North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Followi


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Those in denial about their sins often get upset when confronted with the truth.

Perhaps you could answer her question, instead of attacking her personally.

Judge Fudge, how's that research coming?

I think you know the answer to that question, because I have already given it. In another thread. Now, answer mine, what are your religious beliefs?


New member
Perhaps you could answer her question, instead of attacking her personally.
Sowing and reaping

I think you know the answer to that question, because I have already given it. In another thread. Now, answer mine, what are your religious beliefs?
Well you initially accused my of either lying even though i provided refrence.
Then I was in denial.
When i told you to go look the references i provided yourself you ignored me
when I repeated my suggestion that you check my references you ignored me ignored me.
When i suggest it a third time you said you just can't get to a library.

Which, to you, is apparently an adequate response.

Since that is the case, you have my response already

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sowing and reaping

Well you initially accused my of either lying even though i provided refrence.
Then I was in denial.
When i told you to go look the references i provided yourself you ignored me
when I repeated my suggestion that you check my references you ignored me ignored me.
When i suggest it a third time you said you just can't get to a library.

Which, to you, is apparently an adequate response.

Since that is the case, you have my response already

i'm not sure you're welcome here

this site isn't appropriate for twelve year olds


New member
Hall of Fame
And that is why people confront you and your petty hatreds because that hate si driving you straight to hell.

On whose authority do you declare me headed to hell and post the relevant place you get it from and what it is, thanks.

Those in denial about their sins often get upset when confronted with the truth.

Not even a little bit upset, im curious about the authority you cite. What is it?

The Horn

Angel for Truth , " The perverts want your children ?" What the heck does this have to do with perverts or perversion, whatever those are ? Absolutely nothing !
Intolerance of individuals who cross dress or want to change gender is rampant in America, and brutal murders of innocent people who have had sex changes or a planning to has been appallingly common in recent years .
Public schools are trying to teach kids that intolerance of and hostility to people who dress differently is WRONG . This won't
"make kids want to cross dress or change gender ", because such things are NOT contagious, just as homosexuality is not contagious .
The real perverts are vicious anti-gay and anti-trans gender people who spread hatred, lies and mindless fear and loathing of LGBT people. Why appointed them to be official US busybodies with the supposed right to stick their slimy noses into other people's bedrooms, judge them, and demand that they be denied rights, treated like second-class citizens, and worst of all, encourage violence against them ?


New member
Hall of Fame
Angel for Truth , " The perverts want your children ?" What the heck does this have to do with perverts or perversion, whatever those are ?

Perverts get them when they are young, to teach the normalization of the perversion while they will accept it as fact without question because they are children and believe what adults tell them.

The real perverts are vicious anti-gay and anti-trans gender people who spread hatred, lies and mindless fear and loathing of LGBT people. Why appointed them to be official US busybodies with the supposed right to stick their slimy noses into other people's bedrooms, judge them, and demand that they be denied rights, treated like second-class citizens, and worst of all, encourage violence against them ?

yeah, us busybodies mess up teaching kids that perverts are ok by keeping them from becoming them and from being molested by them. (molestation is how perverts (especially gays) have offspring.)