O’Reilly: Biden is Toast


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This is how you all hamstring yourselves. Don't complain about Rinos running the country then.
Again, no substance whatsoever. Just some random silliness to feel something - anything - coming out of your brain.

Why wouldn't we complain? Complaining when evil people do stupid hurtful things is not only wise but perfectly consistent with my worldview and with the motivations I have for casting votes in the manner that I cast them.

You'd love it if people like me BOTH sat at home on election day AND shut up about whatever lunatic death and destruction the left brings while telling me that it's for my own good.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The pandemic ran him over. If not for that, he would have sailed to reelection, and the January 6th thing never would have happened, so he never would have been impeached the second time either. He was handling every other thing thrown at him, foreign and domestic. He just bumbled the pandemic. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition basically.
He didn't bumble anything. Right or wrong, every step he took was at least reasonable, given the information that he had at the time. You have to remember that he was being told that as many as 200 million Americans alone would die if he didn't take major action.

If anyone bumbled anything it was Congress which took full advantage of the opportunity to spend us into oblivion and state governors who kept major parts of our economy shut down for entirely too long in spite of every piece of data that was telling them it wasn't necessary or even effective.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He didn't bumble anything. Right or wrong, every step he took was at least reasonable, given the information that he had at the time. You have to remember that he was being told that as many as 200 million Americans alone would die if he didn't take major action.

If anyone bumbled anything it was Congress which took full advantage of the opportunity to spend us into oblivion and state governors who kept major parts of our economy shut down for entirely too long in spite of every piece of data that was telling them it wasn't necessary or even effective.
Given the information we have now, it's clear that the initial responses were sound and should have been continued. Two weeks to slow the spread. Herd immunity. Leave the development of treatment protocols to the experts operating in the field, the frontline nurses and doctors. Voluntary masking for those who want it. Daily horse-whippings of media figures spreading panic, disinformation and rancor.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The election was "won" by cheating and for no other reason. A fact everyone knows, by the way.
Again, no substance whatsoever. Just some random silliness to feel something - anything - coming out of your brain. "Everyone" knows no such thing, and you have no proof whatsoever for that assertion. If you did, you would take it to court and get the election overturned and restore Trump to the presidency. That's what Dan Crenshaw told you to do, so why didn't you do it? Because he knows like I do that you got nuthin' and you know it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Bill O'Reilly is toast too, by the way. He got fired from Fox News years ago, and now I think he has a youtube channel or something. Nobody cares.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
"Everyone" knows no such thing, and you have no proof whatsoever for that assertion.
Everyone does know except for the brainless cattle minded morons that watch CNN and MSNBC and think Joy Behar has something intelligent to say about politics and public policy.

There is clear and convincing evidence all over the place that is not only easy to find but is getting out to the masses quite effectively.
If you did, you would take it to court and get the election overturned and restore Trump to the presidency.
That's what Dan Crenshaw told you to do, so why didn't you do it? Because he knows like I do that you got nuthin' and you know it.

Is this really what you think counts as convincing argumentation? I mean, seriously, you are actually stupid.

More than that, you're a waste of my time.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Everyone does know except for the brainless cattle minded morons that watch CNN and MSNBC and think Joy Behar has something intelligent to say about politics and public policy.
The only people who "know" the election was stolen are Mike Lindell and yourself. Neither of you seems very convincing.

There is clear and convincing evidence all over the place that is not only easy to find but is getting out to the masses quite effectively.
What's stopping you from getting that "convincing evidence" into a courtroom and before a MAGA judge quite effectively?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
He didn't bumble anything. Right or wrong, every step he took was at least reasonable, given the information that he had at the time. You have to remember that he was being told that as many as 200 million Americans alone would die if he didn't take major action.

If anyone bumbled anything it was Congress which took full advantage of the opportunity to spend us into oblivion and state governors who kept major parts of our economy shut down for entirely too long in spite of every piece of data that was telling them it wasn't necessary or even effective.
You misunderstand. In this narrow sense I agree with you and Doser that he handled the pandemic expertly and not either irresponsibly, unreasonably, or irrationally, but how the pandemic bit him in the patootie was that he couldn't gather up himself enough to continue his flawless electioneering. His electioneering stumbled, and it was only because of the pandemic. Had he entertained the notion of a global pandemic beforehand I'm sure that he would have hit that one out of the park, like hit literally every other pitch out of the park to that point, regarding his electioneering.

Basically no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. You can't fault him for not anticipating the pandemic. No one did, even those who did anticipate it, it was clear that they did not anticipate it enough to impact politics hard enough so that we didn't all stumble around like a bland man for as long as we did. And every single country had problems with the pandemic, there wasn't a single one that evaded the thing, not even South Korea or Taiwan, or the Scandinavians. Everyone eventually succumbed to the thing, and everyone all looked the same, in that everyone stumbled eventually. President Trump was in good company.

But it did thwart his electioneering. I suppose he could have ignored the pandemic and let the experts lead instead of him, and he could have just focused on how to transform his electioneering strategy and assumptions and logic and plan, but instead he perhaps impatiently decided that it would be better for the country if he were out there leading the charge during this destabilizing time instead of secluding himself to work on how to win reelection.

It's too bad, but basically the pandemic ran him over.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
A review by the Associated Press found that despite claims about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, there were fewer than 475 instances of potential voter fraud in the six states disputed by Trump — a number that would have made no difference in the election.

So, will Republicans ever come to their senses and admit that they were wrong about Trump? Probably not. There’s an old saying that “A lie repeated many times becomes the truth.” Trump’s lies have become the truth for far too many Republicans and their candidates.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A review by the Associated Press found that despite claims about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, there were fewer than 475 instances of potential voter fraud in the six states disputed by Trump — a number that would have made no difference in the election.

So, will Republicans ever come to their senses and admit that they were wrong about Trump? Probably not. There’s an old saying that “A lie repeated many times becomes the truth.” Trump’s lies have become the truth for far too many Republicans and their candidates.

Again, trace the etiology here. Pandemic, President Trump loses his electioneering balance (skillfully) dealing with it, and then his reelection chances went from wind-in-his-sails, to a loss. This whole 2020 election controversy never happens, January 6th never happens, if there's no pandemic.

It's almost, sort of cosmic entrapment. If there were no entrapment, he never would have gotten into any trouble. His bombastic rhetoric did not go well with his (expert) handling of the pandemic.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, let's see...Trump appointed Fauci. Trump gave Fauci everything he wanted: shutdowns, lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, etc. Yep, Trump handled the pandemic expertly!
Like I said. I agree with what Doser said.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You misunderstand. In this narrow sense I agree with you and Doser that he handled the pandemic expertly and not either irresponsibly, unreasonably, or irrationally, but how the pandemic bit him in the patootie was that he couldn't gather up himself enough to continue his flawless electioneering. His electioneering stumbled, and it was only because of the pandemic. Had he entertained the notion of a global pandemic beforehand I'm sure that he would have hit that one out of the park, like hit literally every other pitch out of the park to that point, regarding his electioneering.

Basically no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. You can't fault him for not anticipating the pandemic. No one did, even those who did anticipate it, it was clear that they did not anticipate it enough to impact politics hard enough so that we didn't all stumble around like a bland man for as long as we did. And every single country had problems with the pandemic, there wasn't a single one that evaded the thing, not even South Korea or Taiwan, or the Scandinavians. Everyone eventually succumbed to the thing, and everyone all looked the same, in that everyone stumbled eventually. President Trump was in good company.

But it did thwart his electioneering. I suppose he could have ignored the pandemic and let the experts lead instead of him, and he could have just focused on how to transform his electioneering strategy and assumptions and logic and plan, but instead he perhaps impatiently decided that it would be better for the country if he were out there leading the charge during this destabilizing time instead of secluding himself to work on how to win reelection.

It's too bad, but basically the pandemic ran him over.
I disagree. You cannot blame the Democrat's cheating on Trump's electioneering.

He actually won that election. He not only won it, he won it by a whole lot in terms of electoral votes. He definitely won AZ, GA, PA, NC, WI and NV, (that's six states that were literally stolen) which would have been the biggest landslide victory in the history of American politics.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I disagree. You cannot blame the Democrat's cheating on Trump's electioneering.

He actually won that election. He not only won it, he won it by a whole lot in terms of electoral votes. He definitely won AZ, GA, PA, NC, WI and NV, (that's six states that were literally stolen) which would have been the biggest landslide victory in the history of American politics.
Patently ridiculous. It's one thing to be unhappy with the results of an election, it's another altogether to invent your own "facts" on the matter. He lost, fact. There was no widespread fraud, fact. All of the investigations and audits etc have confirmed the exact same thing, fact.

He not only lost, he lost to the same landslide margin he was boasting about back in 2016, fact. Plenty people had to suck it up and deal with it when he was elected. About time you and others did the same after he was long since beaten.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
A review by the Associated Press found that despite claims about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, there were fewer than 475 instances of potential voter fraud in the six states disputed by Trump — a number that would have made no difference in the election.

So, will Republicans ever come to their senses and admit that they were wrong about Trump? Probably not. There’s an old saying that “A lie repeated many times becomes the truth.” Trump’s lies have become the truth for far too many Republicans and their candidates.

It's like people have deluded themselves to the point of distraction that acknowledging the truth would be too embarrassing to entertain.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again, no substance whatsoever. Just some random silliness to feel something - anything - coming out of your brain. "Everyone" knows no such thing, and you have no proof whatsoever for that assertion. If you did, you would take it to court and get the election overturned and restore Trump to the presidency. That's what Dan Crenshaw told you to do, so why didn't you do it? Because he knows like I do that you got nuthin' and you know it.
Nobody has any proof for it and certainly nobody on here...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Admitting to such an extreme degree of wrongheadedness and sheer self-delusion is a bridge too far for them I'm afraid.
It's fascinating on one level, especially being used to the prevailing level of cynicism in the UK where it comes to politics/politicians. There's none of this type of stuff that goes on as none of the parties/leaders are venerated to any degree.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It's fascinating on one level, especially being used to the prevailing level of cynicism in the UK where it comes to politics/politicians. There's none of this type of stuff that goes on as none of the parties/leaders are venerated to any degree.
I literally believe that we have an epidemic of mental illness in this country. Not sure if Trump caused it directly or if he just activated dormant insanity in others with his own psychopathology, but there it is.
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