No power to save anyone?

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Well-known member
He was preached the cross, not as a piece of wood, but as Paul preached it, as the event that took place in our stead (Romans 4:25 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV, 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV). He rejected IT as the power of God to save anyone. And as I mentioned in post #6 this is what he puts before it.


Just wanted to make sure.

In that case, he believes, and was preaching back to you, a false gospel sure enough.


New member
Try and keep up. The man called himself a Christian yet does not believe the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. His direct quote, "the cross has no power to save anyone". He believed NOT the glorious gospel of Christ and is blinded, just like you are 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV. He is not in the faith, just like you. And I believe all scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV) whether it was written FOR me (Romans 15:4 KJV) or directly TO me (2 Timothy 1:13 KJV).

No you don't. You ignore every reference to works or tradition; ignore it completely and say I'm just blah blah blahing, which is IGNORING Scripture when it doesn't suit you.

And I'm not talking about this poor soul who had the misfortune of trying to have a conversation with you, I'm talking about your horrifically mistaken reading of Titus 1:16, where you read it as the opposite of what it actually says.

Thanks by the way, for proving my points so well.

patrick jane

No you don't. You ignore every reference to works or tradition; ignore it completely and say I'm just blah blah blahing, which is IGNORING Scripture when it doesn't suit you.

And I'm not talking about this poor soul who had the misfortune of trying to have a conversation with you, I'm talking about your horrifically mistaken reading of Titus 1:16, where you read it as the opposite of what it actually says.

Thanks by the way, for proving my points so well.

1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV - is you in a nutshell -


New member

so that it was just a few feet off the ground where the feet

of Jesus were Nailed.

False Prophet

New member
IN the last days perilous times will come. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse; deceiving and being deceived, from such turn away.
3 Remember this! In the last days there will be many troubles, 2 because people will love themselves, love money, brag, and be proud. They will say evil things against others and will not obey their parents or be thankful or be the kind of people God wants. 3 They will not love others, will refuse to forgive, will gossip, and will not control themselves. They will be cruel, will hate what is good, 4 will turn against their friends, and will do foolish things without thinking. They will be conceited, will love pleasure instead of God, 5 and will act as if they serve God but will not have his power. Stay away from those people. 2 Tim 3
It is God's will that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. But the wicked shall be gathered out from among the righteous first. Judgment begins at the house of God.


Well-known member
Just about every treatment of this subject assumes every person who does not believe Christ will be damned either to death or eternal suffering in hell. That's a big assumption.


Well-known member
IN the last days perilous times will come. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse; deceiving and being deceived, from such turn away.
3 Remember this! In the last days there will be many troubles, 2 because people will love themselves, love money, brag, and be proud. They will say evil things against others and will not obey their parents or be thankful or be the kind of people God wants. 3 They will not love others, will refuse to forgive, will gossip, and will not control themselves. They will be cruel, will hate what is good, 4 will turn against their friends, and will do foolish things without thinking. They will be conceited, will love pleasure instead of God, 5 and will act as if they serve God but will not have his power. Stay away from those people. 2 Tim 3
It is God's will that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. But the wicked shall be gathered out from among the righteous first. Judgment begins at the house of God.

Notice God's concern for orthopraxy (right living) and nothing is said of orthodoxy (right belief), including what someone believes about Jesus.


New member
1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV - is you in a nutshell -

Oh, perfect. Why do you say this applies to me? Do you think I don't believe Jesus dying on the cross saved me? Do you think we don't believe in Jesus, God, the cross, salvation, sanctification, what? What is it you think those not involved in your distorted twisting of scripture believe, or not believe? Have I ever called the cross foolishness? I would be embarrassed to be so presumptuous as you, but none of you are.

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."


New member
I see you all continue to resort to inapplicable Scripture verses and neg reps when you have no argument!


New member
Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

You profess you know God but in works deny Him as you work, work, work for your salvation rejecting the gift of God and deny the Lord who bought you, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate (those of us who are saved are in the faith and not reprobate 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV!)!

Another perfect example. Since "reprobate" refers only to actions (works) and not beliefs, how is it you claim you are not reprobate merely because of your beliefs, hmm? Are you honestly saying that people who try to do good things and life a good and holy life as Jesus instructed us to are reprobate for doing so? If so, you are severely lacking in the English language, or at least need to buy a dictionary.

patrick jane

Oh, perfect. Why do you say this applies to me? Do you think I don't believe Jesus dying on the cross saved me? Do you think we don't believe in Jesus, God, the cross, salvation, sanctification, what? What is it you think those not involved in your distorted twisting of scripture believe, or not believe? Have I ever called the cross foolishness? I would be embarrassed to be so presumptuous as you, but none of you are.

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

I could have meant that you are one of those which are saved. So touchy


New member
brewmana, forgive my question; what is it you believe about how one gets saved? Is it by something they do or by trusting what Christ did (died on the Cross for sin)?

And what is it you believe about how one stays saved?

And what passages do you base each of those on...

Sincerely, and thanks in advance.


TOL Subscriber
No you don't. You ignore every reference to works or tradition; ignore it completely and say I'm just blah blah blahing, which is IGNORING Scripture when it doesn't suit you.

And I'm not talking about this poor soul who had the misfortune of trying to have a conversation with you, I'm talking about your horrifically mistaken reading of Titus 1:16, where you read it as the opposite of what it actually says.

Thanks by the way, for proving my points so well.
You are so spoiled through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ that you can't see straight. You show that every time you post. You wantevery thing to be about YOUR works, but it isn't. Go back and sit in the pew of the sheeple you call a church with your regurgitated ramblings from deceitful workers (2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV). You don't believe the power of God is the gospel of Christ anymore than they do.


TOL Subscriber
Another perfect example. Since "reprobate" refers only to actions (works) and not beliefs, how is it you claim you are not reprobate merely because of your beliefs, hmm?
Romans 8:1 KJV

Are you honestly saying that people who try to do good things and life a good and holy life as Jesus instructed us to are reprobate for doing so?
They that are in the flesh cannot please God (Romans 8:8 KJV). It is counted as debt (Romans 4:4 KJV). Why do you reject that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth?
If so, you are severely lacking in the English language, or at least need to buy a dictionary.


TOL Subscriber
Just about every treatment of this subject assumes every person who does not believe Christ will be damned either to death or eternal suffering in hell. That's a big assumption.

The gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16 KJV), then (the time of Acts 20) to the Jew first and also to the Greek, today to ALL men (1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV). It's due time you believe it as only those who have trusted the Lord believing it are saved from wrath (Romans 5:9 KJV, 1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV).

Simple stuff.


TOL Subscriber
Oh, perfect. Why do you say this applies to me? Do you think I don't believe Jesus dying on the cross saved me? Do you think we don't believe in Jesus, God, the cross, salvation, sanctification, what? What is it you think those not involved in your distorted twisting of scripture believe, or not believe? Have I ever called the cross foolishness? I would be embarrassed to be so presumptuous as you, but none of you are.

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
So you believe IT and IT alone is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth apart from any of your works?

And if so, why are you fighting the preaching of it and those who preach it?


TOL Subscriber
I see you all continue to resort to inapplicable Scripture verses and neg reps when you have no argument!
I haven't seen your argument at all (2 Timothy 4:2 KJV ). Where is it? All you've shown over and over on this site is an attack on those who hold fast the form of sound words that we have heard of Paul. Put up or shut up.
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