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Noah's Ark & post-flood speciation

User Name

Greatest poster ever
1. Most of them. Whatever a ship of that size could carry.

2. Scientists do not know what a species is, so they have no clue.

3. Given (2.), this is even more remote.

All this to give you comfort that your decision to reject God's word is a good choice. Given (2.) and (3.) a rational person would worry about their position even on a scientific level, but I'm sure you will feel emboldened instead.

Do you know what a "kind" is? If so, how many different "kinds" of animals do you estimate to exist today?

Also, how many "kinds" of animals do you think have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Do you know what a "kind" is?
The problem is not his knowledge; the problem is your dishonesty.

You've seen the definition of kind numerous times, but refuse to acknowledge it.

If so, how many different "kinds" of animals do you estimate to exist today?

Also, how many "kinds" of animals do you think have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?
More than exist today, but not by a great amount.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The problem is not his knowledge; the problem is your dishonesty.

You've seen the definition of kind numerous times, but refuse to acknowledge it.

It has? That's news to me. Could you post a link to where the creationist definition of "kind" has been defined? Thanks.


That's fine. I just want to know the creationist estimate of how many different "kinds" of animals exist today. How many?

More than exist today, but not by a great amount.

How many "kinds" of animals do you think have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?
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New member
User Name said:
Do you know what a "kind" is?
Yes. If you wish to read more on the topic in a peer reviewed journal https://answersingenesis.org/noahs-ark/determining-the-ark-kinds/

The article is authored by a PhD Microbiologist and a PhD in veterinary medicine.

Part of the article says this about the word 'kind used in Genesis 1. "The underlying Hebrew word for kindhere is מין, mîn. It, along with the Hebrew word for create ברא, bārā’), was used to coin the word baramin, a creationist term for created kind. While the word baraminhas strong taxonomic connotations to most creationists, Hebrew scholars have warned against assuming that מין is a technical term (Turner 2009; Williams 1997). Both Williams (1997) and Turner (2009) suggest that מין can be understood to refer to subdivisions within a larger group much like the meaning of the English word kind. So caution needs to be exercised in this area."

User Name said:
If so, how many different "kinds" of animals do you estimate to exist today?
Haha.... that's sort of like asking you how many species of bacteria exist today. (Except I can likely give a closer guestimate to the number of kinds, than you can to tbe species).

User Name said:
Also, how many "kinds" of animals do you think have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?
Reptiles, mammals and birds.... perhaps about 8,000 kinds.


New member
according to Genesis 7:2-3, Noah was instructed to take 7 pairs of every clean animal, and 1 pair of unclean animals.

Genesis 7:2-3
2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.​

If there are seven pairs of each of the clean animals, then there were two pairs of each of the unclean animals, not one pair.
Seven males and seven females of the clean animals.
Two males and two females of the unclean animals.


Well-known member
According to Genesis 6:19-20, Noah was instructed to take male and female pairs of every "kind" of animal that walked the face of the earth. Several questions came to my mind about this, and I am wondering how those who take this story at its literal face value can answer them:

1) How many different "kinds" of animals do you estimate were taken aboard Noah's ark?

2) How many different species do scientists estimate to exist today?

3) How many species are believed to have existed throughout the entirety of earth's existence?

Thanks in advance to anyone who offers answers to these questions!

This proves Noah's ark existed and exists today: http://theologyonline.com/showthread.php?127733-Noah%92s-Ark-Found!&highlight=

patrick jane

Stripe has absolutely no clue how many bird kinds there are. That's why he won't answer the question. And you call this science?
They have recorded 20,000 species of fish, 6,000 species of reptiles, 9,000 birds, 1,000 amphibians, and 15,000 species of mammals. And, although there are a million named species of insects, scientists estimate that there could be another million waiting to be discovered and named!
