NFL 2014

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The amazing thing is the Colts road defense (and that matters in the NFL) was not exactly good during the year. They sure looked good today.
They were mugging wrs at the outset, throwing off timing on just about every route and it really showed. Peyton isn't a scramble and find someone qb, so if you can manage that you've seriously debilitated the passing game. And Luck was incredible. The Bronco pass rush missed him by inches I couldn't tell you how many times while he made a big play moving just outside their grasp. Really proud of my Colts. Really sad for Peyton.


I think the Cowboys were robbed

The Cowboys let a one-legged QB lead his team 90 yards in 7 plays, then 80 yards in 8 plays.

The Cowboys didn't lose the game because of an overturned catch. They lost it because they couldn't stop a one-legged QB.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Cowboys let a one-legged QB lead his team 90 yards in 7 plays, then 80 yards in 8 plays.

The Cowboys didn't lose the game because of an overturned catch. They lost it because they couldn't stop a one-legged QB.
Two relatively evenly matched teams can have a contest decided by a break or a bad call. Everyone is playing hurt by this time of year. GB was nearly beaten by a qb with a busted back.

But it doesn't matter. I hope the NFL looks at that in the off season and maybe they will. Mostly I hope the Colt defense plays as well next week. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, you and I will be rooting for the same team next week.

Go Colts!!!!!

However, the early line has the Patriots a 7 point favorite :cry:
Yeah, that's my first metric line as well. My Colts scored about what I thought they would but either the Denver offense died OR some really good coaching/scheming and playing went on. I had the most likely score Denver 32, Indy 23


Stat Time:

Peyton Manning now has 13 postseason losses.

In those 13 loses, his team was favored in 11 of them.


Maybe Peyton woke up today and sung the following lyrics to the Nationwide Insurance song:



New member
The lines:

Bal @ NE: the Patriots are a 7 point favorite.

Car @ Sea: the Seahawks are an 11 point favorite.

Dal @ GB: the Packers are a 6 point favorite.

Ind @ Den: the Broncos are a 7 point favorite.

These all seem too big to me. I think one favorite will cover (Seattle). 2 underdogs will cover and lose (Baltimore and Dallas)(did I get the lingo right here?), and one underdog will upset (Indy). I'm not brave enough to assign these to specific teams.

But I'm happy with my admittedly vague predictions. (I added in the teams this morning).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Stat Time:

Peyton Manning now has 13 postseason losses.

In those 13 loses, his team was favored in 11 of them.
Meaningless stat for the reasons I've set out prior and you've never been able to counter.

That said, something happened in the last part of this season. I thought Denver changed play with an eye to the playoffs. After watching him try and just not get the ball where he clearly saw the read I have to say this one was on him and either he's hurt or time just caught him. If the latter, it's over.

Nobody better make excuses for Peyton. Enough. The guy simply isn't that good come playoff time.
He wasn't yesterday. Otherwise, you're being ridiculous or a Pats fan, but I repeat myself. Two SBs and a ring is more than many a Hall of Famer has and his numbers, HIS numbers in the playoffs speak for themselves.

Time is the enemy of the athlete and time always wins. Absent injury, that's what's happened. And if it is, congrats to Peyton for being an exemplary representative of a great game for a very long time and good luck in coaching or broadcasting or whatever else he does.


Nobody better make excuses for Peyton. Enough. The guy simply isn't that good come playoff time.

You're Pats are playing the Colts this weekend.

Let's here what you have to say about Jim Irsay?

After yesterday's game, Irsay thinks he's a genius for cutting Manning and choosing Luck.

Maybe someone should remind Irsay about the Trent Richardson trade. It's not often that a team gives away a first round pick for an inactive guy.


New member
Maybe he should ask Eli for some post season tips.......... The one super bowl win Peyton has wasn't very impressive..... I'm just saying :p


or time just caught him.

I'm thinking time.

There was a play in the second quarter when it was third down and about five or six, and Peyton scrambled to his right. He could have easily ran for the first down (there wasn't a defender within 30 yards of him), but instead he threw an incomplete pass.

It's always so sad when great athletes play longer than they should. Hopefully, Peyton will do the right thing.

He looked really good the first half of the season.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Nine one and dones speak for themselves, TH.
No, they mostly don't. I've walked through games and numbers. This is and always has been a mistaken meme run by talking heads and adopted without serious examination by people with different dogs in the fight. Such is life.

Maybe he should ask Eli for some post season tips.......... The one super bowl win Peyton has wasn't very impressive..... I'm just saying :p
He's been to three and impressive by what metric? His better game was the loss to NO, but in the Chicago win? A decent game against a team that got there by fielding arguably the NFL's best defense. If Seattle goes back to the SB and Brady or Luck go up against them let's see how their numbers look, win or lose.

Against Chicago? Peyton was 25 of 38 for 247, 1 td to 1 int and an 81.8 rating, which is good, not great. Peyton was named MVP of that game. It wasn't because they had to give it to someone. So a context within the game helps. Look back and see if he set up a score or two he didn't throw for, by way of.

Brady's first win came against the Rams. How'd he look? 16 of 27 for 145, 1 td, no int. He won.

In Brady's last two losses he's had good games. not great, but good. He's had one SB where he threw over 300 yards. The same one where he threw for 3 tds and the next 6 total tds in SBs are divided among the remaining four appearances.

Is Brady a great qb? Absolutely. Has he had dominant SB performances? Not really. But then, it's rare that at that level and point in the game that anyone does.

What I'm getting at is this, the team play and winning can make an impression that skews how we look at stats. Well, how the fan with a vested interest (meaning most, because most won't be rooting for Tom or Peyton or whoever we're looking at) in seeing things a certain way.

Against New Orleans Peyton went 31 of 45 for 333, 1 and 1 and an 88.5 rating, which is more than good. In fact it's better than two of Tom's SB performances, one of them a win. And in the last, against a team that didn't give him his second and change to throw, he was 34 of 49 for 280, 1 and 2 and an anemic 73.5 and the one legitimately poor performance, because of the picks, in a year where nearly every qb that faced Seattle had a less than impressive outing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you can hear the fat lady sing
to much attention on the man
not enough for the team
when you play with the big boys
you need a team
a coach

maybe just a coach


Pete Carroll's record as head coach of the New England Patriots without Tom Brady: 33-31

Bill Belichick's record as head coach of the New England Patriots without Tom Brady: 16-18
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