North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Followi


Well-known member
an artie sock, do you spose? :think:

I doubt it.

I am a bit disturbed at just how pervasive the external locus of control has become in American culture.
Nobody thinks they chose anything. No free will. Everything is inborn.



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Actually thinking for yourself and causing disruption is not a sin. Jesus was a free thinker. Believe it or not, in his time ALL his teachings were radical! We don't think that way cause we were raised or taught that way. But in Jesus's time ALL his teachings were NOT considered normal. Even so to the point.....He was put to death for them.

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What did Jesus teach that went against Gods law? Lets check it out.

Jesus was put to death for blasphemy (claim to be God) - however, He chose to be put to death, and it was to pay for our sins. No one took His life from Him, He laid it down Himself.

John 10:17 The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.”


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Hall of Fame
MrDante is right you know. But then again so are you about the scripture.

Its not possible for us both to be right when we both have polar opposite opinions on it. So which will you follow, the worlds position or scripture? At least you admit, my position is the one from scripture.

Do you think God is just offering suggestions?


New member
Go ahead and tell me what im wrong about on this, and use scripture.
Im just saying, the scripture was written circa 2000 years ago and as for its reasoning, it was made for you to think. This isn't scripture but it's close enough: if a person tells you they are right without a doubt without looking at all sides, then they are the fool. I don't mean to be rude, bit try to be a little more agnostic.

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New member
Its not possible for us both to be right when we both have polar opposite opinions on it. So which will you follow, the worlds position or scripture? At least you admit, my position is the one from scripture.

Do you think God is just offering suggestions?
Ok, I'll explain, MrDante is right. The scripture is the truth. But what you BELIEVE the scripture to mean is wrong. That's all I'm saying.

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Hall of Fame
Im just saying, the scripture was written circa 2000 years ago and as for its reasoning, it was made for you to think. This isn't scripture but it's close enough: if a person tells you they are right without a doubt without looking at all sides, then they are the fool.

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Why do you believe truth changes because of age?

What verses in scripture suggest, its only a suggestion?

I don't mean to be rude, bit try to be a little more agnostic.

Sure you do, or you wouldnt be, did you forget this is a christian message board and you came here?

Why should i be agnostic? I chose to serve the Lord, you choose to serve the world.


New member
Love seeks anothers best - the world is already headed to hell. If we hated others, we would stay silent and watch them march right into it.

And that is why people confront you and your petty hatreds because that hate si driving you straight to hell.