So, people have won the Lottery twice against astronomical odds.
Right. And that's no rebuttal. Unless you assume the people there got it right twice. You should really look into it. Actually, literally do that and you won't keep writing bits like this.
Funny thing is, it hasn't been demonstrated.
The rotation of the earth and it's orbit around the sun hasn't been demonstrated?
Things change, Republicans and Democrats are not the original parties formed at the birth of this Nation.
I never said otherwise. But the way law and this government functions (and you were talking about a rather immediate period of time with Trump acting within that Constitutional framework) you couldn't do what you spoke to. Couldn't begin to do it. Again, the Constitution wouldn't let you. Do you know the process for repealing Constitutional Amendments?
Once again Liberal Supreme Court misinterpretations of the Constitution can be overturned.
I didn't mention the S. Ct., though it has a role, as does a divided Congress and the White House. Seriously, there's no rational way to argue for your position if you understand the process of government, supra.
Your idea of equality is skewed by Liberal propaganda.
Well, no. That's just you saying something, again. Equality before the law isn't complicated. It's neither a conservative nor a liberal notion. What's complicated is putting it into action. It took quite a while for us to manage it. For a long time we didn't even treat some human beings like human beings. Some poor souls still don't, or do so begrudgingly.