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Noah's Ark & post-flood speciation


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe has absolutely no clue how many bird kinds there are. That's why he won't answer the question. And you call this science?
Seriously? This is your notion of what it means to qualify as science?

And I didn't say anything of the sort.

It's becoming clear why you mostly stick to posting links without attempting to engage in conversation.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do you know what a "kind" is? If so, how many different "kinds" of animals do you estimate to exist today?

Also, how many "kinds" of animals do you think have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?
Let's test to see if you can even think. Restate my argument in your own words and then we'll continue to try and discuss the topic at hand.

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Greatest poster ever
Let's test to see if you can even think. Restate my argument in your own words and then we'll continue to try and discuss the topic at hand.

I can't think; I'm too stupid to think. That's why I just need to be told, and right now I'm asking you to tell me how many "bird kinds" there are.


How many "bird kinds" are there?
To address your question, which Stripey is unwilling or unable to:
Well, according to Bodie Hodge and Dr. Georgia Purdom, two of Answers in Genesis stars, a kind is most likely what today real taxonomists consider a family (back to high school biology---Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species), maybe at the Order level on occasion. All part of the creation "science" of baraminology.
Taxonomists can be a prickly lot--some are lumpers, some are splitters. As best I have been able to find out currently science looks at about 200 bird families. So Noah would have had at least 400 birds on board. Although some were clean and therefore 7 pairs (ye olde chicken kind) and some unclean so only 1 pair (vultures and buzzards?)
The most interesting "kind" would seem to be the family Tyrannidae, the tyrant flycatchers. There are at last count, 400 or so species in this family, the most species in any bird family. Potentially then all the same kind. So if Bodie and Georgia are correct, those species "evolved" since The Flood". What made them evolve so much? Are they still evolving into different species? If not, why have they stopped? Why have they managed to change from the original 2 or 7 pair and others have not.
Anyone of the crack scientists at Answers, Institute for Creation Research, Discovery Institute or Liberty University working on that?


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Not too many since I think the flood was local. It was mostly focused on saving domestic animals as evidenced by taking seven of each.

About two million have been described by science. There's estimated to be up to 10 million. Of course that includes a lot of microorganisms.

But on the earth today there are approximately:
300,000 species of flowering plants.
5000 species of mammals
10,000 species of birds
8,000 species of reptiles
30,000 species of fish
950,000 species of insects

Estimated run up to 5 billion species have ever existed.

But when we look at diversity - the current number of species is larger than at any time in the past. But most of the species in the past are not the same species alive today.


You don't get "local" floods that are 15 cubits above the highest mountains. Water seeks it's own level.

Plus, both the earth, moon, heck even the entire Solar System, just looks like they were ravaged by a cataclysmic, worldwide event that extended past the boundary of the earth's atmosphere.


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you mean like the hundreds of scientists who have gone there to study dinosaur footprints for decades?

In the last five years there have been over 2000 published studies on the subject

Significant amounts in diamonds, dinosaur fossiles, marble, giant extinct aquatic lizard, natural gas, coal, and reportedly in oil.



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Yeah the same one I already posted that unites New Guinea and Australia. There are kangaroos in New Guinea.


Your problem is it doesn't unite with the rest of Asia. So you have the same problem. No land bridge connecting the middle east to Australia. The Wallace line is a location where the east side has kangaroos in the trees and the west side has monkeys in the trees.

Explain that with YEC ideas.
Why couldn't erosion have affected the land bridge in the spots where it's the thinnest?

Seems like you're attempting to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Any idea what the erosion rate would be for the areas that are closest to providing a connection to Australia if the water levels were lower?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You don't get "local" floods that are 15 cubits above the highest mountains. Water seeks it's own level.

Plus, both the earth, moon, heck even the entire Solar System, just looks like they were ravaged by a cataclysmic, worldwide event that extended past the boundary of the earth's atmosphere.
To discuss science, people need to respect two things: The idea presented, and the laws of physics.

Darwinists have no time for either.