Soviet Union he helped arm radical Islamist all over the world.


TOL Subscriber
You are too evil and stupid to participate on this website.

Says he, who without any qualm, tolerates truly evil, ungodly, and stupid people to participate on his website, without interest, censor, or correction.

Bah . . .

It is a judgment, when one who claims to belong to Christ, cannot correctly identify Christ's enemies, but instead, persecutes Christ's spiritual children/church.

Isaiah 5:20-23

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Does anyone else sense that the US military are at near rebellion over Obama's reluctance to go in with troops?


Well-known member
Says he, who without any qualm, tolerates truly evil, ungodly, and stupid people to participate on his website, without interest, censor, or correction.

Bah . . .

It is a judgment, when one who claims to belong to Christ, cannot correctly identify Christ's enemies, but instead, persecutes Christ's spiritual children/church.

Isaiah 5:20-23

And yet....you're still allowed to post here. Go figure. :think:


Well-known member
Does anyone else sense that the US military are at near rebellion over Obama's reluctance to go in with troops?

Maybe the Generals are planning a take over. If they aren't actually planning one, they must at least talking about it under the radar.