Who are we talking about?What crime did she commit? She was RAPED!!!!!!
I was responding to the report that Iran executes adulterers.
Who are we talking about?What crime did she commit? She was RAPED!!!!!!
Where did I say such?
You're confusing a countries laws with their abuse of the laws.
Abusing a righteous law so that one can do evil does not make the righteous law wicked.
so if i come across a man raping a little girl and watch him proceed to kill her, i shouldn't intervene?
i should just forgive him and go on my merry way?
Note that what has been presented is the hard truth of YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
Someone who breaks the law, "do not murder," must pay for it with his life, because God said "life for life."
What intervention would you propose for that?
Satan knows and uses scripture.
The careful insertion of several pieces of hot metal at great velocity into the central mass, saving a couple of rounds for the head.
Note that no scripture has been used in a Satanic way (Romans 9:1).
We* are told to test the spirits . . .
. . . and I have serious doubts about you.
We* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners . . .
You must be "reformed" Calvinist.
Amen (1 John 4:1)
Note that there is no Biblical basis for your doubts.
Amen, for unrepentant sinners won't be saved (Hebrews 10:26-29).
No, not Calvinist, but Biblical, for what has been presented has been not from Calvin, but from the Bible.
You need to check yourself at the door bro. A 13 year old cannot even know what the word means....she's 13. And that is besides the point, her family reported a RAPE!!!! Then the head choppers decided to throw her under a pile of rocks. And you support that?
It is entirely illogical to use countries that treat women that have little to zero rights as to what we have in the West, the case in Somalia underlines that.
A thirteen year old child that was raped was sentenced to death for adultery. Now, how many marriages do you suppose that women have a say in in countries that enforce laws whereby they have practically zero say in anything?
Seriously, it has to be explained? If laws were implemented whereby the likes of the above could be enforced then both men and women would for the most part just shack up and not take the risk of a marriage falling apart. Why on earth would they?
Why would either party want to risk marriage under your type of society?
Why risk it? You can make a commitment to someone without a marriage certificate.
Sure, do away with religious extremism of any bent and this world would be a lot better place for it.
What you advocate would be condemned as extremism in both Christian circles as well as secular.
Stoning people to death in the present for adultery is barbaric, plain and simple.
has been disproven?If adultery was a capital crime, hardly anyone would get married, ever. Marriage rates would plummet to nearly zero.
.. Sin doesn't mean one sin of perverting the law ...
The woman was hardly guilty of attempting to pervert the law so your interpretation makes no sense.
how do you interpret "without sin"?
In the case of the scribes and pharisees, i believe that He was referring to the single specific sin of perverting the single specific law regarding adultery - and I've laid out why this would be a particularly sensitive topic for these legalists who spent their lives immersed in the Law, their days debating the Law.
Are you advocating gun violence against abortion clinics?
introducing this red herring of a story was artie's way of deflecting from the main argument and emotionalizing the discussion - it's a favorite tactic of his when he's losing an argument.
your question displays the vast gulf between a Christian like myself who has loved and married, built a home and family, raised children etc ....
and you, a non-Christian, who sees marriage as nothing particularly special, and to be avoided if it carries risk
and so, to summarize:
In Iran, adultery is a capital crime.
Men and women are executed for adultery.
Women have the right to refuse to marry.
Men have the right to refuse to marry.
Marriage rates have not plummeted to nearly zero
In Somalia, adultery is a capital crime.
Men and women are executed for adultery.
Men have the right to refuse to marry.
Marriage rates have not plummeted to nearly zero
Can we agree that WoO's claim, to which I was originally responding: has been disproven?
So, in other words, they probably spent the time they were in timeout thinking about how they could avoid getting caught, no?
What makes you think that prisons, which are essentially timeout for adults, would be any different?
Punished? You mean they'd get more time to think about how best not to get caught next time?
You mean, even you don't think they'd learn that what they did was wrong from being put into timeout? That's surprising.
Bradley, did you know that God told parents the best way to discipline their children?
Guess what, it wasn't by putting them in timeout.
Do you know what it is?
For the sake of their children and their children's children, I hope they don't try to punish their children by putting them in timeout.