NFL 2015

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No, but I'm very happy Brady won't be playing in the NFL season opener when the Patriots play my Steelers.

Brady is 7-1 against the Steelers all-time (regular and postseason)

the steelers are so stupid they can't figure out how the pats are cheating

would you like a clue?

The Berean

Well-known member
I haven't read much about Brady's suspension. Does the NFL have any actual evidence that Brady was directly involved? :idunno:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Belicheat ordered the footballs deflated to stop fumbling in 2007. Tom is falling on the sword for him.

Click here for indepth stats and analysis. Take down the banners and give back the trophies. That is what the NCAA would do and did with Reggie Bush, Terrell Pryor, OJ Mayo....on and on. Vacate the wins of Bill's era. He cheats-knowingly breaks every rule he can get away with. Without being there, I don't doubt it for a moment. He is a moron in terms of football knowledge. He didn't just get smart and flick on a switch.

While speculation exists that “Deflate Gate” was a one time occurrence, data I introduced last week indicated that the phenomena MAY have been an ongoing, long standing issue for the New England Patriots. Today, that possibility looks as clear as day.

Initially, looking at weather data, I noticed the Patriots performed extremely well in the rain, much more so than they were projected. I followed that up by looking at the fumble data, which showed regardless of weather or site, the Patriots prevention of fumbles was nearly impossible. Ironically, both studies saw the same exact starting point: 2007 was the first season where things really changed for the Patriots. Something started in 2007 which is still on-going today.


The data is jaw dropping, and this visual perfectly depicts what happened. From a more technical perspective, John Candido, a Data Scientist at ZestFinance who is a colleague of mine over at the website and was also involved in the development of this research, comments:

Based on the assumption that plays per fumble follow a normal distribution, you’d expect to see, according to random fluctuation, the results that the Patriots have gotten since 2007 once in 5842 instances.

Which in layman’s terms means that this result only being a coincidence, is like winning a raffle where you have a 0.0001711874 probability to win. In other words, it’s very unlikely that results this abnormal are only due to the endogenous nature of the game.

Tom Brady asked the league to change the rules for inflation in 2006. This ends the discussion. He and Bill broke any rule they could to win because they are otherwise not competent enough to win on their own merit.


New member
Hall of Fame
Belicheat ordered the footballs deflated to stop fumbling in 2007. Tom is falling on the sword for him.

I'm glad you're here to tell us these things without any evidence to back it up.:chuckle:

The lack of fumbles, of course, couldn't possibly be attributable to a) good coaching, b) good fundamentals, or c) Belichick's policy of immediately sitting running backs who fumble. Right?

Tom Brady asked the league to change the rules for inflation in 2006. He and Peyton Manning both lobbied the league to allow quarterbacks playing at home to prep the footballs to their liking.


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The Steelers have more Super Bowl trophies than any other team.....what's there to cry about?


You tell me. All I ever hear from you is irrational unhinged complaining and a mouth-frothing kind of madness unique to Steelers fans when they discuss the Patriots.:chuckle:

Seriously, though. Listen to you and Nick--couple of crybabies stomping your feet. "Belicheat." Gee, that's original. "Take the Lombardis back!" To where? "Lose the banners!" As if that would prove anything. Why don't you guys grow up?

And like chrys said, if your Steelers know the Pats are "cheating," and they have had all kinds of chances to figure it out over the years, why haven't your boys been able to do so yet? Or is it just maybe possible Belichick and Brady have your number and Pittsburgh just can't get over that hump?
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Blessed beyond measure
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The new Patriots Super Bowl rings have come in.


Or is it just maybe possible Belichick and Brady have your number and Pittsburgh just can't get over that hump?

There's no doubt that what the Patriots have done from 2001 - 2015 is perhaps the greatest consistent dominance for such a time period the NFL has ever had.

I can't believe the Steelers somehow found a way to make it to three Super Bowls during the Patriot's dominance.

However, had it not been for the Patriots beating the Steelers in 2 AFC Championship Games, the Steelers would have went to 5 Super Bowls during that time span.

So, it's a little hard to swallow when we find out the Patriots allegedly cheated in both those games.

Without Spygate and Deflategate, the topic of this thread would be whether the 2001 - 2015 Patriots are the greatest dynasty in the history of the NFL.

But, because of Spygate & Deflategate, those conversations aren't taking place outside the Boston Metropolitan area.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There's no doubt that what the Patriots have done from 2001 - 2015 is perhaps the greatest consistent dominance for such a time period the NFL has ever had.
They've been very, very good. The old Celtics were dominant. For a shorter period of time other teams have been dominant, but like I told Granite earlier, this is more like the Spurs. Great and greater than most of the competition over the same stretch, but dominance? Not unless you have a pretty easy threshold for that sort of usage.

They got by on fgs for three early and then, over the next nine years managed two losses to a team no one is talking about as an all time opponent, in the Giants, and had last year's handed to them by Seattle (though they played a good game).

That's not dominance, it's just being consistently good enough and better than most.

Without Spygate and Deflategate, the topic of this thread would be whether the 2001 - 2015 Patriots are the greatest dynasty in the history of the NFL.
I think that's crazy.

But, because of Spygate & Deflategate, those conversations aren't taking place outside the Boston Metropolitan area.
It hasn't rocked my opinion. They're the Spurs with a little less ethical responsibility. Terrific team, great coach, amazing guy anchoring the thing on the field, typically play rock solid defense and score enough to win (with a few exceptional years).


New member
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There's no doubt that what the Patriots have done from 2001 - 2015 is perhaps the greatest consistent dominance for such a time period the NFL has ever had.

I suspect you lost some enamel gritting your teeth while writing that.:chuckle:

I can't believe the Steelers somehow found a way to make it to three Super Bowls during the Patriot's dominance.

Barely "winning" one thanks to some of the worst officiating I've ever seen on top of a ghastly QB performance; winning one, in a thriller; and losing a real close one against one hell of a Packers squad.

However, had it not been for the Patriots beating the Steelers in 2 AFC Championship Games, the Steelers would have went to 5 Super Bowls during that time span.

Uh...yeah? I guess? You were beaten. And if David Tyree doesn't have his moment Greatest Team All Time isn't even a discussion anymore. Ah well.

So, it's a little hard to swallow when we find out the Patriots allegedly cheated in both those games.

Well there you go again: A typical Pittsburgh fan's refusal to concede even the possibility--the chance--that you were simply outcoached and outplayed. That arrogance bled over to your 2001 squad, too, what with their bags already packed and ready for New Orleans. You played both those championships at home. You were 15-1 in '04. We were underdogs. You knocked out Tom Brady in that first AFC title match up. What other advantage could you possibly have asked for?

This isn't just postseason, either. The Steelers don't really faze the Belichick Patriots in the regular season either. You guys got toasted good and proper year before last in a ho-hum sort of butt kicking. It was predictable.

Without Spygate and Deflategate, the topic of this thread would be whether the 2001 - 2015 Patriots are the greatest dynasty in the history of the NFL.

They're still in the discussion but with those two clouds hanging over them not even one more title would be able to end the debate.
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Lengthy but interesting. Contains some NSFW language. One very good point is made though that I hadn't considered till now:

"Nowhere does the report address what their motivation would be to deflate footballs after Mr. Brady had selected them for use in the game, let alone after the referee had inspected them and had acknowledged they were set at 12.5, precisely where Mr. Brady said he wanted them....To have someone, particularly someone who would do so in a haphazard fashion, release air from footballs after they have been set at 12.5 could only result in inconsistency of the footballs."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Lengthy but interesting. Contains some NSFW language. One very good point is made though that I hadn't considered till now:

"Nowhere does the report address what their motivation would be to deflate footballs after Mr. Brady had selected them for use in the game, let alone after the referee had inspected them and had acknowledged they were set at 12.5, precisely where Mr. Brady said he wanted them....
To me that's the more damning part. The motivation would be to literally and knowingly break the rules, to seek a particular competitive advantage they knew wouldn't exist within the rules. Mr. Brady isn't going to tell anyone (outside of his guys who literally handle the balls) that he prefers them below the legal limit.

Now couple that with how no one, no one on the Pats were disputing that their balls were deflated in the weeks following their being caught. Bill tried a "I'm no scientist, but" attempt to explain it, but the newest attempt is clearly a lawyerly device, the science etc.

To have someone, particularly someone who would do so in a haphazard fashion, release air from footballs after they have been set at 12.5 could only result in inconsistency of the footballs."
Practice makes closer to perfect. Haphazard? Not if you've been doing it for a while. You know where the balls are in terms of PSI and a quick, short release takes you to that slightly softer feel Tom prefers.


New member
Hall of Fame
To me that's the more damning part. The motivation would be to literally and knowingly break the rules, to seek a particular competitive advantage they knew wouldn't exist within the rules. Mr. Brady isn't going to tell anyone (outside of his guys who literally handle the balls) that he prefers them below the legal limit.

Not an indictment on Brady; if anything it makes clear that he's a perfectionist and already had the footballs right where he wanted them. There's no reason to fiddle with them any further.

Now couple that with how no one, no one on the Pats were disputing that their balls were deflated in the weeks following their being caught. Bill tried a "I'm no scientist, but" attempt to explain it, but the newest attempt is clearly a lawyerly device, the science etc.

You should read the rest of the rebuttal.

Practice makes closer to perfect. Haphazard? Not if you've been doing it for a while. You know where the balls are in terms of PSI and a quick, short release takes you to that slightly softer feel Tom prefers.

Pure conjecture. And what it amounts to is assuming a hyper-competitive perfectionist will leave the pigskin in the hands of Thing 1 and Thing 2 in the hopes they maybe, probably get it right. Sorry, but that doesn't add up.

I think Brady's team is going to rip the Wells report to shreds.
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