No Longer A Christian

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Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Originally posted by JustAChristian

What is your proof that you ever was a Christian?

JustAChristian :angel:

I don't think I can or need to provide proof to anybody. There's not exactly a test one can take or a piece of evidence you submit to a jury with something like this. You take someone at their word.


New member
Not all Christians are like this but enough are to make you wonder.

I just realized that my comment might have come off of as accusatory on Christians in general and that is not what I wanted to say. I have known many Chrisitans who are loving, wholesome people.

Unfortunately for me, I was surrounded by rather nasty ones for a good part of my life, and seeing some people here on the forum go at it brings back memories...

To the Christians - take care with the way you present yourself and the way you present the gospel. Acting like a Pharisee and generally a jerk reflects poorly not only on you, but the gospel you cherish. Before you get all self-rightous and embark on your Crusades against the "wicked", remember that the "wicked" is your fellow man.


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Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Originally posted by granite1010

I don't think I can or need to provide proof to anybody. There's not exactly a test one can take or a piece of evidence you submit to a jury with something like this. You take someone at their word.

Then how would you prove a dog is a dog? Or a cat is a cat? Take them at their word?

JustAChristian :angel:


Resident Atheist
Re: Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Re: Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Originally posted by JustAChristian

Then how would you prove a dog is a dog? Or a cat is a cat?
Barring physical observations, genetic testing could be useful.

Take them at their word?
Since dogs generally bark and cats don't, that might be more helpful than your humorous suggestion would indicate. ;)


New member
Then how would you prove a dog is a dog? Or a cat is a cat? Take them at their word?

Generally I would think a Christian is most probably a Christian by their tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor - but this is not the common conception - a Christian or rather as Beanieboy pointed out a christian - small c is someone who fanatically accepts whatever is in the closed canon of Christian Scripture and adamantly rejects what is not their in the canon - a collection of letters that had no instructions in them to canonize them into a book to glean ALL wisdom from - anyways this first problem seems to of taken over the sensibility of the church - and the result, most Christians claiming to be Christians don't know anything about tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor but they sure know that whatever is in there closed canon - no matter how much it goes against common sense is the Gospel Truth.

With Christ's Love



New member
Originally posted by servent101


Generally I would think a Christian is most probably a Christian by their tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor - but this is not the common conception - a Christian or rather as Beanieboy pointed out a christian - small c is someone who fanatically accepts whatever is in the closed canon of Christian Scripture and adamantly rejects what is not their in the canon - a collection of letters that had no instructions in them to canonize them into a book to glean ALL wisdom from - anyways this first problem seems to of taken over the sensibility of the church - and the result, most Christians claiming to be Christians don't know anything about tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor but they sure know that whatever is in there closed canon - no matter how much it goes against common sense is the Gospel Truth.

With Christ's Love


Scripture is not to blame. Tolerance, mercy, forbearance, these
are scriptural as well. "As is," closed and all, the Canon is

The problem is that scriptures which are meant to be directed
inward, towards the church, towards self, as a reminder of
the importance of humility, are missss-appropriated towards
the outside world, and are transformed into hatred, intolerance,

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by servent101


Generally I would think a Christian is most probably a Christian by their tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor - but this is not the common conception - a Christian or rather as Beanieboy pointed out a christian - small c is someone who fanatically accepts whatever is in the closed canon of Christian Scripture and adamantly rejects what is not their in the canon - a collection of letters that had no instructions in them to canonize them into a book to glean ALL wisdom from - anyways this first problem seems to of taken over the sensibility of the church - and the result, most Christians claiming to be Christians don't know anything about tolerance, charity, ability to show mercy and forbearance, ability to live at peace with their neighbor but they sure know that whatever is in there closed canon - no matter how much it goes against common sense is the Gospel Truth.

With Christ's Love


Are you still around? Didn't you hear - Superman died.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by On Fire
Didn't you hear - Superman died.
Nope, a guy who used to dress up as Superman died.

Superman is a fictional character, and thus can't really die.

Yes, I'm being pedantic! Get over it!

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Nope, a guy who used to dress up as Superman died.

Superman is a fictional character, and thus can't really die.

Yes, I'm being pedantic! Get over it!

You've got PM.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Longer A Christian

Originally posted by Zakath

Barring physical observations, genetic testing could be useful.

Since dogs generally bark and cats don't, that might be more helpful than your humorous suggestion would indicate. ;)

granite 1010 said:
There's not exactly a test one can take or a piece of evidence you submit to a jury with something like this.

But, there was a need for a test. We are to "prove all things" (1 Thess. 5:21) in religion. Proving one is a Christian is essential to salvation. John the apostle said, "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." (2 John 1:9). The characteristics of a Christian is one who abided in the doctrine of Christ. What is the doctrine of Christ? It is the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2) or the "gospel" (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 1:16). When one remains within the scope of law within the gospel then he is in Christ and is a Christian (John 8:24; Luke 13:3-5; Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 16:16; romans 6:3-5; Galatians 3:27; 2 Cor. 5:17; 2 J0ohn 1:9). Have a great rest of the day.

JustAChristian :angel:


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Lighthouse:

Before Jesus died, supposedly we were under law, and so was the woman, however, Jesus said he did not condemn her. How could that be since he hadn't yet died for her sins?
What He didn't do was condemn her to physical death. And one of the main reasons was because He would have been outside the law to do so. Both the law of GOd, and the Romans who ran the country, at that time. Christ did tell her to repent. Or did you miss that part?


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

Lighthouse, the point I've made that you refuse to accept is that no matter what you do, being a Christian is a submission to man-made doctrine.

The Bible didn't just show up. Men made it. The concept of the trinity is not unique to Christianity; pagans had it long before Christianity came along. Jesus as messiah and the son of God was a concept that took centuries to develop.
Are you saying the idea of a Godhead didn't appear in the Tanakh[sp]?


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Dave Miller

Right, he didn't tolerate the hypocrisy of the supposed believers.

Christ is tolerant of sinners and non-believers.

Christ is intolerant of people who profess faith but defile the
name of God through hypocrisy, back stabbing, lieing,
holier than though judgement.

I don't blame Granite for leaving Christianity, I don't blame
Zakath, and neither does Christ. The image of Christ that is
projected here is hateful and cruel. There's no golden rule
here, there's no loving neighbor, there's no tolerance for
misguided sinners, as was the woman in question. The
treatment of scripture and individuals here is abomination in
the eyes of the Lord. If God punishes and banishes anyone
to eternal torment, its those who harm, hurt, misuse his
beloved children in His Holy Name.

What He's intolerant of is sin! All sin, Dave! Wickedness of any kind! For wickedness can not stand in the presence of righteousness! It is utterly destroyed! And Jesus didn't tolerate it either! I will never understand anyone who forgets the story of the temple/den of thieves!:doh:

The woman in question was not misguided! She was committing adultery! And she knew it was worng! The Truth does not tolerate lies! And neither shall I, as I am His and He lives in me! You are a liar! And I will not tolerate you, for it!


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Balder

I think the best thing to do is to put "On Fire" on ignore, until he decides to stop his shameful and un-Christ-like behavior.

This is the first time I've put anyone on ignore here. But it's time.

You don't even know Christ! How would you know what is and isn't Christ-like?! No wonder you like Dave, so well. You both speak the same language. The language of your father!


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

Our understanding of Christ comes from the book. Period. And the book was manufactured by the church.
My understanding of Christ comes form Christ, and Christ alone. He is the one I go to. If He says the "book" is right, I believe Him. If He tells me I am reading it wrong, and it actually says soemthing else, I believe Him. If He tells me that the translation is wrong, I believe Him. Bottom line.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

This experience is subjective. And it comes back to what a book tells you to believe and think. A subjective burst of emotion isn't good enough, sorry.
Emotion? You are lost!:freak:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Originally posted by Dave Miller

OK, I broke down and did it. OF is ignored. I'm sorry this
was necessary.

Thanx friends for the encouragement.

If pagans are your friends, I fear for your eternal soul. And don't start on that whole, "Jesus was friends with sinners," bit. Jesus called them to repentance. You don't.
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