Obama airstrikes Syria


Well-known member
I don't think anyone knows...

however somedays you have to just oppose evil and take it from there

Yep, one foot in front of the other.

Personally, I don't think there is one single thing that can be done to stop what is coming. It's in the book it will come, and I'm just waiting.


Well-known member
And the Latest headlines

US Airstrikes in Syria Don't Slow ISIS Offensive

Pentagon: ISIS Will Rebound From US Airstrikes
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Khorasan: New US Enemy Came Out of Nowhere

EU Counter-Terror Chief: '3,000 European Jihadis' Now in Syria, Iraq

Syria Strikes Are First Step of a Years-Long War

US Strikes Target Syria but Pentagon Insists Focus Remains on Iraq
US: Syria Strikes Legal Because We Did It for Iraq

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Algerian Pro-ISIS Jihadist Group Beheads French Hostage
Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane Along Border
Syrian Rebels Freed ISIS Militants for Release of Turkish Hostages

ISIS Complicates Iran's Nuclear Focus at UN

US Informed Iran Ahead of ISIS Strikes in Syria


Well-known member
May I politely suggest talking to Jesus more and listening to your sister less?

This is the politics section isn't it? I talk politics with her, and I don't talk politics with the Lord. Do you want to know the amount of time I spend with each one? Well, I see my sister every few weeks, and I spend every waking moment in fellowship with the Lord. Go figure....the terrorists aren't the priority when I go to Him.


Well-known member
Well this may be news for you but Obama's mandate stops at Americas borders, he has no responsibility for the Arab uprising and the general situation in the middle east political.

These are things an American government reacts to and interacts with, but not things American policy dictates.

The US withdrawal in IRAQ was not catalyst for the rise of ISIS, it was the lack of action on the Syria issue. This was dictated as much by Russian and Chinese foreign policy than American foreign policy.

As bad as the current situation is, its much preferable to a US - Russia proxy war going in Syria which is what could have happened if the US had intervened in Syria in spite or Russian opposition.

I think if American ground troops were currently dying in Syria and Iraq you would have bigger issues with Obama than you do now.

That's the problem....he's an idiot for leaving Iraq unattended. He's an idiot for trying to lead from behind....while playing golf. He has failed to support Israel at every turn and the whole world is paying the price for it. I can see you don't have a clue about anything. :carryon:

The Barbarian

That's the problem....he's an idiot for leaving Iraq unattended.

He merely complied with the treaty Bush negotiated and signed. If you think Bush is an idiot for doing it, maybe so. But keep in mind who did it.

He's an idiot for trying to lead from behind....while playing golf.

In fact, Obama has had more working days in office than either of the Bushes and more than Reagan, for this point in their administrations. Would you like me to show you? While I don't see the allure of golf, blaming him for being more attentive to his work than previous presidents seems a little unreasonable to me.

He has failed to support Israel at every turn

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak:
I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing, in regard to our security, more than anything that I can remember in the past. … In terms of the support for our security, the cooperation of our intelligence, the sharing of sorts in a very open way even when there are differences.

Guess not. On the other hand, the United States is not obligated to agree to everything Israel wants us to do.
bush signed a treaty requiring the next president to virtually ignore the worsening situation in iraq for six years?


Yes---but Gorge Bush also foolishly, stupidly, childishly and ignorantly thought he could make a sick Moo-slum country "safe for democracy." Further, he did ZERO to promote the true Gospel of Jesus there or anywhere else.


Well-known member
And todays headlines

US Airstrikes in Syria Don't Slow ISIS Offensive

US Airstrikes Target ISIS-Held Oil Refineries in Syria
Syrian Govt Minister: US Strikes Going 'In the Right Direction'
Syrian Rebels Slam US: Strikes Hitting al-Qaeda, Not Assad

Pentagon: ISIS War To Last 'Years'

Iraqi PM Invents ISIS Subway Plot
How Imminent Is an 'Imminent' Attack Threat?
Obama Vows Worldwide Struggle Against ISIS 'Network of Death'
US Ties Itself in Legal Knots With Shifting Rationale for Syria Strikes

ISIS Surrounds Iraqi Army Camp: 200 Trapped

ISIS' Harsh Brand of Islam Is Rooted in Austere Saudi Creed
Turks Leave for 'Family-Friendly' ISIS Group
Algerian Pro-ISIS Jihadist Group Beheads French Hostage


Well-known member
oh good

i like it when we can plan ahead on these things :)

Pentagon officials sought to downplay the day-to-day situation in Syria and Iraq, saying it’s time for Americans to stay thinking of the ISIS war in terms of years.

The Obama Administration has tried to reassure Americans about what is shaping up to be many, many years of war by insisting they are only part of a world-wide coalition.

Yet despite all the hype around Arab nations’ involvement in the Syria strikes, the Pentagon confirmed that the US is carrying out the vast majority of the strikes. Unsurprising, since many of the coalition members aren’t expected to actually do anything related to the war.

The costs of the US war are expected to continue to mount, with the latest estimates of $1.5 billion per month likely to be a drop in the bucket as the administration continues to escalate the conflict alarmingly on a weekly basis, adding goals and targets. It’s going to be a pricey war, for many years to come

The Barbarian

bush signed a treaty requiring the next president to virtually ignore the worsening situation in iraq for six years?

Ugly Christian replies:
Yes---but Gorge Bush also foolishly, stupidly, childishly and ignorantly thought he could make a sick Moo-slum country "safe for democracy." Further, he did ZERO to promote the true Gospel of Jesus there or anywhere else.

Not only did Bush sign a treaty obligating us to get out of Iraq long before it was ready to defend itself, he also presided over the destruction of the ancient Assyrian Christian Church in Iraq.

Nice work, George.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
I'm right-wing and despise Barrack Osama's policies. He's a radical leftest revolutionary in the fashion of Mao. However, I blame Bush 1 and 2 for the vast majority of the mess. We should have never "stirred up the hornets' nest" in that part of the world.

That said though, B Osama is going about this whole thing in exactly the wrong way (again). The number one worst thing we could ever do is get Turkey involved. Anybody who understands the first thing about Islam should know this. Turkey is teetering on the brink of a cliff between Western culture and radical Islam and B Osama's actions will push them right over the edge. He's also making the same mistakes that Truman, Nixon, and Bush 1 and 2 made--not fighting a war to win. I find it unbelievable that these idiots can't learn such a simple lesson from history--and recent history at that.

"Not fighting a war to win"

You mean he's not trying to exterminate them all? Tell me, what's a war to win? What does that look like?


Ugly Christian replies:

Not only did Bush sign a treaty obligating us to get out of Iraq long before it was ready to defend itself, he also presided over the destruction of the ancient Assyrian Christian Church in Iraq.

Nice work, George.

good thing bammy's been doing such a good job about protecting Christians in Iraq for the last six years, eh? :chuckle:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2009:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2010:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2011:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2012:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2013:

bammy, protecting Christians in iraq in 2014: