O’Reilly: Biden is Toast


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Let's say some Soviet communists had migrated to the USA, become citizens, and then run for public office. Would Gen. Eisenhower have voted for them?
Know any Soviet Communists that are running as Republicans? I know some Democrats that would fit that bill!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Vote third party.
Completely total waste of time. It's a half a vote in favor of the worse of the two evils you don't want me to support.

Why? Because the enemy of my enemy's enemy is my enemy's friend!

I'm not at all interested in being the friend of the Democrats, which is the only party that benefits from my voting for a guaranteed loser.

Vote for something you actually agree with, rather than give your voice to a party that you KNOW will betray your beliefs.
That's what the Primary election is for and that's what I do during that election, but, when my preferred guy can no longer win, then I vote in a manner that helps the Democrats lose.
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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Or instead of throwing away your precious vote...
Wrong answer and here's why: There are tens of millions of Christian conservatives who could break away right now and form their own party. Your numbers are large enough that you could win state and local offices right away. But too few of you have the guts to do it, so you remain beholden to the RINO Party as a consequence.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Let's say you vote for a good leader. He wins. You expect the other side to concede and go along with whatever policies your preferred candidate rules with. The problem is it also goes the other way. If they win you are expected to accept the evil rule their leader rules with. It's part of the package you agree to when you accept the voting system.

As things have gotten worse, we see the left does not accept the victory of candidates conservatives vote for. They are allowed to be violent, cushioned by the system that doesn't punish in a way necessary to deter their behavior. Neither the culture nor the law is going to stop them, and all the victories on the right amount to a stall maneuver.

But this was always the case with the voting system. It wasn't that voting mattered more in the past, it was that in the past we thought good people voting could hold off the barbarians that are now inside the gates.

If you've counted on election day to be the culmination of your current battle, it's too late. Sure, the establishment doesn't always get its Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole/Bush they want on the ballot, but they do so the majority of the time. And the only people the establishment hates more than democrats is conservatives... to say nothing of their hatred of right wingers. Sure, the establishment candidate will be less evil by many measures, but they always cave to the evil side in the end.

The point was that conservatives thought we had been building up victories which lead to the win in 2016. We weren't winning then, and we are winning enough to turn things around now. Sure, I think with the left being more open about their evil intentions has been the red pill for a lot of people

Oh, we agree they are getting worse, but just because they cannot cheat at the scale they could in 2020 doesn't mean they can't cheat on at least the levels they've been cheating on for decades.

As Robert Barnes has stated, leftist judges are increasing in number. He has a really great view of the inside workings of the courts so I would initially trust that assessment. Why do you think the left doesn't have more judges on their side?

Again, Robert Barnes says they are increasing in number. What do you see that you think that's not true?

No, the Republicans aren't the stupid party for no reason. If they weren't nearly as bad as the democrats they would have kicked out Pence/Romney/McCain/McConnell/Dole et al... but not only do they not kick them out, they promote them to the highest levels!

When your enemy is gleeful for you to use a weapon against them, a wise person will be skeptical at the very least.
Your position is effectively that we shouldn't vote at all because voting is a systemically faulty way to do government. That may well be the case but I didn't make the system that I live under and I still haven't seen any argument that comes close to convincing me that I shouldn't avail myself of the weapons that I've been afforded to fight against my greatest enemy, whomever that might be.

You seem also to think that I believe there is some measure of hope that the U.S. isn't doomed to collapse under the weight of its own evil and that I'm somehow hoping that the next Republican is going to save us. That isn't it at all. All my vote does is add pressure to the brakes as we race toward the cliff.

You want to say "Screw the brakes!" and just let if go off the cliff. Maybe that's fine for you, but I have to live in this country, as do my children. If I can slow the descent into chaos by a week, it would be worth the effort to do so. It's nothing more than being the salt that acts as a preservative and slows down (but does not prevent) the decay of society.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Or instead of throwing away your precious vote, prioritize, pick one or two issues that you reckon have the most ideological leverage, something like abortion or social welfare services, and then vote for the party that supports that issue.
My advice is the following:

Vote FOR the BEST candidate you can find in the primaries

Vote AGAINST the WORST candidate running in the general

Stay involved during the process

Stay involved after the election

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I'm not at all interested in being the friend of the Democrats, which is the only party that benefits from my voting for a guaranteed loser.
Which makes you a RINO's best friend.
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User Name

Greatest poster ever

This is the sort of rediculous statement people make when they've run out of substance.

Thank you for conceding the debate.
Only in your own mind.

Christian conservatives are tens of millions strong. You could start your own political party today and start winning state and local elections in the next election cycle, but the lot of you are too afraid to leave the cave of shadows and venture out into the light so you settle with voting for Rinos instead.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Wrong answer and here's why: There are tens of millions of Christian conservatives who could break away right now and form their own party. Your numbers are large enough that you could win state and local offices right away. But too few of you have the guts to do it, so you remain beholden to the RINO Party as a consequence.
This is pure fantacy at best and flat out stupidity at worst.

There are tens of millions of _______________ who could break away right now and form their own party.

Fill in the blank!

Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Italians, Texans, New Yorkers, Atheists, Hindus, Faggots, Adulterers, Porn Addicts, Pot heads, Ford Truck owners, etc.

This is not how societies evolve, this is not how parties are formed, this is not how human nature works, this is not how reality works. If it were that easy, then there'd be dozens of political parties all over the place and the system would likely break down and not work at all.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This is pure fantacy at best and flat out stupidity at worst.

There are tens of millions of _______________ who could break away right now and form their own party.

Fill in the blank!

Blacks, Jews, Latinos, Italians, Texans, New Yorkers, Atheists, Hindus, Faggots, Adulterers, Porn Addicts, Pot heads, Ford Truck owners, etc.

This is not how societies evolve, this is not how parties are formed, this is not how human nature works, this is not how reality works. If it were that easy, then there'd be dozens of political parties all over the place and the system would likely break down and not work at all.
This is how you all hamstring yourselves. Don't complain about Rinos running the country then.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wrong answer and here's why: There are tens of millions of Christian conservatives who could break away right now and form their own party. Your numbers are large enough that you could win state and local offices right away. But too few of you have the guts to do it, so you remain beholden to the RINO Party as a consequence.
lol. You see the red wave coming. Just embrace it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
My advice is the following:

Vote FOR the BEST candidate you can find in the primaries

Vote AGAINST the WORST candidate running in the general

Stay involved during the process

Stay involved after the election
Yeah, that's fine. I'm just going beyond that to the parties' principles. We see their principles primarily in two places, one is in the OPED portion of the WSJ in particular, and the other is in Republican Supreme Court justice nominations (other judicial appointments as well, SCOTUS is just the spotlight). The rubber hits the road ideologically speaking especially in the latter. The Supreme Court is basically the summit of lawmaking in our government, with the absolute power to nullify otherwise settled law (whether statutory or case). They have no Constitutional limits except that they can be impeached. So where our whole regime, which runs on laws, is a car, the Supreme Court is at the wheel. And right now, the Republican ideology is 6-to-3 up on the Democratic philosophy in the Court.

My advice is just vote Republican no matter what. Until they demonstrate that they no longer support what's come to be known in shorthand as the "Originalist" judicial, Constitutional, jurisprudential, legal philosophy, just vote Repub, because then we'll continue to secure our current 6-to-3 edge as best we can.

And then, my advice is learn how to argue for Repubs. For the party. And my advice would be the same if it were instead of 2022 1862.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's why RINOs love you! That's the perfect recipe for RINO success!
I don't care what you call us. We're officially just Republicans. We're one of only two parties who actually win elections, and right now we've got a 6-to-3 edge in the Supreme Court. And we're not resting on our laurels. We're going to crush the Democrats into powder. At least as they're currently constituted. The party has a history of turning on a dime policywise (think post-Civil War, Great Depression, and Great Society). We just want to stamp out any and all un-Constitutional attitudes, beliefs, philosophies and theories. It's cancer, disease, pestilence, plague.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So you'll support anyone just so long as they call themselves Republicans? Got it.
So long as I believe that they will make the right choices when it comes to nominating and confirming justices and judges. That's all I ask. "Originalism" is the shorthand for what I'm talking about. It's a belief in the same moral theory that the framers except for Thomas Jefferson endorsed, approved, authorized, lived and died for.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I guess that's why he won reelection, right?
The pandemic ran him over. If not for that, he would have sailed to reelection, and the January 6th thing never would have happened, so he never would have been impeached the second time either. He was handling every other thing thrown at him, foreign and domestic. He just bumbled the pandemic. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition basically.