Muslims burn 43 more to death....because the 40 last week wasn't enough


Who determines what is and isn't a perversion of scripture? You?

I'll go with God's Word.

Back to your defense of mass murdering child molesting barbarians.

Since shag is busy doing his drug thing, why don't you show us where Holy Scripture denies the right to self defense?


Active member
I'll go with God's Word.

Back to your defense of mass murdering child molesting barbarians.

Since shag is busy doing his drug thing, why don't you show us where Holy Scripture denies the right to self defense?

That is a red herring. What matters is the specific situations when self defense is justified and also the specific actions one takes in carrying out the defense (whether those specific actions are justified). Are you the authorized representative of God to determine that?


While the pagans are cherry picking Scripture for a verse telling Christians to turn the other cheek, here's this:

The Biblical View of Self-Defense

Islam, as we've seen throughout history, is the aggressor and Christians and people of other faiths who are victims of these ruthless barbarians have every right to protect themselves.



Active member
While the pagans are cherry picking Scripture for a verse telling Christians to turn the other cheek, here's this:

The Biblical View of Self-Defense

Islam, as we've seen throughout history, is the aggressor and Christians and people of other faiths who are victims of these ruthless barbarians have every right to protect themselves.

People are aggressors, not ideas or religions. That is about as brain dead as saying that people who have guns, as we've seen throughout history, are the aggressors and non-gun wielding people who are victims of these ruthless gun wielding barbarians have every right to "protect" themselves, by ruthlessly slaughtering every gun wielding individual and nuking the gun manufacturers.

You seem to have a knack for engaging in Orwellian use of language. War is peace, slaughter is protection, dropping nukes is defense.


New member
Only someone high on drugs would think that.

Take a hit off your bong and show us in the Bible where Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the flesh doesn't allow self defense as a means of staying alive, because that's what these Christians are doing.

Actually, I'd like to see when Jesus did act in self defense against the people that wrongly executed him


Active member
It's that "born to die" thing that pagans don't understand about Jesus.

In which part of scripture did Jesus advocate taking up arms against Rome?

It fits your description to a T: Rome, as seen throughout history at that point, was the aggressor and Christians and people of other faiths were the victims of those ruthless barbarians and had every right to protect themselves.


In which part of scripture did Jesus advocate taking up arms against Rome?

Is that something that must have been done in order to validate the Bible on the right to self defense?

It fits your description to a T: Rome, as seen throughout history at that point, was the aggressor and Christians and people of other faiths were the victims of those ruthless barbarians and had every right to protect themselves.

The Romans were amateurs when it came to your beloved muzzies and their savagery.

Also keep in mind that we're not talking about a bunch of unarmed Christians taking on an army of muzzies (which had Jesus suggested His followers do against Rome there would have been a bloodbath). It wouldn't be difficult to win this war against Islam, just catch them at the right time:

At a Muslim group wedding:



New member
In which part of scripture did Jesus advocate taking up arms against Rome?

It fits your description to a T: Rome, as seen throughout history at that point, was the aggressor and Christians and people of other faiths were the victims of those ruthless barbarians and had every right to protect themselves.

It took a fierce, warrior leader, Augustine to make Christianity the religion of the Empire.


Active member
Is that something that must have been done in order to validate the Bible on the right to self defense?

The Romans were amateurs when it came to your beloved muzzies and their savagery.

Also keep in mind that we're not talking about a bunch of unarmed Christians taking on an army of muzzies (which had Jesus suggested His followers do against Rome there would have been a bloodbath). It wouldn't be difficult to win this war against Islam, just catch them at the right time:

At a Muslim group wedding:


That image proves you are such a sucker for fake propaganda. You apparently are unable to distinguish fiction from reality. How can one carry on a conversation with someone so deluded?

Besides, you have failed to offer Biblical support for what constitutes justifiable self-defense that doesn't rely on your sole authority.


New member
Hall of Fame
That image proves you are such a sucker for fake propaganda. You apparently are unable to distinguish fiction from reality. How can one carry on a conversation with someone so deluded?

Besides, you have failed to offer Biblical support for what constitutes justifiable self-defense that doesn't rely on your sole authority.

Can you imagine the field day a propagandist could have with those creepy evangelical father-daughter "purity" dances?:noway:


That image proves you are such a sucker for fake propaganda. You apparently are unable to distinguish fiction from reality. How can one carry on a conversation with someone so deluded?

Because is an expert on the false religion of Islam?

When I was three years old my father died, and after a year my mother married again, but her second husband didn’t want me,” says Gulsoma. “So my mother gave me away in a promise of marriage to our neighbor’s oldest son, who was thirty.”

Canada: Muslim child brides on the increase


Besides, you have failed to offer Biblical support for what constitutes justifiable self-defense that doesn't rely on your sole authority.

You're absolutely right. I encourage you and your fellow liberals to remove anything from your homes that could be seen as a weapon that could be used in self defense (butter knives.. because liberals don't eat meat and wouldn't have steak knives, pencils, etc.) because the act of self defense goes against Scripture.

(Let these idiots get what they deserve).


Hall of Fame
Because is an expert on the false religion of Islam?

When I was three years old my father died, and after a year my mother married again, but her second husband didn’t want me,” says Gulsoma. “So my mother gave me away in a promise of marriage to our neighbor’s oldest son, who was thirty.”

Canada: Muslim child brides on the increase


You're absolutely right. I encourage you and your fellow liberals to remove anything from your homes that could be seen as a weapon that could be used in self defense (butter knives.. because liberals don't eat meat and wouldn't have steak knives, pencils, etc.) because the act of self defense goes against Scripture.

(Let these idiots get what they deserve).

:plain: Simple question. Knowing that *nuking* them would include killing Christians as well as innocent unborn babies and children, do you agree with Nick that they should be nuked?


Active member
Because is an expert on the false religion of Islam?

The link is an authoritative source on that fake propaganda photo you used and were a sucker to fall for. I never claimed that link was anything other than a debunk of that photo. Do you admit that you were wrong to use the photo?

When I was three years old my father died, and after a year my mother married again, but her second husband didn’t want me,” says Gulsoma. “So my mother gave me away in a promise of marriage to our neighbor’s oldest son, who was thirty.”

Canada: Muslim child brides on the increase


And how does this derail relate to the topic of Biblically justfied scenarios of self-defense? Do you have adult ADHD?

You're absolutely right. I encourage you and your fellow liberals to remove anything from your homes that could be seen as a weapon that could be used in self defense (butter knives.. because liberals don't eat meat and wouldn't have steak knives, pencils, etc.) because the act of self defense goes against Scripture.

(Let these idiots get what they deserve).

And now we have reading comprehension fail. I never claimed self defense goes against scripture. I was attempting (a futile attempt, at that), to determine what scenarios fall within Scripturally justified self defense.


Nuke 'em.

The jihadist group Islamic State, or IS, burned alive on Saturday 43 people kidnapped in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, a security official told Efe....Last Feb. 17, the IS executed and burned more than 40 people in the same area, most of them members of the police and the Salvation Councils.

And they also claim they tossed homos off the Tower of Pisa. They said the would and now say they did. Perhaps an Italian on TOL can verify the news story.
Meanwhile Christian militias and Christian terrorism continues to slaughter Muslims throughout the world....