North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Followi


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North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy Following Complaints

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A school district in North Carolina has pulled a book that was set to be a part of First Grade curriculum after teachers and lawmakers complained about its content regarding a little boy who liked to wear dresses.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools had originally planned to make the book “Jacob’s New Dress” a part of the anti-bullying reading plan for Child Abuse Prevention Month. The 2014 book, written by Sarah and Ian Hoffman, is meant to teach children about those who are “gender non-conforming.”

“Jacob’s New Dress” is a story about a boy who likes to wear a princess dress for playtime at school, but is teased by his peers.

“Not very long ago little girls couldn’t wear pants. Can you imagine that?” the teacher tells the class in urging them to be accepting of of the child’s dress-wearing.

The boy’s mother soon helps him make his very own dress, advising “there are all sorts of ways to be a boy.”

But some teachers were uncomfortable about reading such material to their students, and their complaints reached the desks of several Republican lawmakers.

“I got a call that it was brought up in the House Republican Caucus Monday night, which is never a good thing,” district government liaison Charles Jeter told the Washington Post.

He was asked to relay concerns from lawmakers to the district, which soon decided to replace the book with another. The new selected story is about a blue crayon with a red label, which teaches children to be “true to your inner self.”

“The initial first-grade book selection, which focuses on valuing uniqueness and difference, has been replaced due to some concerns about the book,” Superintendent Ann Clark said, according to the Charlotte Observer.

The North Carolina Values Coalition had also become involved in the matter and urged followers to contact the district to object.

“The purpose of our elementary schools is to teach writing, reading and arithmetic, not to encourage boys to wear dresses,” the organization wrote in a press release this week. “These lessons found in the ‘Jacob’s New Dress’ and ‘My Princess Boy’ and other transgender curriculum are not appropriate for any child whose parents support traditional family values.”

The Human Rights Campaign is reportedly behind the effort to include such reading material in public school curriculum.

As previously reported, in 2015, a lesbian public school teacher in Canada outlined at an educator’s conference how she convinces young children to accept homosexuality.

“I started in Kindergarten. What a great place to start,” Pam Strong stated at the Accepting Schools Act Conference in Toronto.

Strong said she began by reading the book “King and King” to the Kindergarten class, a publication about a prince who passes up all the princesses his mother presents as potential mates and instead “marries” the brother of a princess.

She told the story of one incident where a student expressed objection when she got to the part of the book where the two men have a “wedding” ceremony.

“They can’t do that!” the Kindergartner proclaimed. “They can’t get married. They’re two boys.”

Strong then replied, “Oh, yeah. Yeah, they can. It’s right here on page 12.”

When the student remarked that the book was just a story, she then began to tell the class that she herself is a homosexual.

“And I said, ‘It happens in real life too. I am married to a woman. I am gay. And I am in love with my wife,” Strong told the Kindergarteners.

“And off I go to the next classroom,” she explained.

The perverts want your children. The liberals want to help them.


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so you're equating a down syndrome child with a confused child whose parents allow him to act like a pervert? [emoji33]:

that's retarded :nono:
No! Your missing the point of my statement. Ok, let's start from the beginning. When we grow up, we do things even tho our parents taught us not to. We run away, we drink, we do drugs, etc. Most of us do what we want to do because we are able to make our own judgement. But some of us do what we do, not cause we were raised that way, but because we follow ourselves, who we ARE. It doesn't matter if u were raised with gay parents, if your NOT gay then you won't be gay. Same thing, most gay people were raised with straight parents. Are they straight? No. Even if a parent pressures the boy to play with barbies, if he's not gay, they won't be gay. It's a reality, and you can call them mentally ill all you want, but just like down syndrome, it's a part of life so we have to except it. Why not teach our kids to except homosexuality, down syndrome, etc at an early age so they don't grow up to fear or hate?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why not teach our kids to except homosexuality, down syndrome, etc ...

i assume you mean "accept"

the answer is, yes, we teach them to accept those who are born differently, like down's kids, or those with physical birth defects

and no, we don't teach them to accept those kids who choose to be different, who choose to act perverted


New member
i assume you mean "accept"

the answer is, yes, we teach them to accept those who are born differently, like down's kids, or those with physical birth defects

and no, we don't teach them to accept those kids who choose to be different, who choose to act perverted
Who said they're CHOOSING?

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i assume you mean "accept"

the answer is, yes, we teach them to accept those who are born differently, like down's kids, or those with physical birth defects

and no, we don't teach them to accept those kids who choose to be different, who choose to act perverted
Did you CHOOSE to be straight? Did you CHOOSE to like the kinda music you like, or is it just inner nature to be attracted to the things you like?

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In humanities defense, I know I keep saying it but it IS a new world. They put a boy with down syndrome on sesame street. Its a part of reality. If you teach them young, they wont grow up to hate.

It's getting tougher to teach hate and I think that is what some are upset about.


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Did you CHOOSE to be straight? Did you CHOOSE to like the kinda music you like, or is it just inner nature to be attracted to the things you like?

Kudos for trying to confront hate with reason and logic, but OK and his friends don't get the concept of thinking.


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Yeah, he'll get his dream, he'll be normal when he gets to hell.

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Actually those who normalize this perversion are the ones who will end up in hell.

Matthew 18:6
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
7 Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! 8If your hand or your foot causes you to fall into sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than to have two hands and two feet and be thrown into the eternal fire.