They were probably sorry they got caught.
So, in other words, they probably spent the time they were in timeout thinking about how they could avoid getting caught, no?
What makes you think that prisons, which are essentially timeout for adults, would be any different?
But they learned if they did the same thing again they would be punished for it.
Punished? You mean they'd get more time to think about how best not to get caught next time?
Hopefully as they grow older they will understand the wrong they did.
You mean, even you don't think they'd learn that what they did was wrong from being put into timeout? That's surprising.
Bradley, did you know that God told parents the best way to discipline their children?
Guess what, it wasn't by putting them in timeout.
Do you know what it is?
Especially when they have their own children.
For the sake of their children and their children's children, I hope they don't try to punish their children by putting them in timeout.